Shock Poll: Biden Approval by Independents Hits the 20s


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Dreadful Presidency with dreadful polling.

IMO, if it were not for the horrible Harris they would have 25th'd Biden by now.

Americans’ support for Joe Biden has been in an across the boards slide since August with the evaporation of support among independents the most glaring. In an Economist/YouGov poll released this week Biden’s overall approval rating among adults was at 40 percent paired with a 50 percent disapproval, driven by a stunning new low of 29.8 percent approval by independents, 59.2 percent disapproval (46 percent strongly disapprove.) Biden had rebounded in mid-September to 35 percent approval by independents but has now fallen into the 20s as of the latest Economist/You poll data released from October 8.

"Aww come on, man. That poll was one of them right-wing Rasmussen polls. Everyone knows how biased they are...."

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::laugh::lmao::21:

How anyone can support this fuck is absolutely beyond me. He's a walking disaster every single day.

He completely destroyed 20 years of work in Afghanistan.
Inflation is killing us like nothing most of us have ever seen.
Americans are not united as he promised we would be.
The border catastrophe is a nuclear bomb that by itself could literally destroy the nation we know.

Dreadful Presidency with dreadful polling.

IMO, if it were not for the horrible Harris they would have 25th'd Biden by now.

Americans’ support for Joe Biden has been in an across the boards slide since August with the evaporation of support among independents the most glaring. In an Economist/YouGov poll released this week Biden’s overall approval rating among adults was at 40 percent paired with a 50 percent disapproval, driven by a stunning new low of 29.8 percent approval by independents, 59.2 percent disapproval (46 percent strongly disapprove.) Biden had rebounded in mid-September to 35 percent approval by independents but has now fallen into the 20s as of the latest Economist/You poll data released from October 8.

I REALLY love that short vid of smokin' Joe Biden dropped to the canvas, though the ref would call it a slip instead of the dreaded invisible Stepin Fetchit phantom punch!

It will take an independent(s) that is/are totally separate of the RNC/DNC corporations to get our USA back onto its original course of constitutionally guaranteed individual Liberty. The problem lays with the American constituency itself when it fell into government idolatry a ways back in the year 1913. The American constituency is not of the same mind set that the American constituency was @ the time of America's independence from British rule. One must remember that communalism(strength in numbers) was mankind's 1st religion upon earth despite communalism(statism, fascism, socialism whatever one wants to call it) being the biggest religion of death ever conceived by mankind. BOTH ignorance of history & a desire for the "easy life" has helped propel America to where it is @ current(fractured society). The people in the know(critical thinkers) understand this & are currently preparing for the worst case scenario regarding America's near future situation.

Great posts on your part like keep 'em coming!
Trump had an overall approval rating of 36 percent at this point in his presidency. And he stayed in the 30s and low 40s for his entire presidency, except for two months where he hovered at 49. He never achieved 50. And he ended up a one term president.

So maybe Biden will be, too. But 2024 is a political eternity away.

It all hinges on the economy.

Trump is hoping the economy will tank. Then, and only then, will he officially announce his 2024 candidacy.
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How anyone can support this fuck is absolutely beyond me. He's a walking disaster every single day.

He completely destroyed 20 years of work in Afghanistan.
Inflation is killing us like nothing most of us have ever seen.
Americans are not united as he promised we would be.
The border catastrophe is a nuclear bomb that by itself could literally destroy the nation we know.

How anyone can support this fuck is absolutely beyond me. He's a walking disaster every single day.

He completely destroyed 20 years of work in Afghanistan.
Inflation is killing us like nothing most of us have ever seen.
Americans are not united as he promised we would be.
The border catastrophe is a nuclear bomb that by itself could literally destroy the nation we know.


Great post. I agree with every word you've said.

I'm an Indie and in my opinion Biden is a giant shitstain. It's imperative that we vote his sorry ass out of office.

My biggest issues are;
1) The tsunami of illegal aliens Biden is allowing to invade our country. His first obligation is to protect the American people. He has failed to do that and, imo, he should be removed from office.

2) His Santa Clause proposals to give everybody free everything. Pay off student debt using OUR money to do it. Paychecks to anyone who drops a fatherless welfare recipient. Creating more government dependents instead of getting people to support themselves. If people can't afford to support their own kids, then DON'T have kids.
How anyone can support this fuck is absolutely beyond me. He's a walking disaster every single day.

He completely destroyed 20 years of work in Afghanistan.
Inflation is killing us like nothing most of us have ever seen.
Americans are not united as he promised we would be.
The border catastrophe is a nuclear bomb that by itself could literally destroy the nation we know.

Trump had an overall approval rating of 36 percent at this point in his presidency. And he stayed in the 30s and low 40s for his entire presidency, except for two months where he hovered at 49. He never achieved 50. And he ended up a one term president.

So maybe Biden will be, too. But 2024 is a political eternity away.

It all hinges on the economy.

Trump is hoping the economy will tank. Then, and only then, will he officially announce his 2024 candidacy.
Bbbuut Trump!!!!!!!!

Just stop
Dreadful Presidency with dreadful polling.

IMO, if it were not for the horrible Harris they would have 25th'd Biden by now.

Americans’ support for Joe Biden has been in an across the boards slide since August with the evaporation of support among independents the most glaring. In an Economist/YouGov poll released this week Biden’s overall approval rating among adults was at 40 percent paired with a 50 percent disapproval, driven by a stunning new low of 29.8 percent approval by independents, 59.2 percent disapproval (46 percent strongly disapprove.) Biden had rebounded in mid-September to 35 percent approval by independents but has now fallen into the 20s as of the latest Economist/You poll data released from October 8.

This is a problem. Way too many politically ignorant people who vote in this country. That's how we ended up with this dementia patient. If it were up to me, you'd have to take a very simple political test before you are handed a ballot, and mail-in only for those who have a reason why they can't vote in person.
This is a problem. Way too many politically ignorant people who vote in this country. That's how we ended up with this dementia patient. If it were up to me, you'd have to take a very simple political test before you are handed a ballot, and mail-in only for those who have a reason why they can't vote in person.

And the worst Cabinet in history.
Take your Hateway Pundit and shove it -
Nothing they say should be taken seriously - EVER ;)

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
Take your Hateway Pundit and shove it -
Nothing they say should be taken seriously - EVER ;)

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

Hmm? No, it is from an Economist/YouGov poll released this week...

As the OP clearly states.

Dreadful Presidency with dreadful polling.

IMO, if it were not for the horrible Harris they would have 25th'd Biden by now.

Americans’ support for Joe Biden has been in an across the boards slide since August with the evaporation of support among independents the most glaring. In an Economist/YouGov poll released this week Biden’s overall approval rating among adults was at 40 percent paired with a 50 percent disapproval, driven by a stunning new low of 29.8 percent approval by independents, 59.2 percent disapproval (46 percent strongly disapprove.) Biden had rebounded in mid-September to 35 percent approval by independents but has now fallen into the 20s as of the latest Economist/You poll data released from October 8.

Wonder if the american people can recall Biden-----I am going to have to research.

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