Sent to me by a friend.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
No idea who wrote it or where it's from, but it describes the current situation perfectly.

Republicans are howling because President Biden went ahead with the Afghanistan withdrawal brokered by the Big Liar. In the latest attempt to rewrite history, they are claiming the withdrawal would have been a walk in the park if only Biden had followed Stephen Millerā€™s racist blueprint.

Oh how quickly they forget. As soon as a Biden and Harris were declared the presumptive winners of the 2020 presidential election, a time-honored process was supposed to begin to prepare the incoming administration to take the reins from the outgoing one. But this was inconceivable! The mango-baby couldnā€™t handle reality, so his enablers coddled him and stonewalled the orderly transition of power.

GSA administrator Emily W. Murphy refused to recognize the Biden victory, causing several weeks of bureaucratic delays for the incoming administration. Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in open denial of Trumpā€™s defeat, promising an orderly transition ā€œto a second Trump term.ā€ In doing so, he prevented incoming diplomats from getting up to speed on matters of state until literally the day Biden took office. Senate Republicans slow-walked the confirmation of hundreds of Biden appointees in a process that continues to this day. Trump even sank so low as to fire the usher who was supposed to show the Bidens into the White House on Inauguration Day.

If Trump and Pompeo had a plan that would have saved American lives, they should have made damn sure to communicate it to the folks who were about to take over their jobs. Who is to blame if you lock your brilliant plan in the back of a desk drawer somewhere?

Republicans would like us to forget that they have been not just cheering for Biden to fail from day one, but actively working to undercut his administration from before he even won the primary. Maybe now with American blood on their hands, some will finally begin to understand why true patriots donā€™t obstruct the functions of their own government
GSA administrator Emily W. Murphy refused to recognize the Biden victory, causing several weeks of bureaucratic delays for the incoming administration. Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in open denial of Trumpā€™s defeat, promising an orderly transition ā€œto a second Trump term.ā€ In doing so, he prevented incoming diplomats from getting up to speed on matters of state until literally the day Biden took office. Senate Republicans slow-walked the confirmation of hundreds of Biden appointees in a process that continues to this day. Trump even sank so low as to fire the usher who was supposed to show the Bidens into the White House on Inauguration Day.
Further proof of the rightā€™s contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.
No idea who wrote it or where it's from, but it describes the current situation perfectly.

Republicans are howling because President Biden went ahead with the Afghanistan withdrawal brokered by the Big Liar. In the latest attempt to rewrite history, they are claiming the withdrawal would have been a walk in the park if only Biden had followed Stephen Millerā€™s racist blueprint.

Oh how quickly they forget. As soon as a Biden and Harris were declared the presumptive winners of the 2020 presidential election, a time-honored process was supposed to begin to prepare the incoming administration to take the reins from the outgoing one. But this was inconceivable! The mango-baby couldnā€™t handle reality, so his enablers coddled him and stonewalled the orderly transition of power.

GSA administrator Emily W. Murphy refused to recognize the Biden victory, causing several weeks of bureaucratic delays for the incoming administration. Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in open denial of Trumpā€™s defeat, promising an orderly transition ā€œto a second Trump term.ā€ In doing so, he prevented incoming diplomats from getting up to speed on matters of state until literally the day Biden took office. Senate Republicans slow-walked the confirmation of hundreds of Biden appointees in a process that continues to this day. Trump even sank so low as to fire the usher who was supposed to show the Bidens into the White House on Inauguration Day.

If Trump and Pompeo had a plan that would have saved American lives, they should have made damn sure to communicate it to the folks who were about to take over their jobs. Who is to blame if you lock your brilliant plan in the back of a desk drawer somewhere?

Republicans would like us to forget that they have been not just cheering for Biden to fail from day one, but actively working to undercut his administration from before he even won the primary. Maybe now with American blood on their hands, some will finally begin to understand why true patriots donā€™t obstruct the functions of their own government

I knew it was Trump's fault all the time.
Republicans are howling because President Biden went ahead with the Afghanistan withdrawal brokered by the Big Liar.
The ENTIRE WORLD IS HOWLING because Joe Biden did a cut and run out of Afghanistan when all the intelligence warned against it. But Biden was obsessed with getting his 20th anniversary 9-11 photo op which was a fuckin big deal man! Can't wait to see to cool photo op. Maybe he will wear his cool aviators and some camo gear.
No idea who wrote it or where it's from, but it describes the current situation perfectly.

