Sexual Assault Allegations Against Biden Aren't Believable!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
In the news of late there is a big controversy involving a sexual assault allegation against Vice-President Biden from when he was a Senator made by a former Senate staffer, a Ms. Tara Reade . The specific allegations are that in 1993 when she was a twenty-nine year old staffer in Senator Biden's Office she was tasked with delivering a gym bag to Senator Biden and when she did so in an alcove in or adjacent to the U.S. Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate Office Buildings Senator Biden kissed her repeatedly at the same time putting his hands all over her and lifted up her skirt and stuck his hand inside of her underwear and put his fingers inside her vagina. Needless to say this is a nuclear level bomb shell with the "me too" movement and the number of prominent people that have lost their careers over this issue this could be a candidacy ending situation for Vice-President Biden.

My assessment of the public record is that the sexual assault never happened for the following reasons. From Ms. Reade's comments it is unclear the exact location where the alleged assault took place but one can be certain that her testimony is saying that it happened in a public place in or adjacent to the Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate office buildings. That is not a believable story one has to conclude that a person that rises to the level of a U.S. Senator, the head of the Judiciary Committee, has a certain level of good judgment and intelligence and it is just irreconcilable which such an inference that such a person would try to have sex with a staffer in such a location.

Further, if one listens to Ms. Reade's interview with Katie Halper where she tells her story one should conclude the assault never took place. Ms. Reade is an overly sensitive, self indulgent and inordinately egotistical person, good judgment would conclude that this sexual assault story came from these and other character shortcomings of Ms. Reade. Ms. Reade's story is that she worked in Senator Biden's office as a staffer and fairly early on she took offense with Senator Biden rubbing her shoulders and running his finger along her neck even though she acknowledges that he did that with numerous other women staffers; in any event she complained to the management of the office and then pursuant to her testimony was subjected to retaliation told she wasn't dressing conservatively enough and her work was overly scrutinized. Then her story is that after this situation had developed a manager in the office told her to bring a gym bag to Senator Biden which supposedly precipitated the whole incident. This doesn't make any sense, a Senator's staff is going to be protecting that Senator from an employee who is big-time trouble. If I was a manager in that office I would tell every staff member don't let Ms. Reade be alone with the Senator we don't want her to be in a position to make false allegations against the Senator. Based on Ms. Reade's testimony the retaliatory agenda against Ms. Reade was widespread it doesn't ring true that she would be tasked with delivering Senator Biden's personal gym bag to him if she was the only person in the office good sense indicates she wouldn't be given the job.

Ms. Reade's story is that after she pushed Senator Biden off her he said something like "C'mon man I heard you like me" then Senator Biden's supposed next statement doesn't ring true doesn't sound believable he supposedly then said "You are nothing to me, You're a nothing"; Ms. Reade is certain Senator Biden said this twice to her at this time because she says she has carried a lifelong hurt over these words. Again, this doesn't make any sense considering the minimum intelligence and judgment such a Senator would have. Assuming everything she said up to the point where he said "I hear you like me" is true, one-hundred percent true; then the only plausible explanation is that Senator Biden thought she was very attractive and thought that either she had reciprocal views toward him or for whatever reason would be amenable to a sexual encounter with him. A minimally intelligent man is not going to want to make this incident seem like a crime, a sexual assault, he would want to keep it at the level of a misunderstanding that he thought she was sexually interested in him as it turned out she obviously wasn't because she pushed him away he would want to be offering reasonable excuses and be apologetic not insulting that part of the story doesn't make sense.

In addition, Ms. Reade story is that after the assault Senator Biden wouldn't make eye contact with her and basically ignored her; however, she also testifies that after the sexual assault incident there was an occasion where Senator Biden rubbed her shoulders and stroked her neck. This story makes no sense, after such an incident where he could be accused of sexual assault which would ruin his career and for which the status of the situation is that the victim has not gone to the police, it is not believable that the Senator would risk this good development by placing his hands on her shoulder and neck thereby risking freaking her out and causing something that could lead to the sexual assault coming to light. Another, strange part of Ms. Reade's story is that she was so distraught that she called her Mother, but she says she did not initially tell her Mother that she was sexually assaulted by the Senator no she says she tells her Mother that something kind of bad took place, it was an encounter and her Mother figures it out that it was a sexual assault and then she confirms it. Could the truth be that when her Mother came up with the account of a sexual assault having taken place Ms. Reade perceived this as a good opportunity, she could gain a benefit from that scenario, so she then adopted this account and has been milking this story all her life.

