Sequestration: Disaster, or blessing?

Personally, I am starting to think that it would be a good thing. We got the tax increase we wanted, so, let's do the tough spending cuts. I think that the harm to the economy is vastly overstated.

However, I am going to go out on a limb, here. I predict that if the sequestration happens, the GOP is going to be franticly sending through bills exempting this, or that, or the Pentagon, or whatever. One thing that I have noticed is that the GOP is absolutely dedicated to cutting spending, AS LONG AS NOBODY IN THEIR CONSTITUANCY LOSES THEIR JOB!

Here is what the White house says:
White House Warns Of Sequestration's Effects : It's All Politics : NPR

Your thoughts?

I sorta love the way Boehner is now calling it "Obama's sequester" after this..

[ame=]Boehner Christmas II - YouTube[/ame]

In a's probably the only way anyone is going to see cuts in defense.'s a wonderful way to display what austerity really looks like. The "Contraction" was nearly all based on cuts in government spending.

Drastic cuts are going to cost ALOT of jobs.

Bob Woodward: Sequester Was Obama's Idea | RealClearPolitics
If we truly HAD to cut the budget this is the only sane way to do it.

Note the great big if?

I think the budget crises is a fake as the money supply.

Reminds me of a quote I read a little while back,

It is like someone jumping off a ten story building. As he goes pass the fifth story window he says, "Everything OK so far."

There is a problem in this country when the poor are numerous and eating of food stamps while the rich are getting rich enough to buy small islands. The Democrats have one way of addressing the problem and the Republicans have another. The Republicans not only want to keep the way things are going but to accelerate the process. The Democrats want to balance the system, not bring them all equal, and not take away everyone's gun, or ones religion, but make if at least fair.

The founding fathers said "to make a more perfect union". You think this is what they meant? "A government for the people and by the people". You think this is what they meant? The rich love a low approval rate for Congress. The government is suppose to be something the American people are proud of. Something WE built. History will judge this time as the time that America either fell or came back from its darkest hour to return to being the greatest country in the world. The Republicans are fighting for the first. The Democrats are fighting for the second. Read a little history, it's textbook.

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