Shiva vs. Firegod: Deism/Democracy(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a culture-consciousness exchange between two gods, Shiva (Lord of War and Destruction) and Firegod (Messenger of Anarchy).

This exchange was inspired by the film Heaven Can Wait.



SHIVA: Fire is dangerous, while water is calming.
FIREGOD: No one appreciated the Biblical floods.
SHIVA: Noah was a prophet, and the Devil hides in flames.
FIREGOD: How can you endorse authority in times of anarchy?
SHIVA: Anarchy is a condition, not a goal.
FIREGOD: What about revolution?
SHIVA: If you're dissatisfied with Wall Street, be a critic!
FIREGOD: Is there room for critics in a society skeptical about negotiation?
SHIVA: Negotiation requires patience, and only fascists insult patience.
FIREGOD: What about slandering vandals?
SHIVA: You can't fight foolishness with misdirected rage.
FIREGOD: So, are you suggesting that 'slang' is 'graffiti' or slander?
SHIVA: When slang dishonors the comforts of home, it is slander...
FIREGOD: I suppose you're an immense fan of Facebook/Starbucks.
SHIVA: I'd endorse anything that brings comforts to everyday people!
FIREGOD: Perhaps we can agree that Pepsi is sometimes 'vulgar.'



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