Short List of Hillary Clinton Failures as a Leader

Someone either is, or is not, a's not a matter of interpretation.....

So I ask again...

Comey and Lynch "interpreted" against the law. Clinton is a felon; we all know it.
I bet "we" are home schooled lawyers.....

I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.
The quotation marks serve a you Idiots read ANYTHING other than Breitbart?

It doesn't matter if you put something in quotes without context, you fucking moron.

You mean like

we all know it.

You're a bit of a brick, ain't ya?
Comey and Lynch "interpreted" against the law. Clinton is a felon; we all know it.
I bet "we" are home schooled lawyers.....

I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.
The quotation marks serve a you Idiots read ANYTHING other than Breitbart?

It doesn't matter if you put something in quotes without context, you fucking moron.

You mean like

we all know it.

You're a bit of a brick, ain't ya?

I've seen retards argue more coherently.
I bet "we" are home schooled lawyers.....

I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.
The quotation marks serve a you Idiots read ANYTHING other than Breitbart?

It doesn't matter if you put something in quotes without context, you fucking moron.

You mean like

we all know it.

You're a bit of a brick, ain't ya?

I've seen retards argue more coherently.
With what part of the manifest are you struggling?
I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.
The quotation marks serve a you Idiots read ANYTHING other than Breitbart?

It doesn't matter if you put something in quotes without context, you fucking moron.

You mean like

we all know it.

You're a bit of a brick, ain't ya?

I've seen retards argue more coherently.
With what part of the manifest are you struggling?

I wouldn't waste time "struggling" with a retard.
The quotation marks serve a you Idiots read ANYTHING other than Breitbart?

It doesn't matter if you put something in quotes without context, you fucking moron.

You mean like

we all know it.

You're a bit of a brick, ain't ya?

I've seen retards argue more coherently.
With what part of the manifest are you struggling?

I wouldn't waste time "struggling" with a retard.
So you're throwing in the towel on self improvement?
5th post
It doesn't matter if you put something in quotes without context, you fucking moron.

You mean like

we all know it.

You're a bit of a brick, ain't ya?

I've seen retards argue more coherently.
With what part of the manifest are you struggling?

I wouldn't waste time "struggling" with a retard.
So you're throwing in the towel on self improvement?

:lmao: You just pull anything out of your ass and hope it sticks.
You mean like

we all know it.

You're a bit of a brick, ain't ya?

I've seen retards argue more coherently.
With what part of the manifest are you struggling?

I wouldn't waste time "struggling" with a retard.
So you're throwing in the towel on self improvement?

:lmao: You just pull anything out of your ass and hope it sticks.

There is a reason we have an ignore list; to put libtards on it.

Try it, Mikey, you'll like it.
. The fact that you back a felon .


Someone either is, or is not, a's not a matter of interpretation.....



Comey and Lynch "interpreted" against the law. Clinton is a felon; we all know it.

I bet "we" are home schooled lawyers.....

I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.

Now get back in the box with the rest of the rocks.
I've seen retards argue more coherently.
With what part of the manifest are you struggling?

I wouldn't waste time "struggling" with a retard.
So you're throwing in the towel on self improvement?

:lmao: You just pull anything out of your ass and hope it sticks.

There is a reason we have an ignore list; to put libtards on it.

Try it, Mikey, you'll like it.

You a big fan of Bripat's?
. The fact that you back a felon .


Someone either is, or is not, a's not a matter of interpretation.....



Comey and Lynch "interpreted" against the law. Clinton is a felon; we all know it.

I bet "we" are home schooled lawyers.....

I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.

Now get back in the box with the rest of the rocks.

You're rambling like a deuche.
. The fact that you back a felon .


Someone either is, or is not, a's not a matter of interpretation.....



Comey and Lynch "interpreted" against the law. Clinton is a felon; we all know it.

I bet "we" are home schooled lawyers.....

I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.

Now get back in the box with the rest of the rocks.

You're rambling like a deuche.
57% of the words in the post to which you are replying are yours...

and it's "douche"........
. The fact that you back a felon .


Someone either is, or is not, a's not a matter of interpretation.....



Comey and Lynch "interpreted" against the law. Clinton is a felon; we all know it.

I bet "we" are home schooled lawyers.....

I don't know why you're referring to yourself as part of a we in this circumstance. Work on your communications skills.

Now get back in the box with the rest of the rocks.

You're rambling like a deuche.
57% of the words in the post to which you are replying are yours...

and it's "douche"........

So, you're rambling with quoted words, deuche.
I am not going to cite any sources. IF you are interested in them just google them - there will be no paucity of hits.