Again Ms. Reade's story doesn't seem believable to me and this is a very hard thing to say because I believe deeply that victims of crimes deserve their right to justice but "Ms. Reade in regards to these accusations should be pushed to the side and kept on the side" because of the mind boggling untimeliness of her allegations she is way too late coming out with these allegations after the Democrat Primary has been clearly over with Vice-President Biden practically getting the nomination. It is beyond the pale words cannot describe the affront to goodness coming out with these allegations when she did. All the time, energy and money that so many candidates and their supporters and the media and the American public have invested in this Democrat primary race and the stakes are so huge the current President is ten times more divisive for this nation than the country has seen in their President for generations if not in its history and you Ms. Reade want to come out with these allegations if true would turn upside down and negate the grueling Democrat primary the nation has endured; sorry Ms. Reade it is too much of a violation against goodness it is too much of a devastating attack on America's Democracy!
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In the news of late there is a big controversy involving a sexual assault allegation against Vice-President Biden from when he was a Senator made by a former Senate staffer, a Ms. Tara Reade . The specific allegations are that in 1993 when she was a twenty-nine year old staffer in Senator Biden's Office she was tasked with delivering a gym bag to Senator Biden and when she did so in an alcove in or adjacent to the U.S. Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate Office Buildings Senator Biden kissed her repeatedly at the same time putting his hands all over her and lifted up her skirt and stuck his hand inside of her underwear and put his fingers inside her vagina. Needless to say this is a nuclear level bomb shell with the "me too" movement and the number of prominent people that have lost their careers over this issue this could be a candidacy ending situation for Vice-President Biden.

My assessment of the public record is that the sexual assault never happened for the following reasons. From Ms. Reade's comments it is unclear the exact location where the alleged assault took place but one can be certain that her testimony is saying that it happened in a public place in or adjacent to the Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate office buildings. That is not a believable story one has to conclude that a person that rises to the level of a U.S. Senator, the head of the Judiciary Committee, has a certain level of good judgment and intelligence and it is just irreconcilable which such an inference that such a person would try to have sex with a staffer in such a location.

Further, if one listens to Ms. Reade's interview with Katie Halper where she tells her story one should conclude the assault never took place. Ms. Reade is an overly sensitive, self indulgent and inordinately egotistical person, good judgment would conclude that this sexual assault story came from these and other character shortcomings of Ms. Reade. Ms. Reade's story is that she worked in Senator Biden's office as a staffer and fairly early on she took offense with Senator Biden rubbing her shoulders and running his finger along her neck even though she acknowledges that he did that with numerous other women staffers; in any event she complained to the management of the office and then pursuant to her testimony was subjected to retaliation told she wasn't dressing conservatively enough and her work was overly scrutinized. Then her story is that after this situation had developed a manager in the office told her to bring a gym bag to Senator Biden which supposedly precipitated the whole incident. This doesn't make any sense, a Senator's staff is going to be protecting that Senator from an employee who is big-time trouble. If I was a manager in that office I would tell every staff member don't let Ms. Reade be alone with the Senator we don't want her to be in a position to make false allegations against the Senator. Based on Ms. Reade's testimony the retaliatory agenda against Ms. Reade was widespread it doesn't ring true that she would be tasked with delivering Senator Biden's personal gym bag to him if she was the only person in the office good sense indicates she wouldn't be given the job.

Ms. Reade's story is that after she pushed Senator Biden off her he said something like "C'mon man I heard you like me" then Senator Biden's supposed next statement doesn't ring true doesn't sound believable he supposedly then said "You are nothing to me, You're a nothing"; Ms. Reade is certain Senator Biden said this twice to her at this time because she says she has carried a lifelong hurt over these words. Again, this doesn't make any sense considering the minimum intelligence and judgment such a Senator would have. Assuming everything she said up to the point where he said "I hear you like me" is true, one-hundred percent true; then the only plausible explanation is that Senator Biden thought she was very attractive and thought that either she had reciprocal views toward him or for whatever reason would be amenable to a sexual encounter with him. A minimally intelligent man is not going to want to make this incident seem like a crime, a sexual assault, he would want to keep it at the level of a misunderstanding that he thought she was sexually interested in him as it turned out she obviously wasn't because she pushed him away he would want to be offering reasonable excuses and be apologetic not insulting that part of the story doesn't make sense.

