Serious question

From my reading, the judge didn't really say that either. He told them they'd better come into court and justify the challenges so he can determine if a permanent injunction is appropriate. Apparently, he didn't think there would be irreparable harm if a temporary injunction wasn't granted.

larkinn's position is that they can't challenge anywhere they want. i see nothing in the statute or the judge's ruling that says that.

eaton resigned, BTW; i don't think he's got much of a future in montana GOP politics.
that judge took his hide off, as well he should have. funny how no one's mentioned that the judge is republican. go figure.
actually, the judge seemed to imply that the law under which the challenge was made, which allows people to vote after a move EVEN IF THEY DIDN'T CHANGE THEIR VOTER REGISTRATION, makes such a challenge specious.

He did. Which would have been my point if I could have found the damn opinion. Do you know how long Lexis takes to get stuff like this up usually? Damn slow bastards.
he denied the democrats restraining order
so yes

He denied the temporary restraining order, because it was unecessary. Despite that, he included lots of dicta basically calling what the Republicans were doing, illegal, idiotic, and blatantly Partisan.
he denied the democrats restraining order
so yes

While "siding with the Republicans" he also accused them of perjury.

In light of the statute cited above, it appears that some of
the sworn affidavits Eaton filed (the exemplars Plaintiffs
submitted as exhibits) falsely assert that electors are not
qualified to vote under state law

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