Shiva-Satan: Capitalism Dyslexia


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-philosophy dialogue (my last one) between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Satan (adversary of mankind portrayed in the Christian Bible).



SHIVA: Have you read The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)?
SATAN: Of course! Why do you ask, Lord Shiva?
SHIVA: Imagine that a Vegas gambler gambles away his retirement funds...
SATAN: Yes, merchants in the modern world are unforgiving about debts!
SHIVA: Would you feel pity for this wanton Vegas gambler?
SATAN: No, I would not, because he consciously chose to risk his precious assets.
SHIVA: Yet, you feel pity for President Trump being critiqued for being a 'casino-mogul.'
SATAN: True, and I feel pity for Trump, since the American people elected him (legally)!
SHIVA: Commerce creates much dialogue about 'fortune-toys' (e.g., Facebook).
SATAN: Many businesses advertise on Facebook --- it's an 'empire.'
SHIVA: It's a funny-fact that capitalism creates 'crude consciousness.'
SATAN: Competitive-economics makes for 'low-brow courage.'
SHIVA: I agree with you, Satan, but what about Medicare coverage of abortions?
SATAN: Capitalism-based systems must provide citizenry with complete financial coverage.
SHIVA: That's the value of social-security, which is why ObamaCare was so 'intriguing.'
SATAN: I propose we endorse Americans playing Monopoly (Parker Brothers).
SHIVA: I predict commercial-centers become targets for terrorists!
SATAN: The modern world needs real 'dollhouse-assurances.'



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