1. Her Clinton Foundation Failed the people of Haiti despite hundreds of millions of dollars in donation. Those people are still starving squalor today despite more money per person than record amounts of relief used in a rescue effort before.

2. She blew up relations with Russia from the inception of her 'Reset button' bad translation fiasco. Failing to either ward off Russian aggression or make peace with it, Russia is now CONDUCTING MILITARY DRILLS WITH THE CHINESE, she and the Obama regime have alienated them so badly. She has virtually single handedly reignited the Cold War.

3. She destroyed Libya, simply destroyed it with her stupidity and incompetence and cowardliness...and maybe old age sleepiness as well. Look at Libya today and realize that she is so incompetent she can do to America what she did to the Libyans.

4. She destroyed a loyal ally in Egypt's Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood anti Western terrorist supporters were then thrown out in a coup by the Egyptian military.

5. She led the creation of chaos in Syria, another nation she has turned into a colossal ruin in the Middle East.

6. She had no idea that refusing to give in to any of the Iraqi governments demands would lead to our withdrawal and the introduction of radical Sunni terrorists, or maybe she thought this would be good for our interests and of Iraq.

7. Iran has grown to the Supreme power in the Middle East under Hillary Clinton and Obama. Maybe their personal connections with Muslim nations and advisers had something to do with this? Iran is a nation that annually holds several anti-America rallies in which the main slogan yelled is 'Death to America!'. Perhaps she and Obama sympathize with them on that matter?

8. The failure to push Pakistan to enable the destruction of the Taliban, who will eventually take over now and run out a key US ally.

9. She led efforts to pull out anti missile defenses from Poland and Slovakia which undermined European confidence in the Obama Regime's back bone. Had they been paying attention they never would have trusted Clinton or Obama along prior to that.

10. She had been accepting donations from foreign governments throughout her entire term as Secretary of State, which not only is a conflict of interest and likely illegal (not that the Clintons have a problem with the merely illegal) but it directly broke her pledge to not accept such donations while Secretary of State. She signed a pledge not to, then did it anyway. Maybe she can trust Chelsea to handle things for her while she is President, if elected, God forbid.

11. She demonstrated such amazing incompetence by storing SAP level secrets of the US government, that the director of the FBI could only let her get away with it by saying that Hillary is too stupid and incompetent to be held responsible for even gross negligence charges. These are direct violations of US law regarding the handling of classified documents. If she cant handle storing classified documents correctly, how can she be trusted with our nuclear forces?

12. As Senator from New York, the home of Wall Street, instead of getting the 200k jobs she promised the people of that state, she failed in her role as Senator to oversee the banking industry, whose malpractice led directly to the collapse of the real estate markets and much of the financial sector.

13. As the leader of the Democratic Party, she failed to make sure that her chief rival, Bernie Sanders, got a clean and fair shot at getting the nomination. Instead she had the DNC's Debbie Washerwoman Schultz piss off the Sanders delegates and then lock them out of the convention. Rumors are that the DNC then hired people off the street to sit in the old Sanders delegates seats and cheer her during her acceptance speech.

Hillary Clinton does not have a single major accomplishment other than building up her resume as a government apparachik, but instead has a lengthy list of failures and disasters that have harmed the people and the interests of the US and has caused the murders and deaths of of countless American assets at home and over seas.

And these fools want her to be President so they can get more free shit, not realizing that Hillary might just kill the goose that gives them the free shit.

But for us loyal Americans who can still assemble Facts with Reason to build thoughtful frames of reference and analysis, Hillary is an oncoming disaster without precedence.

View attachment 87226
What Bill and Hillary Clinton's Controversial Foundation Actually Does

Find out the truth or stay ignorant. I doesn't matter to me.
“Yes I started the Birther movement…but I was wrong”…Hillary Clinton

"Yes I beat my Husband.... but I was wrong"...Hillary Clinton

"Yes I voted YES for the Iraq war...but I was wrong"...Hillary Clinton

"Yes I had a Private Server...but I was wrong"..........Hillary Clinton

"Yes I blamed Benghazi on a YouTube video...but I was wrong"...Hillary Clinton

"Yes there was no Sniper Fire.... I was tired".... Hillary Clinton

“Yes I lied about joining the Marines”…I short circuited…Hillary Clinton

“Yes I lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary”…I had a clot…. Hillary Clinton

“Yes, we didn’t lose a single person in Libya…but I was wrong”…. Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton... all those wrongs, but she's "right" for America
Trump says the Iraq invasion was wrong. So Republicans were "wrong". They tricked the nation into doing "wrong".

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