In addition, Ms. Reade story is that after the assault Senator Biden wouldn't make eye contact with her and basically ignored her; however, she also testifies that after the sexual assault incident there was an occasion where Senator Biden rubbed her shoulders and stroked her neck. This story makes no sense, after such an incident where he could be accused of sexual assault which would ruin his career and for which the status of the situation is that the victim has not gone to the police, it is not believable that the Senator would risk this good development by placing his hands on her shoulder and neck thereby risking freaking her out and causing something that could lead to the sexual assault coming to light. Another, strange part of Ms. Reade's story is that she was so distraught that she called her Mother, but she says she did not initially tell her Mother that she was sexually assaulted by the Senator no she says she tells her Mother that something kind of bad took place, it was an encounter and her Mother figures it out that it was a sexual assault and then she confirms it. Could the truth be that when her Mother came up with the account of a sexual assault having taken place Ms. Reade perceived this as a good opportunity, she could gain a benefit from that scenario, so she then adopted this account and has been milking this story all her life.

Again Ms. Reade's story doesn't seem believable to me and this is a very hard thing to say because I believe deeply that victims of crimes deserve their right to justice but "Ms. Reade in regards to these accusations should be pushed to the side and kept on the side" because of the mind boggling untimeliness of her allegations she is way too late coming out with these allegations after the Democrat Primary has been clearly over with Vice-President Biden practically getting the nomination. It is beyond the pale words cannot describe the affront to goodness coming out with these allegations when she did. All the time, energy and money that so many candidates and their supporters and the media and the American public have invested in this Democrat primary race and the stakes are so huge the current President is ten times more divisive for this nation than the country has seen in their President for generations if not in its history and you Ms. Reade want to come out with these allegations if true would turn upside down and negate the grueling Democrat primary the nation has endured; sorry Ms. Reade it is too much of a violation against goodness it is too much of a devastating attack on America's Democracy!

Well good. This shows that the usually-informed Democrats are being forced to deal with Biden's little "problem." I really expected the MSM outlets like CNN and MSNBC to try to sweep this under the rug for as long as they could, but evidently it's so big of an issue that they can't.

Now comes the endless stream of denials, rationalization, and other forms of spin by the left. A Democratic Presidential nominee is too big to let him go down the same way all those Democrat movie moguls, famous celebrities, and politicians did.

We just can't have this, can we?
In the news of late there is a big controversy involving a sexual assault allegation against Vice-President Biden from when he was a Senator made by a former Senate staffer, a Ms. Tara Reade . The specific allegations are that in 1993 when she was a twenty-nine year old staffer in Senator Biden's Office she was tasked with delivering a gym bag to Senator Biden and when she did so in an alcove in or adjacent to the U.S. Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate Office Buildings Senator Biden kissed her repeatedly at the same time putting his hands all over her and lifted up her skirt and stuck his hand inside of her underwear and put his fingers inside her vagina. Needless to say this is a nuclear level bomb shell with the "me too" movement and the number of prominent people that have lost their careers over this issue this could be a candidacy ending situation for Vice-President Biden.

My assessment of the public record is that the sexual assault never happened for the following reasons. From Ms. Reade's comments it is unclear the exact location where the alleged assault took place but one can be certain that her testimony is saying that it happened in a public place in or adjacent to the Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate office buildings. That is not a believable story one has to conclude that a person that rises to the level of a U.S. Senator, the head of the Judiciary Committee, has a certain level of good judgment and intelligence and it is just irreconcilable which such an inference that such a person would try to have sex with a staffer in such a location.

Further, if one listens to Ms. Reade's interview with Katie Halper where she tells her story one should conclude the assault never took place. Ms. Reade is an overly sensitive, self indulgent and inordinately egotistical person, good judgment would conclude that this sexual assault story came from these and other character shortcomings of Ms. Reade. Ms. Reade's story is that she worked in Senator Biden's office as a staffer and fairly early on she took offense with Senator Biden rubbing her shoulders and running his finger along her neck even though she acknowledges that he did that with numerous other women staffers; in any event she complained to the management of the office and then pursuant to her testimony was subjected to retaliation told she wasn't dressing conservatively enough and her work was overly scrutinized. Then her story is that after this situation had developed a manager in the office told her to bring a gym bag to Senator Biden which supposedly precipitated the whole incident. This doesn't make any sense, a Senator's staff is going to be protecting that Senator from an employee who is big-time trouble. If I was a manager in that office I would tell every staff member don't let Ms. Reade be alone with the Senator we don't want her to be in a position to make false allegations against the Senator. Based on Ms. Reade's testimony the retaliatory agenda against Ms. Reade was widespread it doesn't ring true that she would be tasked with delivering Senator Biden's personal gym bag to him if she was the only person in the office good sense indicates she wouldn't be given the job.

