Sesame Street writer Mark Saltzman says Bert & Ernie are a gay "loving couple"


They are muppets, they don’t have penises, they have no body parts, the show was geared to 5 year olds and under that don’t even know about sex. How stupid is this whole idea?

Off camera they are hung up in a closet with other muppets. Maybe these muppets need to form a union so they get better working and living conditions.

Off camera they are hung up in a closet with other muppets. Maybe these muppets need to form a union so they get better working and living conditions.
Yes, that's when they have gay butt sex, while the are hanging IN THE CLOSET.

Off camera they are hung up in a closet with other muppets. Maybe these muppets need to form a union so they get better working and living conditions.
Yes, that's when they have gay butt sex, while the are hanging IN THE CLOSET.

I guess you got to do something while just hanging around.

Off camera they are hung up in a closet with other muppets. Maybe these muppets need to form a union so they get better working and living conditions.
Yes, that's when they have gay butt sex, while the are hanging IN THE CLOSET.

I guess you got to do something while just hanging around.

Bert and Ernie are fine; it's those Wonder Twins you have to keep an eye on.
Yet Frank Oz, who created Bert and Ernie in 1969, says that they were intended as roommates and there was nothing sexual about them. Especially since felt puppets don't have male gentialia, rendering it physically impossible for Bert and Ernie to have fucked. This is a case of yet another gay crybaby, attention-whore who's entire existence is defined by their sexual turn-ons and just NEED to read man-fucking into any male interaction.

The reason I have no respect for gays, amazingly enough, has absolutely nothing to do with their sexual turn-ons and what they do with their own bodies (which really isn't my personal business, not my body), it's the gays attitude and personalities I find vomitous. That shallow, fussy, entitled, humorless, victim-mentality-paranoia and narcissistic NEED to ram their turn-ons down everyone's throat and play mind games with people - THAT is what I hate about the Gaystapo a thousand times more than their physical fucking. That's why I find the occasional "butch gay" so much more tolerable and sensible than the effeminate "Leave Britney Alone" gay; the former is just like a straight guy except for that one thing.
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