Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Wouldn't it be ironic if this shooting occurred after the Republican healthcare bill got to Trumps desk and he signed it, thus becoming law. Then Scalise gets shot and is refused care at the hospital due to the fact that his insurance was cancelled because his healthcare provider treated the shooting as a "pre-condition" that was unreported on his application forms?
Wouldn't it be ironic if this shooting occurred after the Republican healthcare bill got to Trumps desk and he signed it, thus becoming law. Then Scalise gets shot and is refused care at the hospital due to the fact that his insurance was cancelled because his healthcare provider treated the shooting as a "pre-condition" that was unreported on his application forms?
I think congress people have their health care taken care of. They only decide the fate for the pawns.

Edit: correction

Is Congress Exempt from GOP Health Bill? -
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.


Gee....I wonder where he learned that....

Classic blanket generalization/Composition fallacy.

I still wonder where people learn that.

Soooo....this is your version of the classic Liberal post:
"Is not, issssssss nooottttttttt!!!!"

I can't repeat your query, as I rarely find the term 'learn' associated with your political persuasion.

This doesn't even make any sense. Perhaps you might wanna cut back on the aerosol propellants. Just a suggestion.

I simply noted that the fatal blanket generalization/Composition Fallacy used by the shooter to arrive at "must....shoot.... Republicans" is exactly the same fucked-up fallacy that the drones here who have busied themselves all day murmuring "must.... associate... with ...and.... condemn.... Democrats ... or ... left.... or.... Sanders.... or ....".

Same fallacy. No difference. Self-absorbed zombies, all. See also "hoist with own petard".
Reminder that members of Congress are real people with families who like pizza and make bad jokes and love their dogs



In 2011, Bernie Sanders fundraised by blaming right wing/Sarah Palin for the Gabby Giffords shooting

So.. The mystery to me here is ----

This guy buys a rifle. Is reported to the POlice for practicing in the back yard. Says goodbye to the wife, disa-fucking-pears for FIVE WEEKS --- with the rifle. Tells family/friends he's going to D.C to "protest".. And every ONE of them KNOWS he's "radicalized"...

Why is the wife not under interrogation? Nothing strange about taking a brand new rifle to Washing-noguns-town DC for a PROTEST? And is living out of his van?? Her story better be good..
"Just left hospital. Rep. Steve Scalise, one of the truly great people, is in very tough shape - but he is a real fighter. Pray for Steve!" - Trump
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.


Gee....I wonder where he learned that....

Classic blanket generalization/Composition fallacy.

I still wonder where people learn that.

Soooo....this is your version of the classic Liberal post:
"Is not, issssssss nooottttttttt!!!!"

I can't repeat your query, as I rarely find the term 'learn' associated with your political persuasion.

This doesn't even make any sense. Perhaps you might wanna cut back on the aerosol propellants. Just a suggestion.

I simply noted that the fatal blanket generalization/Composition Fallacy used by the shooter to arrive at "must....shoot.... Republicans" is exactly the same fucked-up fallacy that the drones here who have busied themselves all day murmuring "must.... associate... with ...and.... condemn.... Democrats ... or ... left.... or.... Sanders.... or ....".

Same fallacy. No difference. Self-absorbed zombies, all. See also "hoist with own petard".
/---- Apparently you never noticed Republicans don't have a heard mentality like you DemocRATS. And unless you have the super power of mind reading or super hearing how could you know anyone murmurs ""must.... associate... with ...and.... condemn.... Democrats ... or ... left.... or.... Sanders.... or ...."
grasping straws 2.jpg
So.. The mystery to me here is ----

This guy buys a rifle. Is reported to the POlice for practicing in the back yard. Says goodbye to the wife, disa-fucking-pears for FIVE WEEKS --- with the rifle. Tells family/friends he's going to D.C to "protest".. And every ONE of them KNOWS he's "radicalized"...

Why is the wife not under interrogation? Nothing strange about taking a brand new rifle to Washing-noguns-town DC for a PROTEST? And is living out of his van?? Her story better be good..

You can bet she is....
Wouldn't it be ironic if this shooting occurred after the Republican healthcare bill got to Trumps desk and he signed it, thus becoming law. Then Scalise gets shot and is refused care at the hospital due to the fact that his insurance was cancelled because his healthcare provider treated the shooting as a "pre-condition" that was unreported on his application forms?

Yeah......wouldn't happen....but thanks for lying.
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.


Gee....I wonder where he learned that....
/---- I'm sure it wasn't in Church last Sunday.
On the Dan and Amy show today, Dan Proft, one of the hosts of the radio show knows several of the politicians on the team. The guy who was up at bat at the start of the attack is a friend, and when Proft talked to him he was told that it was a miracle that Scalise was there......he rarely makes those early morning practices..........and without the Whip being there....there would have been no guns on that field except for the killers...

Does anyone know if they allow concealed or open carry in parks in Virginia? In Illiniois they are banned from public parks...
i'm surprised ISIS hasn't claimed responsibility since the liberals in this country seem to beg for this sort of violence here by kissing Islamic ass.

"Bring them in!"

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