Sergeant in trouble for Playboy spread

Must've just happened. From 1981 to 2003 I don't remember it being a democratic institution at all.

You were a Marine senior enlisted; I was on the other hand a sailor E-6 with 13 years when I got out. In the early years of my enlistments things were strict and by the book even for Navy standards. I was attached to MAG 42 det Alameda back in 89-92 and I was going to get out of the Navy to join the Corp. That is how much of a difference the two organizations were. I was an E-5 during that tour and ate up. After strong consideration I didn't and stayed in the Navy. My point initially was more of sarcastic comment. But the rules are becoming watered down compared to my time in the Navy and I’ve been out for over 8 years. I work on a Navy base and the way the troops look in uniform and how they carry themselves is different I’d never looked like that in uniform I took pride in my appearance and kept a squared away look at all times in the public eye. Even on deployment on the flight deck I came to work squared away even though 12-15 hours after flight ops I looked worn out.

Seniority is earned with time and work. In Y2K+3 I could point to a dozen changes since the early years. But, for every change that I didn't like (such as the massive overreactions to hazing and sexual harrasment) there was a change or two for the better. In my humble opinion it's all relative. I also remember vividly being hassled by my seniors as a PFC because I "had it easy".

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