'She must think we're stupid': Trump lawyer dismantles New York AG Letitia James' lawsuit claims


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Sep 13, 2022
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'She must think we're stupid': Trump lawyer dismantles New York AG Letitia James' lawsuit claims
Trump attorney Alina Habba joins Greg Kelly to tear apart the legal arguments in New York Attorney General Letitia James' politically-motivated lawsuit filed against the 45th president.

TheReapaer says: These ghetto loser who keep becoming AG's in corrupt democrat slave plantation cities just do not know what they are doing.

She knows you are stupid.
Trump supporting and Trump hired lawyers have proved themselves stupid many, many times. Some get disbarred, sanctioned or even go to prison.
Trump supporting and Trump hired lawyers have proved themselves stupid many, many times. Some get disbarred, sanctioned or even go to prison.

The fact that the Trump org gave a disclaimer with their evaluations, telling the banks to do their own due diligence, will cut the legs out of the black bitches case. Do you seriously think large banks don't have there own appraisers? Also don't you find it curious that no bank is listed as a plaintiff in the case?

Anyone who knows anything about law knows that when they file 200+ pages they've got nothing.

Watch the court, if it doesn't toss the bullshit, demand it be reduced to a concise number of pages.
Anyone who knows anything about law knows that when they file 200+ pages they've got nothing.

Watch the court, if it doesn't toss the bullshit, demand it be reduced to a concise number of pages.
I don't know anything about law but I do know this: An G is supposed to charge criminals in criminal court. She is not doing that. She is "suing" Trump in civil court. How many people her understand why? Civil court is all about money and damages, not crimes and jail time, and the bar of proof is much lower there. Look at OJ Simpson: He was found not guilty in criminal court but he was sued for money in civil court and he lost and had to pay money. But HOLY MOLEY look at all the evidence they had against him.
What do you expect from someone who got their law degree from 'BLM-U' on a scholarship paid for by George Soros?!

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