Republicans are howling because President Biden went ahead with the Afghanistan withdrawal brokered by the Big Liar. In the latest attempt to rewrite history, they are claiming the withdrawal would have been a walk in the park if only Biden had followed Stephen Millerā€™s racist blueprint.

Oh how quickly they forget. As soon as a Biden and Harris were declared the presumptive winners of the 2020 presidential election, a time-honored process was supposed to begin to prepare the incoming administration to take the reins from the outgoing one. But this was inconceivable! The mango-baby couldnā€™t handle reality, so his enablers coddled him and stonewalled the orderly transition of power.

GSA administrator Emily W. Murphy refused to recognize the Biden victory, causing several weeks of bureaucratic delays for the incoming administration. Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in open denial of Trumpā€™s defeat, promising an orderly transition ā€œto a second Trump term.ā€ In doing so, he prevented incoming diplomats from getting up to speed on matters of state until literally the day Biden took office. Senate Republicans slow-walked the confirmation of hundreds of Biden appointees in a process that continues to this day. Trump even sank so low as to fire the usher who was supposed to show the Bidens into the White House on Inauguration Day.

If Trump and Pompeo had a plan that would have saved American lives, they should have made damn sure to communicate it to the folks who were about to take over their jobs. Who is to blame if you lock your brilliant plan in the back of a desk drawer somewhere?

Republicans would like us to forget that they have been not just cheering for Biden to fail from day one, but actively working to undercut his administration from before he even won the primary. Maybe now with American blood on their hands, some will finally begin to understand why true patriots donā€™t obstruct the functions of their own government
If they had a plan it would have still been there,,,,,its not like Trump could have walked off with it and the Generals who worked on it could have briefed Joe on current planning.....knowing how crappy and political our top Generals am not surprised if they didnt......I doubt that. Joe wanted out.....end of story whether it was blackmail by the Chinese and just stupidity
Joe owns it
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Come on ... we all know you don't have any friends
If they had a plan it would have still been there,,,,,its not like Trump could have walked off with it and the Generals who worked on it could have briefed Joe on current planning.....
Then obviously they had no plan.
No idea who wrote it or where it's from, but it describes the current situation perfectly.

Republicans are howling because President Biden went ahead with the Afghanistan withdrawal brokered by the Big Liar. In the latest attempt to rewrite history, they are claiming the withdrawal would have been a walk in the park if only Biden had followed Stephen Millerā€™s racist blueprint.

Oh how quickly they forget. As soon as a Biden and Harris were declared the presumptive winners of the 2020 presidential election, a time-honored process was supposed to begin to prepare the incoming administration to take the reins from the outgoing one. But this was inconceivable! The mango-baby couldnā€™t handle reality, so his enablers coddled him and stonewalled the orderly transition of power.

GSA administrator Emily W. Murphy refused to recognize the Biden victory, causing several weeks of bureaucratic delays for the incoming administration. Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in open denial of Trumpā€™s defeat, promising an orderly transition ā€œto a second Trump term.ā€ In doing so, he prevented incoming diplomats from getting up to speed on matters of state until literally the day Biden took office. Senate Republicans slow-walked the confirmation of hundreds of Biden appointees in a process that continues to this day. Trump even sank so low as to fire the usher who was supposed to show the Bidens into the White House on Inauguration Day.

If Trump and Pompeo had a plan that would have saved American lives, they should have made damn sure to communicate it to the folks who were about to take over their jobs. Who is to blame if you lock your brilliant plan in the back of a desk drawer somewhere?

Republicans would like us to forget that they have been not just cheering for Biden to fail from day one, but actively working to undercut his administration from before he even won the primary. Maybe now with American blood on their hands, some will finally begin to understand why true patriots donā€™t obstruct the functions of their own government

Ask your friend where it came from.
That's another. When the insults happen before any commentary on the OP you can tell you've struck a nerve.

And Just like with the insurrection, the effectiveness of your action doesn't change what it is.
Ok, but why? It's an op/ed from some small newspaper or website most likely. It's too long for a tweet and too polished for a facebook whacko.

You are right about it being polished which indicates it was written by a Democrat.

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