Seven signs your friend or family member has fallen victim to the woke mind virus

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
To the casual observer the author's thoughts on it are likely spot-on. I'd recently experimented with picking through the mind of one of these types, in fact. They're rather consistent in their lack of self-awareness to these characteristics that so many others are able to easily identify and observe.


"...Thus, if true, this means wokeness itself reshapes the mind.

These qualities are:

  1. Smugness. An absolute, unwavering, and arrogantly condescending attitude toward all non-woke opinions. While a trait in itself, it is related to number 2.
  2. Lack of introspection. No trace of self-questioning or apparent inner monologue. No sense of fairness or understanding of relative opinion.
  3. Quickness to anger. Willingness to not only voice their opinion on any occasion, with anyone, even when outnumbered, but to do so angrily. A willingness to cut off any friend or family member who won't comply with woke belief.
  4. Nihilist atheism. They will rant a lot about science, while at the same time ignoring science that doesn't comply with their beliefs. They tend to assume you are dogmatically religious if you don't agree with them. They will cling to a strongly negative nihilism believing that everything is ultimately hopeless, and that it is sardonic hubris to do or believe in anything (which ties into number 6).
  5. Dishonesty. They are willing to be openly dishonest to further their viral ideas. If they lose a point in an argument, they move on to a new point, never acknowledging or acquiescing that a point was lost. When all attack points are used, personal attacks begin. The past is a blank slate open to revision.
  6. Self-absorbed. This one took me a while to notice, but it seems a give-away idiosyncrasy that you are dealing with a woke-infection if the person has become abnormally self-centered, and in conversation, does not so much reciprocate, as talk about themselves, always positive or self-aggrandizing, often unrealistically. They may also insert self-pity, it seems to generally exacerbate a need for attention-seeking.
  7. Depression, low self-worth, anxiety. This one I also only noticed recently, it is likely the subconscious result of numbers 4 and 6 in particular. Any genuine personal questioning of the subject usually reveals deep worries and angst, and often mental health issues...."

Seven signs your friend or family member has fallen victim to the woke mind virus
Quit being personally insulted by the world. It's a terrible waste of energy.
Quit being personally insulted by the world. It's a terrible waste of energy.
8th sign : A seemingly complete lack of any sort of awareness.

Seriously though, you have to be one stupid sumbitch to say shit like that while being a devout leftist. Especially in a thread about victimization and insecurity.
Buuut stupidity like yours is why i like this place so much. So i guess you idiots are worth something.
To the casual observer the author's thoughts on it are likely spot-on. I'd recently experimented with picking through the mind of one of these types, in fact. They're rather consistent in their lack of self-awareness to these characteristics that so many others are able to easily identify and observe.


"...Thus, if true, this means wokeness itself reshapes the mind.

These qualities are:

  1. Smugness. An absolute, unwavering, and arrogantly condescending attitude toward all non-woke opinions. While a trait in itself, it is related to number 2.
  2. Lack of introspection. No trace of self-questioning or apparent inner monologue. No sense of fairness or understanding of relative opinion.
  3. Quickness to anger. Willingness to not only voice their opinion on any occasion, with anyone, even when outnumbered, but to do so angrily. A willingness to cut off any friend or family member who won't comply with woke belief.
  4. Nihilist atheism. They will rant a lot about science, while at the same time ignoring science that doesn't comply with their beliefs. They tend to assume you are dogmatically religious if you don't agree with them. They will cling to a strongly negative nihilism believing that everything is ultimately hopeless, and that it is sardonic hubris to do or believe in anything (which ties into number 6).
  5. Dishonesty. They are willing to be openly dishonest to further their viral ideas. If they lose a point in an argument, they move on to a new point, never acknowledging or acquiescing that a point was lost. When all attack points are used, personal attacks begin. The past is a blank slate open to revision.
  6. Self-absorbed. This one took me a while to notice, but it seems a give-away idiosyncrasy that you are dealing with a woke-infection if the person has become abnormally self-centered, and in conversation, does not so much reciprocate, as talk about themselves, always positive or self-aggrandizing, often unrealistically. They may also insert self-pity, it seems to generally exacerbate a need for attention-seeking.
  7. Depression, low self-worth, anxiety. This one I also only noticed recently, it is likely the subconscious result of numbers 4 and 6 in particular. Any genuine personal questioning of the subject usually reveals deep worries and angst, and often mental health issues...."

Seven signs your friend or family member has fallen victim to the woke mind virus
You're completely backwards, as usual. Those or tRumplings you're describing.
To the casual observer the author's thoughts on it are likely spot-on. I'd recently experimented with picking through the mind of one of these types, in fact. They're rather consistent in their lack of self-awareness to these characteristics that so many others are able to easily identify and observe.


"...Thus, if true, this means wokeness itself reshapes the mind.

These qualities are:

  1. Smugness. An absolute, unwavering, and arrogantly condescending attitude toward all non-woke opinions. While a trait in itself, it is related to number 2.
  2. Lack of introspection. No trace of self-questioning or apparent inner monologue. No sense of fairness or understanding of relative opinion.
  3. Quickness to anger. Willingness to not only voice their opinion on any occasion, with anyone, even when outnumbered, but to do so angrily. A willingness to cut off any friend or family member who won't comply with woke belief.
  4. Nihilist atheism. They will rant a lot about science, while at the same time ignoring science that doesn't comply with their beliefs. They tend to assume you are dogmatically religious if you don't agree with them. They will cling to a strongly negative nihilism believing that everything is ultimately hopeless, and that it is sardonic hubris to do or believe in anything (which ties into number 6).
  5. Dishonesty. They are willing to be openly dishonest to further their viral ideas. If they lose a point in an argument, they move on to a new point, never acknowledging or acquiescing that a point was lost. When all attack points are used, personal attacks begin. The past is a blank slate open to revision.
  6. Self-absorbed. This one took me a while to notice, but it seems a give-away idiosyncrasy that you are dealing with a woke-infection if the person has become abnormally self-centered, and in conversation, does not so much reciprocate, as talk about themselves, always positive or self-aggrandizing, often unrealistically. They may also insert self-pity, it seems to generally exacerbate a need for attention-seeking.
  7. Depression, low self-worth, anxiety. This one I also only noticed recently, it is likely the subconscious result of numbers 4 and 6 in particular. Any genuine personal questioning of the subject usually reveals deep worries and angst, and often mental health issues...."

Seven signs your friend or family member has fallen victim to the woke mind virus
Okay, I'm definitely not woke but I do have #1 and #6 mastered. All you little people can get back to what you were doing. All hail Ming the Merciless!!
I'm aware that the people who complain about society the most are usually crusty old farts who somehow forgot how to be happy.
I was complaining about you, dipshit.
And yourt cults entire ideology is based of victimization and fear. Always complaining.
As i said, you lack even the most basic awareness.
I was complaining about you, dipshit.
And yourt cults entire ideology is based of victimization and fear. Always complaining.
As i said, you lack even the most basic awareness.
I have a feeling that complaining is your favorite pastime.

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