Should Legal Immigration Be Reduced By An Equal Proportion With Illegal Immigration Per Country ?

Should legal immigration to US be reduced by an equal proportion with illegal immigration per countr

  • 5 Absolutely Agree - Definitely Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
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  • 0 Indifference

    Votes: 1 20.0%
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  • -5 Absolutely Disagree - Definitely No

    Votes: 1 20.0%

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Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Should Legal Immigration Be Reduced By An Equal Proportion With Illegal Immigration Per Country ? "

* Return Costs By Curtailing Immigration Processing *

Should legal immigration to US be reduced by an equal proportion with illegal immigration per country ?

In other words , a proportion of legal immigration afforded to a country should be reduced to account for an estimated number of illegal immigrants from that country .

Amnesty is not expected to be forwarded to illegal immigrants , even though a reduction in legal immigration occurs in proportion with the estimated number of illegal immigrants .
The United States has halted legal immigration before...we have put severe restrictions on asylum and other forms of passage into our nation...we have that right...
We have stopped all immigration for the sake of assimilation in the past....

If we allow this border rush to succeed with the crying babies and CNN controlling the narrative then we are not a sovereign nation any longer....

We may as well take the fences down and remove the agents from the border and say welcome....welcome in so you can make us just like the mess you are fleeing......with a one hundred and fifteen year old Nancy Pelosi as queen.....

no thanks!!!!!!!

Thank you President Trump for standing strong against the fake media hype.....
interesting on TUCKER tonight . He was asking the question i always ask which is . With 310 million legals plus million of illegals in the USA in 2010 why does the USA need more imported people . I t was good to hear, maybe people are waking up to the problem of immigration . --------------- in closing , STOP all types of immigration into the USA .
Should LEGAL immigration be reduced proportionally to a nation's ILLEGAL immigration?


Hell, add a financial penalty on top of that...

1. determine the average number of Illegal Aliens upon US soil from the country for the year

2. determine the average cost to America per year for each Illegal Alien ( combination of federal, state, local dollars )

3. multiply (1) X (2) = Total Burden of Illegal Aliens per year

4.subtract (3) from the total Foreign Aid we give that country every year

When (4) goes negative - and it will - send the offending country an annual bill for the difference

Insist that they pay the bill

They'll stop sending us their Trash damned quick
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" How Identity Representation Happened Upon A Global Demographic Becoming Racialists Against Them "

* Heart Seller Homonym And False Positive Eponyms *

Should LEGAL immigration be reduced proportionally to a nation's ILLEGAL immigration?
A scenario could be as thus .

Currently , there are 1.4 million permanent residents admitted to the us each year through the us funded immigration process that is an increase from 150,00 annual in years prior to 1965 .

Therefore , suppose there is some estimated number of illegal residents , suppose 10 million , and suppose that the annual legal portion of the 1.4 million is 250,000 , then half that to 125,000 until the balance of estimated total of illegals is for accounted ; amnesty is not to be extended .

The level of immigration has increased significantly from 150,000 with job skills preference annual to the near 120,000 per month first come first served - extended family unification , as a consequence of legislative actions
The Hart–Celler Act amended the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran-Walter Act), while it upheld many provisions of the Immigration Act of 1924. It maintained per-country limits, which had been a feature of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s, and it developed preference categories.[7]
One of the main components aimed to abolish the national-origins quota. This meant that it eliminated national origin, race, and ancestry as basis for immigration.
It created a seven-category preference system, which gave priority to relatives of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents and to professionals and other individuals with specialized skills.
Immediate relatives and "special immigrants" were not subject to numerical restrictions. Some of the "special immigrants" include ministers, former employees of the U.S. government, foreign medical graduates, among others.
For the first time, immigration from the Western Hemisphere was limited.
It added a labor certification requirement, which dictated that the Secretary of Labor needed to certify labor shortages.
Refugees were given the seventh and last category preference with the possibility of adjusting their status. However, refugees could enter the United States through other means as well like those seeking temporary asylum.
* Enforcement In Proportions "
Hell, add a financial penalty on top of that...
1. determine the average number of Illegal Aliens upon US soil from the country for the year
2. determine the average cost to America per year for each Illegal Alien ( combination of federal, state, local dollars )
3. multiply (1) X (2) = Total Burden of Illegal Aliens per year
4.subtract (3) from the total Foreign Aid we give that country every year
When (4) goes negative - and it will - send the offending country an annual bill for the difference
Insist that they pay the bill
They'll stop sending us their Trash damned quick
Save it to say , commercialization includes formidable clout in determining both the means as well as the ends of social constructs .

When was the last time Secretary of Labor provided a report on the relationship between immigration and necessary skill sets ?
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act or the Reagan Amnesty,[1] signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The Act[2]
required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;
made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;
legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;
legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed at least a minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language.

At the time, the Immigration and Naturalization Service estimated that about four million illegal immigrants would apply for legal status through the act and that roughly half of them would be eligible.[3]
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STOP all immigration of all types . Who needs more people in the USA a country of 310 million in the 2010 census plus millions of illegals .
" Obliteration Proliferation Survival Techniques "

* Over Burgeoning Egoism *

STOP all immigration of all types . Who needs more people in the USA a country of 310 million in the 2010 census plus millions of illegals .
Should you may as well stop with " Who needs more people " and add " on the planet ? " ?

