Sharia Creep


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Toronto's cops to don hijabs! Oh Boy!

[ame=]Ezra Levant on the medieval burka/niqab/hijab - YouTube[/ame]

What if someone calls these cops pig. :razz:

Sharia creep? Mosque in Markham, Ontario, beside a Catholic School or church. But in Muslim countries Christians are demoralized or killed, churches are razed?

Markham Mosque With 135 Foot Minaret


^ An example of future skylines and I ask, when they call for prayer - 5 times a day - it will be heard very loudly.

When it comes, and it still comes.
Toronto's cops to don hijabs! Oh Boy!

[ame=]Ezra Levant on the medieval burka/niqab/hijab - YouTube[/ame]

What if someone calls these cops pig. :razz:

Sharia creep? Mosque in Markham, Ontario, beside a Catholic School or church. But in Muslim countries Christians are demoralized or killed, churches are razed?

Markham Mosque With 135 Foot Minaret


^ An example of future skylines and I ask, when they call for prayer - 5 times a day - it will be heard very loudly.

When it comes, and it still comes.

I heard the loud prayer calls when I served in the ME, I don't think people there in Canada would like it very much. Imagine if Christian Churchs in Iraq or Egypt has loud speakers that broadcast Christian sermons? they would be burned to the ground, sometimes I think our kindness is our weakness.
Dat's what Granny calls the neighborhood Mooslamic...

... he alla time makin' pipe bombs...

... an' settin' `em off in the woods behind the park...

... she says he's just a lil' sharia creep.
The Western arena needs to be careful and moderate towards the creep. So that those who come here get our culture.

By 'get' I mean understand and accept the cultural identity of Canada.
The Western arena needs to be careful and moderate towards the creep. So that those who come here get our culture.

By 'get' I mean understand and accept the cultural identity of Canada.

The US and Canada really needs to be careful from immigration from that part of the world, or we could end up like Londonistan.
The Western arena needs to be careful and moderate towards the creep. So that those who come here get our culture.

By 'get' I mean understand and accept the cultural identity of Canada.

The US and Canada really needs to be careful from immigration from that part of the world, or we could end up like Londonistan.

Some people use the Empiric excuse for Britain and France, but we see the same in Germany. It is a clear unwillingness to accept a different 'ism'.

I can only hope that Islam can be brought to modernity externally. It will not happen internally, or if it does, it will take a very long time I fear.

Considering how long it took Judaism and Christianity to modernize and they can open/recodify their books.

Islam constrains against a modern reinterpretation.
The Western arena needs to be careful and moderate towards the creep. So that those who come here get our culture.

By 'get' I mean understand and accept the cultural identity of Canada.

The US and Canada really needs to be careful from immigration from that part of the world, or we could end up like Londonistan.

Some people use the Empiric excuse for Britain and France, but we see the same in Germany. It is a clear unwillingness to accept a different 'ism'.

I can only hope that Islam can be brought to modernity externally. It will not happen internally, or if it does, it will take a very long time I fear.

Considering how long it took Judaism and Christianity to modernize and they can open/recodify their books.

Islam constrains against a modern reinterpretation.

I just don't like how some Muslims want to legally change laws on the books to suit them, if you want to live as a religious Muslim nobody is stopping you from doing so, no need to force your beliefs on the rest of us.
The US and Canada really needs to be careful from immigration from that part of the world, or we could end up like Londonistan.

Some people use the Empiric excuse for Britain and France, but we see the same in Germany. It is a clear unwillingness to accept a different 'ism'.

I can only hope that Islam can be brought to modernity externally. It will not happen internally, or if it does, it will take a very long time I fear.

Considering how long it took Judaism and Christianity to modernize and they can open/recodify their books.

Islam constrains against a modern reinterpretation.

I just don't like how some Muslims want to legally change laws on the books to suit them, if you want to live as a religious Muslim nobody is stopping you from doing so, no need to force your beliefs on the rest of us.

It's going to take time. Longer than my children's, children's life most likely HG. This is a multi-generational event that has ebbed and flowed for thousands of years and will take multiple generations to effect a move to modernity.

Canada and America are bastions due to their distance. We need to allow all people here. So that we can educate them on the culture of acceptance.

This is where it is strongest :)

But we need to be firm that they must have acceptance to come over. No acceptance = No Willingness = No Movement = No Go IMO.
Some people use the Empiric excuse for Britain and France, but we see the same in Germany. It is a clear unwillingness to accept a different 'ism'.

I can only hope that Islam can be brought to modernity externally. It will not happen internally, or if it does, it will take a very long time I fear.

Considering how long it took Judaism and Christianity to modernize and they can open/recodify their books.

Islam constrains against a modern reinterpretation.

I just don't like how some Muslims want to legally change laws on the books to suit them, if you want to live as a religious Muslim nobody is stopping you from doing so, no need to force your beliefs on the rest of us.

It's going to take time. Longer than my children's, children's life most likely HG. This is a multi-generational event that has ebbed and flowed for thousands of years and will take multiple generations to effect a move to modernity.

Canada and America are bastions due to their distance. We need to allow all people here. So that we can educate them on the culture of acceptance.