Ms. Reade's story is that after she pushed Senator Biden off her he said something like "C'mon man I heard you like me" then Senator Biden's supposed next statement doesn't ring true doesn't sound believable he supposedly then said "You are nothing to me, You're a nothing"; Ms. Reade is certain Senator Biden said this twice to her at this time because she says she has carried a lifelong hurt over these words. Again, this doesn't make any sense considering the minimum intelligence and judgment such a Senator would have. Assuming everything she said up to the point where he said "I hear you like me" is true, one-hundred percent true; then the only plausible explanation is that Senator Biden thought she was very attractive and thought that either she had reciprocal views toward him or for whatever reason would be amenable to a sexual encounter with him. A minimally intelligent man is not going to want to make this incident seem like a crime, a sexual assault, he would want to keep it at the level of a misunderstanding that he thought she was sexually interested in him as it turned out she obviously wasn't because she pushed him away he would want to be offering reasonable excuses and be apologetic not insulting that part of the story doesn't make sense.

In addition, Ms. Reade story is that after the assault Senator Biden wouldn't make eye contact with her and basically ignored her; however, she also testifies that after the sexual assault incident there was an occasion where Senator Biden rubbed her shoulders and stroked her neck. This story makes no sense, after such an incident where he could be accused of sexual assault which would ruin his career and for which the status of the situation is that the victim has not gone to the police, it is not believable that the Senator would risk this good development by placing his hands on her shoulder and neck thereby risking freaking her out and causing something that could lead to the sexual assault coming to light. Another, strange part of Ms. Reade's story is that she was so distraught that she called her Mother, but she says she did not initially tell her Mother that she was sexually assaulted by the Senator no she says she tells her Mother that something kind of bad took place, it was an encounter and her Mother figures it out that it was a sexual assault and then she confirms it. Could the truth be that when her Mother came up with the account of a sexual assault having taken place Ms. Reade perceived this as a good opportunity, she could gain a benefit from that scenario, so she then adopted this account and has been milking this story all her life.

Again Ms. Reade's story doesn't seem believable to me and this is a very hard thing to say because I believe deeply that victims of crimes deserve their right to justice but "Ms. Reade in regards to these accusations should be pushed to the side and kept on the side" because of the mind boggling untimeliness of her allegations she is way too late coming out with these allegations after the Democrat Primary has been clearly over with Vice-President Biden practically getting the nomination. It is beyond the pale words cannot describe the affront to goodness coming out with these allegations when she did. All the time, energy and money that so many candidates and their supporters and the media and the American public have invested in this Democrat primary race and the stakes are so huge the current President is ten times more divisive for this nation than the country has seen in their President for generations if not in its history and you Ms. Reade want to come out with these allegations if true would turn upside down and negate the grueling Democrat primary the nation has endured; sorry Ms. Reade it is too much of a violation against goodness it is too much of a devastating attack on America's Democracy!
Can you just give me a synopses of your post?
In the news of late there is a big controversy involving a sexual assault allegation against Vice-President Biden from when he was a Senator made by a former Senate staffer, a Ms. Tara Reade . The specific allegations are that in 1993 when she was a twenty-nine year old staffer in Senator Biden's Office she was tasked with delivering a gym bag to Senator Biden and when she did so in an alcove in or adjacent to the U.S. Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate Office Buildings Senator Biden kissed her repeatedly at the same time putting his hands all over her and lifted up her skirt and stuck his hand inside of her underwear and put his fingers inside her vagina. Needless to say this is a nuclear level bomb shell with the "me too" movement and the number of prominent people that have lost their careers over this issue this could be a candidacy ending situation for Vice-President Biden.

My assessment of the public record is that the sexual assault never happened for the following reasons. From Ms. Reade's comments it is unclear the exact location where the alleged assault took place but one can be certain that her testimony is saying that it happened in a public place in or adjacent to the Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate office buildings. That is not a believable story one has to conclude that a person that rises to the level of a U.S. Senator, the head of the Judiciary Committee, has a certain level of good judgment and intelligence and it is just irreconcilable which such an inference that such a person would try to have sex with a staffer in such a location.

Further, if one listens to Ms. Reade's interview with Katie Halper where she tells her story one should conclude the assault never took place. Ms. Reade is an overly sensitive, self indulgent and inordinately egotistical person, good judgment would conclude that this sexual assault story came from these and other character shortcomings of Ms. Reade. Ms. Reade's story is that she worked in Senator Biden's office as a staffer and fairly early on she took offense with Senator Biden rubbing her shoulders and running his finger along her neck even though she acknowledges that he did that with numerous other women staffers; in any event she complained to the management of the office and then pursuant to her testimony was subjected to retaliation told she wasn't dressing conservatively enough and her work was overly scrutinized. Then her story is that after this situation had developed a manager in the office told her to bring a gym bag to Senator Biden which supposedly precipitated the whole incident. This doesn't make any sense, a Senator's staff is going to be protecting that Senator from an employee who is big-time trouble. If I was a manager in that office I would tell every staff member don't let Ms. Reade be alone with the Senator we don't want her to be in a position to make false allegations against the Senator. Based on Ms. Reade's testimony the retaliatory agenda against Ms. Reade was widespread it doesn't ring true that she would be tasked with delivering Senator Biden's personal gym bag to him if she was the only person in the office good sense indicates she wouldn't be given the job.

