Sex strike until TX repeals abortion law.

Quite possibly the dumbest post of the year. Nice work. We're all dumber for seeing it.

You could not possibly be any dumber and remain "alive", at least in whatever capacity you're "alive" even though you're obviously brain dead.




What kind of idiot uses the term "welp"?
This little girl, because it goes well with gotta and 'em. It fits the vernacular...:slap:

Let me help:
Vernacular: The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region. For instance, that would be ordinary speech in West Virginia. Or Texas...
This little girl, because it goes well with gotta and 'em. It fits the vernacular...:slap:

Let me help:
Vernacular: The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region. For instance, that would be ordinary speech in West Virginia. Or Texas...
I have spent an extensive amount of time in both of those states and can say without a doubt you are full of shit. You are just repeating some other person's ignorant use of the language.

Another example would be using "prolly" in a sentence instead of probably.
I have spent an extensive amount of time in both of those states and can say without a doubt you are full of shit. You are just repeating some other person's ignorant use of the language.

Another example would be using "prolly" in a sentence instead of probably.

I have been traveling across the bridge to West Virginia since I was a child. I know their dialect personally. I know their colloquialisms. Some friends still worsh their clothes, and wretch down to pick things up, and want to know if youns are comin...
Being born and raised on the Ohio side of the Ohio River, I doubt your extensive time spent in the Appalachian Foothills is as extensive as mine. And I will be among 'em agin on Wed. I'll give them your regards, ass hole.
I have been traveling across the bridge to West Virginia since I was a child. I know their dialect personally. I know their colloquialisms. Some friends still worsh their clothes, and wretch down to pick things up, and want to know if youns are comin...
Being born and raised on the Ohio side of the Ohio River, I doubt your extensive time spent in the Appalachian Foothills is as extensive as mine. And I will be among 'em agin on Wed. I'll give them your regards, ass hole.
So you are proud of your ignorance? Got it!
LOL... I totally back this idea. Liberal (LOL...) "womyn" should absolutely avoid allowing a beta male soy boy anywhere near their reproductive parts.

Wow. Is it true? This is too much like Christmas!

A whole lotta leftwing feministas want to withhold having sex and reproducing?

Where is the loss here?

LOL... I totally back this idea. Liberal (LOL...) "womyn" should absolutely avoid allowing a beta male soy boy anywhere near their reproductive parts.

I mean of course it would probably help your cause if you aren't a hideous miserable fat bitch that no real man wants to gratify in the first place, like most rabid pro-infanticide leftist sociopaths are....

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Then you've got the freakishly stupid dykes that are so repulsive no man could get drunk enough and still maintain an erection if these hags even wanted to fornicate with them, which they don't. They're DYKES!!!! What interest could they possibly have to keep infanticide legal? Anything that keeps liberals from creating more genetic garbage that will add to our prisons, ghettoes and trailer parks the better. Of course these bitter, dangerously stupid, vapid dipshits already hate most of the people in TX, they would find themselves cordially invited to GTFO of our beloved state, take their 32 cats, stuff them in their hybrids, put their fuckin masks on and drive as far away as possible. They hate it here, they hate our religion, they hate our guns, they hate our cattle ranches, they hate our trucks, they hate our BBQ, they hate our independent spirits and they hate our virtues.


90% of those type of women just lay there waiting for you to get done. If they ever accidently touched their partner's member they would spring up to wash their hand and could never think of being on top. Good riddance.. You would lose two inches just thinking about it.
Yea but Texas men won't be seeing them.

Bette Midler is calling on women to abstain from sex with men until they are guaranteed the right by law to choose what to do with their own bodies. As you can guess, some men (and even some women) were not pleased.

The cows on The View are mad and want abstinence outside of marriage back? OK by me...
The cows on The View are mad and want abstinence outside of marriage back? OK by me...
I forgot most of you male cons are either married or not getting laid.

But what about all the Republicans who have mistresses. Like, all of them have goombas. I'd love it if the goombas stopped giving them sex. But the politicians know doctors who will get them abortions when they need them and all it costs them is $10,000, which they pay out of their campaign money.
Look at the bright side. If these Moon Bat bitches don't have sex then they ain't gonna get knocked up and no need to have an abortion as a means of birth control.

Of course most of the Feminazis are queers anyway so it not like any of these Beta Moon Bat Pajama Boys are going to miss anything.
I forgot most of you male cons are either married or not getting laid.

But what about all the Republicans who have mistresses. Like, all of them have goombas. I'd love it if the goombas stopped giving them sex. But the politicians know doctors who will get them abortions when they need them and all it costs them is $10,000, which they pay out of their campaign money.

I assume you mean "goomar", dipshit. A goombah is a gangster. Try to at least keep your racial slurs straight, ok, Cletus?
I forgot most of you male cons are either married or not getting laid.

But what about all the Republicans who have mistresses. Like, all of them have goombas. I'd love it if the goombas stopped giving them sex. But the politicians know doctors who will get them abortions when they need them and all it costs them is $10,000, which they pay out of their campaign money.

That would be illegal and you know there is a DEM libtard paid to check those things for every Republican politician. Short story: Never happens.

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