This is where it is strongest :)

But we need to be firm that they must have acceptance to come over. No acceptance = No Willingness = No Movement = No Go IMO.

I agree completely, this is why I don't religious zealots of any faith, if I want to go out and get hammered drunk, have sex with my girlfriend and than go to a strip club it shouldn't effect anyones religious righteousness, I have noticed zealots from all faith want to physically take away anything that offends them from everyone.
Has anyone seen that Sharia Creep?

Sunni Man?
The Western arena needs to be careful and moderate towards the creep. So that those who come here get our culture.

By 'get' I mean understand and accept the cultural identity of Canada.

Our Canadian culture and traditions can go to hell as far as our phony and fake politically correct politicians are concerned. They have become so pro-multiculturalism that they are destroying all things Canadian, piece by piece. Multiculturalism really means white genocide, and all western countries are on the road to white minority status if they don't wake the hell up soon. If need be white people must become racist if they want to survive as a race. If not, it is goodbye for old whitey. Short, sweet, and simple.
Has anyone seen that Sharia Creep?

Sunni Man?

Those living in Britain, Germany, France and Sweden as examples have all seen and are having to live with creeping Sharia. When Muslims are a small minority, they are harmless. But as their numbers grow they begin to become more aggressive, and start to demand that Sharia law must become the law of the land. The European and all Caucasian countries are in a fight for their survival. Will they wake up soon? And the Caucasian people better start thinking about their children and grandchildren who may have to live under Sharia law. They will be the ones to suffer if we keep sitting on our azzes and do nothing about it. Caucasians have to start thinking about their survival and not just keep the attitude that it is all about me-me-me crap. We must unite as a people just like the Muzzies do. They refuse to assimilate period. A big problem for old whitey.
Toronto's cops to don hijabs! Oh Boy!

[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]xss-1pyB2Vo[/MEDIA]Ezra Levant on the medieval burka/niqab/hijab - YouTube[/ame]

What if someone calls these cops pig. :razz:

Sharia creep? Mosque in Markham, Ontario, beside a Catholic School or church. But in Muslim countries Christians are demoralized or killed, churches are razed?

Markham Mosque With 135 Foot Minaret


^ An example of future skylines and I ask, when they call for prayer - 5 times a day - it will be heard very loudly.

When it comes, and it still comes.

(X)What else. They will be beheaded in the name of Allah. :badgrin:
The Western arena needs to be careful and moderate towards the creep. So that those who come here get our culture.

By 'get' I mean understand and accept the cultural identity of Canada.

The US and Canada really needs to be careful from immigration from that part of the world, or we could end up like Londonistan.

Some people use the Empiric excuse for Britain and France, but we see the same in Germany. It is a clear unwillingness to accept a different 'ism'.

I can only hope that Islam can be brought to modernity externally. It will not happen internally, or if it does, it will take a very long time I fear.

Considering how long it took Judaism and Christianity to modernize and they can open/recodify their books.

Islam constrains against a modern reinterpretation.

I just don't like how some Muslims want to legally change laws on the books to suit them, if you want to live as a religious Muslim nobody is stopping you from doing so, no need to force your beliefs on the rest of us.

Because they are Muslims, and when they immigrate to a non-muslim country they want Sharia law implemented. They refuse to assimilate. The host people have too assimilate.
The Western arena needs to be careful and moderate towards the creep. So that those who come here get our culture.

By 'get' I mean understand and accept the cultural identity of Canada.

Our Canadian culture and traditions can go to hell as far as our phony and fake politically correct politicians are concerned. They have become so pro-multiculturalism that they are destroying all things Canadian, piece by piece. Multiculturalism really means white genocide, and all western countries are on the road to white minority status if they don't wake the hell up soon. If need be white people must become racist if they want to survive as a race. If not, it is goodbye for old whitey. Short, sweet, and simple.

Canada's multi-culturalism is enshrined in our Constitution. Your racism goes against everything that Canada is and all it stands for.

This is not a white nation. It is a multi-cultural nation where everyone is to be respected.

Take you Nazi propaganda and lies and shove them up your ass.

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Take you liberal propaganda and lies and shove them up your ass.
Toronto's cops to don hijabs! Oh Boy!

[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]xss-1pyB2Vo[/MEDIA]Ezra Levant on the medieval burka/niqab/hijab - YouTube[/ame]

What if someone calls these cops pig. :razz:

Sharia creep? Mosque in Markham, Ontario, beside a Catholic School or church. But in Muslim countries Christians are demoralized or killed, churches are razed?

Markham Mosque With 135 Foot Minaret


^ An example of future skylines and I ask, when they call for prayer - 5 times a day - it will be heard very loudly.

When it comes, and it still comes.
I try to avoid all cops simply because they could be a hazard to anybody's health whether you are a good guy or a bad guy.

When you really need a cop as in a car accident or after a burglary it won't matter then if they are muslim or not.

Do your own policing the rest of the time. Stay armed, with extra ammo mags, and stay alert. That way you can be safe always.

Cops just do the post mortem anyway. It is a myth that they can stop crime or save you. They cannot.

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