Seriously, for a moment, what do you think about Gop conference committee hammering out Healthcare

Actually Schumer said they were refusing to help with it.
Saw it come from his own lips.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats refuse to offer amendments until final Obamacare repeal bill revealed
Now why would Democrats participate in a repeal of ObamaCare?

Do you people ever THINK?

But if it's true that the Medicaid expansion is fiscally unsustainable, would the dems agree to some cap in yearly increases to the expansion in exchange for some compromise by the gop on taxes on the rich? And compromise bill will have to get 50 gop votes of senators with governors who have to have Medicaid expansion. So, whatever they come up with cannot be a total repeal.

McConnell is saying we have to reform entitlements, but does anyone really expect him to do anything different from his usual increasing deficits for tax cuts?
But we have no way to know what will be in the final bill.

We had no way of knowing what the Obamacare Bill had in it.

We'll just have to pass it to find out.
Again, are you fucking deaf? This is not about the dems. They did what they did, and it's history. The gop doesn't have 60 votes, but if they did, they wouldn't be doing conference committee reconciliation.
for all of us? That's where this is heading. The senate will pass bill that just repeals the individual mandate, and refer that to the House. The House will then request a conference to negotiate a compromise beteween that and it's own bill described by Trump as "mean." A conference committee of gopers from the House and Senate will draft a unified bill. That bill will be given an up or down vote by both the House and the Senate.

No democratic input. A republican bill. Is that what we want?

They're getting nothing.
Pence had to cast the deciding vote to get this far. There won't be fifty of anyone to vote for that.
for all of us? That's where this is heading. The senate will pass bill that just repeals the individual mandate, and refer that to the House. The House will then request a conference to negotiate a compromise beteween that and it's own bill described by Trump as "mean." A conference committee of gopers from the House and Senate will draft a unified bill. That bill will be given an up or down vote by both the House and the Senate.

No democratic input. A republican bill. Is that what we want?
White House 'surprised' by McConnell's health care remarks -

The White House was caught off-guard by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's suggestion Thursday that Republicans might need to work with Democrats to prop up Obamacare if they fail to pass repeal and replace legislation.


A lot of smart people on the USMB, but the t@rds really irk me. Insisting that it's Democrats who refuse to work with the GOP. We've been telling them it's not true. Well, now, it's been proven by Mitch Mcconnell. Tell us it's not true now t@rds.
The ACA is a POS, literally a minority-supported, socialist agenda piece of legislation sold on lies and hidden from Americans until it was rammed into law, down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it. It was designed to fail, according to D-Harry Reid. It was designed, according to Reid, to be a stepping stone to Single Payer. It is collapsing and has left Americans without insurance. Even Democrats are crapping on the GOP for failing to fix THEIR mess.

I am not at all sure, however, if failing to do anything but repeal would be a bad idea. Obama and the democrats destroyed the previous health care system...but who says we need the government to fix this problem they created in the 1st place? The previous health care system did not need to be destroyed and replaced by a govt-mandated monstrosity. It could have used some tweaks, but it did not need the govt to destroy it and impose the ACA.

Free-Market Economy, competition, cross-state line insurance shopping, allowing Americans to join national groups to collectively negotiate for great plans, etc.... The govt is not necessarily the solution, IMO - it is the main reason we have the problems we have now.
Didn't the Democrats already have total input without Republicans input?

for all of us? That's where this is heading. The senate will pass bill that just repeals the individual mandate, and refer that to the House. The House will then request a conference to negotiate a compromise beteween that and it's own bill described by Trump as "mean." A conference committee of gopers from the House and Senate will draft a unified bill. That bill will be given an up or down vote by both the House and the Senate.

No democratic input. A republican bill. Is that what we want?