How could one complain about global warming and not correlate that supposition with expected outcomes given a runaway global population of humans ?

Which egoistic tendencies require unrequited proliferation in equivalence with efficiency and effectiveness towards an enrichment , sophistication and refinement of interpersonal relationships , intrapersonal relationships , and social infrastructure ?

* Useful Again *

When was the last time Secretary of Labor provided a report on the relationship between immigration and necessary skill sets ?
not much of an answer or reply for you but i'm only interested in the USA and livability in the USA for young Americans Monk .
" Breeding Into Poverty And Into Political Control "

* Idiots Of America Get What They Asked For A Degenerate Sell Out Running The Show *

Legal immigration from countries where illegal migrants originate should be reduced in proportion with the number of illegal migrants in the country .

Hours ahead of President Biden’s inauguration, incoming White House officials released more details of his ambitious legislative proposals on immigration reform, including a pathway to U.S. citizenship for an estimated 11 million people and a series of executive actions, among them an immediate stop to construction of fencing along the southern border.

The U.S. Citizenship Act, which Biden sent to Capitol Hill on Inauguration Day, offers an eight-year road map to citizenship for the estimated 11 million immigrants in the United States without legal status. If approved, it would prioritize three categories of people to immediately receive green cards: farm workers, those with temporary protected status and beneficiaries of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as “Dreamers,” who were brought to the U.S. as children.
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" Should Legal Immigration Be Reduced By An Equal Proportion With Illegal Immigration Per Country ? "

* Return Costs By Curtailing Immigration Processing *

Should legal immigration to US be reduced by an equal proportion with illegal immigration per country ?

In other words , a proportion of legal immigration afforded to a country should be reduced to account for an estimated number of illegal immigrants from that country .

Amnesty is not expected to be forwarded to illegal immigrants , even though a reduction in legal immigration occurs in proportion with the estimated number of illegal immigrants .
In other words, just wave everybody in (as there is no reduction of illegal migrants), as the current pro-Marxist administration, is only temporarily holding them, then waving them on in, even billing us for their breaking the laws.
" Exceeding Caution Against Centralized Planning With Contention Over Illegitimate Aggression "

* When Prices And Volume Were Lower And Government Jobs Programs To Promote Brood Parasitism *

In other words, just wave everybody in (as there is no reduction of illegal migrants), as the current pro-Marxist administration, is only temporarily holding them, then waving them on in, even billing us for their breaking the laws.
The demon rats want a socialis state and are content to diminish us worker force for globalism and the best way for them to recruit the popular vote for expropriation of private wealth is to import those proven most susceptible for implementing it .

The burden of social subsistence to children of illegal migrants is shouldered by states through unfunded mandates and then federal programs control subsidies as punishment or reward for compliance with guidelines unrelated with the unfunded mandates .

Q: How much does it cost to take care of the unaccompanied children?
A: The FY 18 appropriation for this program is $1.3 billion.

-- 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own --

-- Biden Policies Promoting Disregard Of US Worker Wages --

* Unfunded Mandates From Arrogant Federalists *
In the United States, federal mandates are orders that induce "responsibility, action, procedure or anything else that is imposed by constitutional, administrative, executive, or judicial action" for state and local governments and/or the private sector.[1]

An unfunded mandate is a statute or regulation that requires a state or local government to perform certain actions, with no money provided for fulfilling the requirements. Public individuals or organizations can also be required to fulfill public mandates.[2]

* Political Negligence *

before the
AUGUST 14, 2006
Serial No. 109-188
Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Reform
Available via the World Wide Web:
30-527 WASHINGTON : 2006

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" Enjoys The Smell Their Own Feces Piled High And No Courtesy Flush "

* Breeding Into Poverty And Stupid Political Decisions Are Not Our Problem *

NO. What a stupid question.
There is nothing surprising about such typical troll behavior of those who does not respect citizen sovereignty and cannot understand the consequences of gluttony and bad decisions .

The number of legal immigrants from countries sending illegal migrants should absolutely be reduced by an equal proportion to those arriving illegally .
...The number of legal immigrants from countries sending illegal migrants should absolutely be reduced by an equal proportion to those arriving illegally .

That would be utterly stupid, and make a bad situation worse.
" Does Not Understand The Rules "

* Vagrants With Representation By Fools *

That would be utterly stupid, and make a bad situation worse.
Doing so would greatly improve the integrity of us citizen sovereignty .

First , go out and give away all you own and surroget them , rather than forcing others to surrogate them .
" Insurrection Against A Legitimate Constitution For Citizen Privileges "

* Immigration Incompetence At Its Best *

It would have exactly the opposite effect, you short-sighted dope.
@Unkotare should stop replying to itself while reflecting in the mirror .
" Insurrection Against A Legitimate Constitution For Citizen Privileges "

* Immigration Incompetence At Its Best *

It would have exactly the opposite effect, you short-sighted dope.
@Unkotare should stop replying to itself while reflecting in the mirror .
It took you this long to come up with such a playground bon mot? You’re hopeless.
" Microcosm Delusional With Ignorance Of The Macrocosm "

* Absurdity Of Self Relevance *

It took you this long to come up with such a playground bon mot? You’re hopeless.
The response was finally reviewed .

That consternation occurred in you by a lack of , or latent response , to an off topic , critic nip , completely vacuous of merit , is beyond entertaining .

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