Senate Republicans block debate on Freedom to Vote Act in 49-51 vote


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the Dems can get nothing done

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) switched his vote to "no" in order to offer a motion to reconsider, allowing him to call another vote at a later time."

the Dems can get nothing done

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) switched his vote to "no" in order to offer a motion to reconsider, allowing him to call another vote at a later time."

We can use some election reforms but most of them need to happen at the state level.
the Dems can get nothing done

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) switched his vote to "no" in order to offer a motion to reconsider, allowing him to call another vote at a later time."

The "Freedom to Vote" Act...

Which really means "Freedom to Vote As Many Times As Possible for Democrats" Act.

  • Election Day a holiday ---- Most people will agree to that
  • Automatic and same day voter reg. ---- FUCK NO. No time to verify that person is eligible to vote in that district/precinct? FUCK NO!!! Too easy to cheat. How Dem.
  • Two weeks early voting --- already have it in most states
  • Anyone can vote by mail --- FUCK NO. Not with the current Junk-Mail unverifiable, vote 10,000 times mess we saw in 2020. FUCK NO, and we will go to war on it.
  • Limits on thinning voter rolls --- like what?
  • Insulate election officials --- FUCK NO. Those assholes will be held accountable for their bullshit and should be executed if they are caught committing fraud.
  • New redistricting rules --- :laughing0301: FUCK YOU!!!
  • Disclose + Honest Ads acts --- Dems will NEVER agree to that
  • Empower FEC --- FUCK NO. I don't trust those assholes ONE BIT. NO POWER to them, EVER!!!
  • Ballot paper trail rule --- what the fuck does that mean?

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