Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him

I wonder how the republick of Vietnam will feel about the US Secretary of State shooting an unarmed VC teenager in the back forty years ago and recommending himself for a Silver Star. Kerry is the wealthiest politician around and that used to be a criteria for the job. He has a haughty bureaucratic way about him and a left wing philosophy that should please anti-Americans and it will be good to get him the hell out of the Senate.

that swiftboater myth has been debunked... :lol:

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
try it and I guarantee you will get your ass kicked. make sure there is no cop around to save you during the first three minutes of getting your face kicked in

You must be really upset!! Engaging in internet karate! I'm no more afraid of Kerry than I am of you.

Nope. I've been around with the Senator and friends of his. Go to an event in Boston when he's there and try it. You'll be lucky the police that rescue you don't add a few bruises to you.


Lord... Not the gay page scandal of 1983 all over again.
try it and I guarantee you will get your ass kicked. make sure there is no cop around to save you during the first three minutes of getting your face kicked in

You must be really upset!! Engaging in internet karate! I'm no more afraid of Kerry than I am of you.

Dante flexing his web-r-nets-muscles again.. LOL.. tough man behind the keyboard with tough talk... Hence why he is one of the very few I have on ignore, along with the United Colors of Beneton Warrior Mr. Shaman

... poor Davey...
This is what most of the vets who came home, returned to..."A chunk of your leg, big deal". While they worship at the feet of a man came from the rear to get "gun time" (every man who served in a combat unit saw these worthless clowns) and "supposedly" helped some young man get "out of the way" of incoming rounds.

I got a Bronze Star for carrying my Platoon Sergeant (who had been shot in the back and shoulder) 500 yards to the Medevac point. No big deal. He would have done the same for me. I went to that Man's funeral a few years back. Additionally, I can tell you the name of every man I served with, with a few exceptions. Wonder how many Kerry recalls??

You folks get your panties into little wads because your "boy" isn't what you think he is. He is nothing more than Jane Fonda in drag. That makes most of you folks (literally) pee your pants with delight. I ever see Kerry, I will spit in his eye.

I notice most of you boys who are posting "it's no big deal" about your own experiences and medals..are posting your own experiences and medals.

What's up with that?


This forum has quite the reputation for 13/14-year-old 'Nam/Gulf "vets".

Hey.....what's a self-respecting conservaweenie to do??!!!

[ame=]Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans - YouTube[/ame]​
Democrats who voted for the Iraq War get a pass... Haven't you heard?

Yeah..they do.

Aside from the fact they were lied to by Bush..and threatened with being called "UnAmericans", they voted to Authorize the President to use force.

Didn't mean he had to use it.

When he ordered the was on him.

Success or Loss.


Even though most all the intel said the same things as Bush... and all the DEMs even before Bush was in office who said the exact same things....

It is just amazing your hyper-partisan hypocrisy
.....Eclipsed (only) by your cluelessness......
Nope. I've been around with the Senator and friends of his. Go to an event in Boston when he's there and try it. You'll be lucky the police that rescue you don't add a few bruises to you.


You DO realize that both Kerry and I are old men, right? What kind of moron are you, anyway? For the love of God - grow up little fella!

Kerry is in good shape and any friends of his from Boston would not allow an attack to go unpunished...and as an old man you should grow up

Gee, wouldn't it have been GREAT if Kerry, being the absolute BADASS that he is, joined the Navy, Became a frogman (the precursor to SEALS) and just "kicked ass" all the way to Hanoi!! He would have saved thousands of lives and would TRULY be a hero.

Tell me again....what was his actual "job" in the military?

And, you, badass that you are...How mant theaters of combat have YOU served in? I'm sorry, but you haven't told us yet. Frankly, someone who loves this man the way you obviously do, should have signed up and jumped into gear, don't you think?

Or are you just waiting for the "justified" war before YOU commit ??
This is what most of the vets who came home, returned to..."A chunk of your leg, big deal". While they worship at the feet of a man came from the rear to get "gun time" (every man who served in a combat unit saw these worthless clowns) and "supposedly" helped some young man get "out of the way" of incoming rounds.

I got a Bronze Star for carrying my Platoon Sergeant (who had been shot in the back and shoulder) 500 yards to the Medevac point. No big deal. He would have done the same for me. I went to that Man's funeral a few years back. Additionally, I can tell you the name of every man I served with, with a few exceptions. Wonder how many Kerry recalls??

You folks get your panties into little wads because your "boy" isn't what you think he is. He is nothing more than Jane Fonda in drag. That makes most of you folks (literally) pee your pants with delight. I ever see Kerry, I will spit in his eye.

I notice most of you boys who are posting "it's no big deal" about your own experiences and medals..are posting your own experiences and medals.

What's up with that?


This forum has quite the reputation for 13/14-year-old 'Nam/Gulf "vets".

Hey.....what's a self-respecting conservaweenie to do??!!!