They're getting nothing.
Pence had to cast the deciding vote to get this far. There won't be fifty of anyone to vote for that.
I dunno. What comes out of committee is anyone's guess. That's part of the point of the thread. McConnell is betting on getting tax cuts and enough Medicaid to get 50 votes, and damn the deficits. The goal is just to get something other than single payer, and cut benefits to the poorest. I'd really rather have two parties negotiate something that is paid for. Obama's presidency pretty much ended after Obamacare, when Boehner couldn't even get $3 in cuts for $1 in revenue through his own party. But will McConnell get something with enough Medicaid to get 50 votes? And can that get through the House.

I'm done with the thread, as it was only to illustrate the hypocrisy and cynicism of the gop. Personally, I don't want single payer, and I'd gladly have cuts to Medicaid (and medicare and soc sec which would hurt me) if it happened with tax hikes on the 1%. McCain's right in that the Senate could compromise. But without a President who actually wants to govern from a majority, the House won't. So we're fucked.
Considering that's how Obamacare was passed in the first place, payback is a bitch.
Oh that's sweet Marty. I thought the goal was to improve things, not payback. But you certainly illustrate why gummit is broken

Getting Obamacare repealed will improve things, doing it the same way it got passed is just poetic icing on the cake.

I came for the repeal, I stayed for the poetic justice.
But the senate getting to conference IS NOT ABOUT REPEALING OBAMACARE. JFC

I'll take a partial repeal. As Dems said, we have to pass it to see what's in it.
My own preference is that I don't want to be in the same pool as people who don't want jobs, so I want to avoid single payer. However, we've already lumped in people who don't work with people who do work but don't earn much and with kids with disabilities and workers who were injured, and that sucks.

But the gop is about to do entitlement reform without input from the other party. That is not how the Founders viewed doing legislation. Of course the founders never envisioned entillements.

But the gop is going to cut Medicaid and taxes on the 1%. I don't think that's politically wise. But McConnell is gambling on coming up with something his party can run on in 18 and 20.

Well that's how Obamacare got passed, and if the Dem's want this to be the playbook I can't fault the Republicans from doing the same thing.

And more than the 1% will have their taxes cut.
for all of us? That's where this is heading. The senate will pass bill that just repeals the individual mandate, and refer that to the House. The House will then request a conference to negotiate a compromise beteween that and it's own bill described by Trump as "mean." A conference committee of gopers from the House and Senate will draft a unified bill. That bill will be given an up or down vote by both the House and the Senate.

No democratic input. A republican bill. Is that what we want?

They're getting nothing.
Pence had to cast the deciding vote to get this far. There won't be fifty of anyone to vote for that.
I dunno. What comes out of committee is anyone's guess. That's part of the point of the thread. McConnell is betting on getting tax cuts and enough Medicaid to get 50 votes, and damn the deficits. The goal is just to get something other than single payer, and cut benefits to the poorest. I'd really rather have two parties negotiate something that is paid for. Obama's presidency pretty much ended after Obamacare, when Boehner couldn't even get $3 in cuts for $1 in revenue through his own party. But will McConnell get something with enough Medicaid to get 50 votes? And can that get through the House.

I'm done with the thread, as it was only to illustrate the hypocrisy and cynicism of the gop. Personally, I don't want single payer, and I'd gladly have cuts to Medicaid (and medicare and soc sec which would hurt me) if it happened with tax hikes on the 1%. McCain's right in that the Senate could compromise. But without a President who actually wants to govern from a majority, the House won't. So we're fucked.

You're right. Republicans can't move anything on their own. That's why the Dems are letting this play out in the hopes that a future compromise may be possible. Hopefully the Repubs will see that repeal in any form is dead and a different approach is necessary.
for all of us? That's where this is heading. The senate will pass bill that just repeals the individual mandate, and refer that to the House. The House will then request a conference to negotiate a compromise beteween that and it's own bill described by Trump as "mean." A conference committee of gopers from the House and Senate will draft a unified bill. That bill will be given an up or down vote by both the House and the Senate.

No democratic input. A republican bill. Is that what we want?

