Shocking Video Shows Maricopa County’s Fraudulent Signature Verification – Worker “Verifies” Signatures in LESS THAN 2 Seconds Per Signature

Glad you have determined this is an HONEST judge so that once this case is laughed out of court for lack of evidence yet AGAIN then you'll be forced by your own words to aknowlege that Klan Queen Kari is a hopeless, lost cause, LUNATIC.

This judge only allowed this case to be heard again in hopes that THIS TIME when team Klan Queen tries to go into court and sling bullshit against the walls hoping to get something...anything to stick, tossing the case out for lack of evidence will FINALLY convince everyone that Karen''s (so called) "case" was meritless from the beginning.
How can Kari be considered a Klan Queen? She's biracial.

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