Sharia is "Progressive"???


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
So executing gay people is considered progressive by a gay CNN employee?
Just when you think the left can't get more crazy.

CNN's Sally Kohn Says Sharia Law Is Progressive

Proving once again that an actual IQ isn’t a prerequisite for working at CNN, the Clinton News Network, Sally Kohn says we should be supporting “progressive” Muslims who support Sharia Law. Does she not realize that under Sharia Law, she would be murdered as a gay woman?

CNN’s Sally Kohn Says Sharia Law is “Progressive”

Sally Kohn Defends Sharia Law In The DUMBEST Tweet Known To Man. Internet Destroys Her.


Sally is NOT ALONE----in fact a very IMPORTANT lesson muslim kids learn is that SHARIAH IS THE MOST PROGRESSIVE LEGAL SYSTEM EVER DEVISED. It is the MOST FAIR and THE MOST JUST-----I learned about it from
muslims educated in muslim lands-----all of my informants were medical school graduates. Doctors may be stupid but one thing they can do is LEARN THE MATERIAL AND THE RIGHT ANSWER TO WRITE ON THE TEST PAPER. In case you do not know-----Muhummad INVENTED the concept of "charity" and he INVENTED the idea of rights for women and he INVENTED the very concept of "FREEING SLAVES" According to the accepted Islamic partyline and Islam-apologists----_THE MOST PROGRESSIVE
A sheep parroting ignorant rhetoric. Another day in the life of a partisan dumbfuck
Well, the Dimrats DID get the gays registered at the courthouse, where the mudslimes can find them...

How progressive is that, when you can give the gays FREE flying lessons???

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