Ms. Reade's story is that after she pushed Senator Biden off her he said something like "C'mon man I heard you like me" then Senator Biden's supposed next statement doesn't ring true doesn't sound believable he supposedly then said "You are nothing to me, You're a nothing"; Ms. Reade is certain Senator Biden said this twice to her at this time because she says she has carried a lifelong hurt over these words. Again, this doesn't make any sense considering the minimum intelligence and judgment such a Senator would have. Assuming everything she said up to the point where he said "I hear you like me" is true, one-hundred percent true; then the only plausible explanation is that Senator Biden thought she was very attractive and thought that either she had reciprocal views toward him or for whatever reason would be amenable to a sexual encounter with him. A minimally intelligent man is not going to want to make this incident seem like a crime, a sexual assault, he would want to keep it at the level of a misunderstanding that he thought she was sexually interested in him as it turned out she obviously wasn't because she pushed him away he would want to be offering reasonable excuses and be apologetic not insulting that part of the story doesn't make sense.

In addition, Ms. Reade story is that after the assault Senator Biden wouldn't make eye contact with her and basically ignored her; however, she also testifies that after the sexual assault incident there was an occasion where Senator Biden rubbed her shoulders and stroked her neck. This story makes no sense, after such an incident where he could be accused of sexual assault which would ruin his career and for which the status of the situation is that the victim has not gone to the police, it is not believable that the Senator would risk this good development by placing his hands on her shoulder and neck thereby risking freaking her out and causing something that could lead to the sexual assault coming to light. Another, strange part of Ms. Reade's story is that she was so distraught that she called her Mother, but she says she did not initially tell her Mother that she was sexually assaulted by the Senator no she says she tells her Mother that something kind of bad took place, it was an encounter and her Mother figures it out that it was a sexual assault and then she confirms it. Could the truth be that when her Mother came up with the account of a sexual assault having taken place Ms. Reade perceived this as a good opportunity, she could gain a benefit from that scenario, so she then adopted this account and has been milking this story all her life.

Again Ms. Reade's story doesn't seem believable to me and this is a very hard thing to say because I believe deeply that victims of crimes deserve their right to justice but "Ms. Reade in regards to these accusations should be pushed to the side and kept on the side" because of the mind boggling untimeliness of her allegations she is way too late coming out with these allegations after the Democrat Primary has been clearly over with Vice-President Biden practically getting the nomination. It is beyond the pale words cannot describe the affront to goodness coming out with these allegations when she did. All the time, energy and money that so many candidates and their supporters and the media and the American public have invested in this Democrat primary race and the stakes are so huge the current President is ten times more divisive for this nation than the country has seen in their President for generations if not in its history and you Ms. Reade want to come out with these allegations if true would turn upside down and negate the grueling Democrat primary the nation has endured; sorry Ms. Reade it is too much of a violation against goodness it is too much of a devastating attack on America's Democracy!

Just tell me in a single sentence why Blasey Ford should be believed and Tara Reade shouldn't...and considering Tara Reade's allegation at least comes with some corroboration while Ford had zero corroboration... you are going to be forced to tie yourself in a pretzel to attempt it.'re fucked all the way around. If you don't ditch lose.

If you ditch Biden and go with lose.

If you ditch Biden and go with anyone except lose.

Good luck.
In the news of late there is a big controversy involving a sexual assault allegation against Vice-President Biden from when he was a Senator made by a former Senate staffer, a Ms. Tara Reade . The specific allegations are that in 1993 when she was a twenty-nine year old staffer in Senator Biden's Office she was tasked with delivering a gym bag to Senator Biden and when she did so in an alcove in or adjacent to the U.S. Capitol or one of the U.S. Senate Office Buildings Senator Biden kissed her repeatedly at the same time putting his hands all over her and lifted up her skirt and stuck his hand inside of her underwear and put his fingers inside her vagina. Needless to say this is a nuclear level bomb shell with the "me too" movement and the number of prominent people that have lost their careers over this issue this could be a candidacy ending situation for Vice-President Biden.
Can you just give me a synopses of your post?

Word Salad

Biden didn't do anything ....

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