[ame=]Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans - YouTube[/ame]​

Well, let's see, In May of this year, I will turn the young age of 68. Old enough to have an opinion there young man??
I notice most of you boys who are posting "it's no big deal" about your own experiences and medals..are posting your own experiences and medals.

What's up with that?


This forum has quite the reputation for 13/14-year-old 'Nam/Gulf "vets".

Hey.....what's a self-respecting conservaweenie to do??!!!

[ame=]Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans - YouTube[/ame]​

Well, let's see, In May of this year, I will turn the young age of 68. Old enough to have an opinion there young man??

Arguing with the mega-troll is useless. .his mental illness goes deep.. best just to ignore the fuckwad... he likes talking to himself anyway
My father never took a shit out of his asshole past the age of 22. You know what else he never did? He never...

whatever...get your own friggin' life instead of hiding behind daddy. John Kerry is a highly decorated American combat veteran

He's an opportunistic scumbag, lying piece-of-shit that returned and trashed the very men he served with and were still serving overseas.

Fuck Kerry and everything that is John Motherfuckingkerry.
Save it, have no-fuckin'-idea.....

[ame=]"Kill Anything That Moves" New Book Exposes Hidden Crimes of the War Kerry, Hagel Fought in Vietnam - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Winter Soldier Investigation Film - YouTube[/ame]​
I notice most of you boys who are posting "it's no big deal" about your own experiences and medals..are posting your own experiences and medals.

What's up with that?


That's a very good question and I have no problem answering it. I NEVER talk about accomplishments. NEVER. That was the worst 18 months that I have ever spent in my life, but I joined and it was my job to do what I could do. However, and I apologize for getting upset, I didn't realize that I even still had these feelings, but there you go.

I knew man after man after man who did things that, as a general rule, most men would never think of doing - both good, and bad. I witnessed acts of heroism that, in most times, would have gotten these guys 5 MOAs. I saw kids (basically) sacrifice their lives that their buddies might live. I didn't see that once, I saw that several times.

They didn't give a hoot in hell about "medals" any more than I did. We just wanted to go home and put that nightmare behind us. Too many of "us" didn't come home. However, every now and again, we had the pleasure of being visited by Officer REMFS (Rear Echelon Mother F*&kers) who would come up to the front, usually take a look around and leave. I overheard one Captain (an Admin guy) talking to my CO (a battle hardened officer) that he needed his "time in the hole" to "further his career". He stuck around for a couple of hours and hit the bricks. I'm sure that his 201 file reflected his "many accomplishments" while in a combat situation. I have no doubt whatsoever that the "gentleman" went on to a highly illustrious career....

Funny, You never saw these guys when the sh*t hit the fan. Kerry was one of these "gentlemen".

I don't fault his service. Whatever the hell job he did was fine. What I find fault with is his being portrayed as some sort of "Hero". He is not. 4 months in country spent at the Officer's Club and a week on a SWIFT boat qualifies as nothing. Then, on top of that, to come home and disgrace the memory of those KIDS who died - unforgivable.

I recall, some years back, of a book signing that Jane Fonda did somewhere (can't recall now) but a Vet walked up to her and spit in her face. Quite frankly, I feel exactly the same about Kerry.

Basically you just did.

I've also known plenty of vets from Vietnam, most of whom never said jackshit about when they when in country until they knew you very well..or they were drunk off their ass and crying on someone's shoulder.

As for the rest of the crap you's basically just that..crap.

Kerry, you and Jane Fonda have the exact same right to support or speak against any issue you please.

You asked and I answered because I felt in necessary. As I said, I didn't even realize that I still harbor these feelings. What is it? "cold waters run deep?"

You classify everything I say as "crap". Your opinion and frankly, I couldn't care less for people (like you) who live their lives attacking those that don't fit their liberal "mold". Kerry and Fonda are trash. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. You don't like it? Tough. You think I'm the only person around that doesn't buy his garbage? Then YOU are the fool. You want to retort by calling me "trash" go for it. You mean no more to me than a cloudy day.

Obviously Kerry has done quite well for himself, sucking at the teat of Heinz. Good for him! But my opinion of him (not that it matters to anyone) is that he is nothing more than a coward who made his bones off his lies.
This forum has quite the reputation for 13/14-year-old 'Nam/Gulf "vets".

Hey.....what's a self-respecting conservaweenie to do??!!!

Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans - YouTube

Well, let's see, In May of this year, I will turn the young age of 68. Old enough to have an opinion there young man??

Arguing with the mega-troll is useless. .his mental illness goes deep.. best just to ignore the fuckwad... he likes talking to himself anyway

Thank you!I will keep that in mind.....
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

Was never a tremendous Kerry fan and I'm not gonna lie about that.


What he & Bobby Muller did, after "getting back", took a helluva lot more balls than what that PUNK.....

[ame=]Dick Cavett Show pt.1of 6 - YouTube[/ame]​
John E. O'Neill was recruited by Nixon to support the Vietnam War and to destroy Kerry.

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