Should legal Immigrants be deported for Drugoffenses?

Of course they should! Who bears the burden of drug users? You and me! Either by rehab or by crime. Deport them all never to come back again. Let them make their life in the country of their birth - period!
Should Immigrants Be Deported for Drug Offenses? -

:disagree: No!!!! they shouldn't, be deported not if they are legal. They should be made to serve their time here in our criminal systems, instead of sending them packing, so they would be free to run again. If they are legal here in this country, they should have to pay the price, just like American offenders do.

I think you earn the right to remain here. I think if you commit a felony you should be deported. Take your problems with you.

Once you become a citizen then you can do time in our prisons.

I think this policy would provide incentive for immigrants not to break the law here.
The law is very clear - if you are here legally OR illegaly and commit a felony, deportation is the punishment. The law is the law. When more people accept that, their life will be easier.

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