It's just bad. Obamacare should be repealed and not replaced. Pass a law that insurance companies cannot drop a person when they are still being treated for an illness. Pass another that allows children who are in school to stay on their parents insurance until they are 25, get rid of the other regulations that hinder the free market.
Didn't the Democrats already have total input without Republicans input?

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"Republican members, according to John McDonough in his book Inside National Health Reform. Of those, 161 were adopted in whole or revised form.

Yet as we reported at the time, those amendments were mostly technical. Only two of those Republican amendments were passed via roll-call vote. One of these amendments required members of Congress and congressional staff to enroll in the government-run option and the other involved biologics medication."

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

It's like when your wife wants "your input" and she she inputs a couple of parts into the idea and tells everyone it was both your idea
Oh that's sweet Marty. I thought the goal was to improve things, not payback. But you certainly illustrate why gummit is broken

Getting Obamacare repealed will improve things, doing it the same way it got passed is just poetic icing on the cake.

I came for the repeal, I stayed for the poetic justice.
But the senate getting to conference IS NOT ABOUT REPEALING OBAMACARE. JFC

I'll take a partial repeal. As Dems said, we have to pass it to see what's in it.
My own preference is that I don't want to be in the same pool as people who don't want jobs, so I want to avoid single payer. However, we've already lumped in people who don't work with people who do work but don't earn much and with kids with disabilities and workers who were injured, and that sucks.

But the gop is about to do entitlement reform without input from the other party. That is not how the Founders viewed doing legislation. Of course the founders never envisioned entillements.

But the gop is going to cut Medicaid and taxes on the 1%. I don't think that's politically wise. But McConnell is gambling on coming up with something his party can run on in 18 and 20.

Well that's how Obamacare got passed, and if the Dem's want this to be the playbook I can't fault the Republicans from doing the same thing.

And more than the 1% will have their taxes cut.
That's NOT how Obamacare got passed. Obama got 10 million more votes than McCain and 60 senators. They only went reconciliation when Ted died.

McConnell doesn't have the votes, so he's going this way because, like getting rid of Obama and Garland, he'll do anything to avoid single payer and repealing Citizens United.

The way the US is supposed to operate is that if the GOP doesn't have 60, it seeks a compromise to get there.
Getting Obamacare repealed will improve things, doing it the same way it got passed is just poetic icing on the cake.

I came for the repeal, I stayed for the poetic justice.
But the senate getting to conference IS NOT ABOUT REPEALING OBAMACARE. JFC

I'll take a partial repeal. As Dems said, we have to pass it to see what's in it.
My own preference is that I don't want to be in the same pool as people who don't want jobs, so I want to avoid single payer. However, we've already lumped in people who don't work with people who do work but don't earn much and with kids with disabilities and workers who were injured, and that sucks.

But the gop is about to do entitlement reform without input from the other party. That is not how the Founders viewed doing legislation. Of course the founders never envisioned entillements.

But the gop is going to cut Medicaid and taxes on the 1%. I don't think that's politically wise. But McConnell is gambling on coming up with something his party can run on in 18 and 20.

Well that's how Obamacare got passed, and if the Dem's want this to be the playbook I can't fault the Republicans from doing the same thing.

And more than the 1% will have their taxes cut.
That's NOT how Obamacare got passed. Obama got 10 million more votes than McCain and 60 senators. They only went reconciliation when Ted died.

McConnell doesn't have the votes, so he's going this way because, like getting rid of Obama and Garland, he'll do anything to avoid single payer and repealing Citizens United.

The way the US is supposed to operate is that if the GOP doesn't have 60, it seeks a compromise to get there.

Obamacare got passed with ZERO input from Republicans. That is a fact. That they had enough votes in the Senate is moot.
YES, because Obama won a landslide.

And McConnell's tax cut and mediaid gimmes will be deficit funded because he's going to have to cut the taxes of Obamacare to get it through the House. You've been FUCKED

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