Should colleges require work experience?

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They are a business..............they want your money..........they don't care if you learn or or succeed........

They are there for money.........except the professors who are their to turn your brain into liberal mush.
Work at Walmart, live at home, save for college or tech school. One should be able to save $12,000/year. In three years one would have enough to pay cash for most tech courses.
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When I started college (Pitt) right out of high school I was not mature enough to be a college student. A combination of my own fault and some extenuating circumstances resulted in my expulsion for academic failure at the end of my second semester.

When I started college again after 3 years in the Army, I flew through with no problems or issues.

So after two years at community college, I went back to Pitt and was confronted with a mathematical conundrum. Their policy on re-admits was that I would have to raise my CUMULATIVE QPA to at least 2.0, or I would be permanently dismissed. I quit my classes halfway through my second semester way back then, resulting in a QPA for that semester of 0.0. Hence, it was mathematically impossible for me to bring my cumulative QPA to the required level at the end of a 15-credit semester.

My academic counselor told me not to worry about it, since the chances that "anyone" would notice the problem were close to zero. So I did my last two years at Pitt with a QPA of 3.5+, but my final transcripts showed a cumulative QPA of 2.5 or something like that. I tried to get it changed - I wasn't using any of the credits from my first year - I was told it wasn't possible. I thought that the mediocre QPA would be problem when applying for law school, but I later learned that the most important think on my application was the block that I checked indicating that I was not going to be applying for any sort of scholarship or student aid.

So it all worked out.

For some kids, 18 is too young to go to college. The current student loan "crisis" just reinforces that fact.

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