Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Pompous asshole Swamp Creatures passing more ridiculous useless legislation. Shame on em. Nuff said.

So now the entire Senate, republican and democrat alike, are 'swamp creatures'.....because they rebuked Trump on some of our most basic liberties?


Yes, pompous useless Swamp Creature assholes. More meaningless legislation. They should be ashamed of themselves, be we know they aren't.

So you pretty much define your perception of the world by ignoring anyone - republican or democrat - who says anything contrary to what Trump tells you do believe.


The reality is, you like Democrat Fake News lies, because it's lies you've been indoctrinated to accept. In other words, you like the lies because it's lies you wanna hear. But regardless, it isn't credible News. It's just 24/7 Democrat opinion propaganda.
Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
You could say the same of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?

Making up stories? Uh huh, Democrat Fake News would never do that. No way. :rofl:
Pompous asshole Swamp Creatures passing more ridiculous useless legislation. Shame on em. Nuff said.

So now the entire Senate, republican and democrat alike, are 'swamp creatures'.....because they rebuked Trump on some of our most basic liberties?


Yes, pompous useless Swamp Creature assholes. More meaningless legislation. They should be ashamed of themselves, be we know they aren't.

So you pretty much define your perception of the world by ignoring anyone - republican or democrat - who says anything contrary to what Trump tells you do believe.


The reality is, you like Democrat Fake News lies, because it's lies you've been indoctrinated to accept. In other words, you like the lies because it's lies you wanna hear. But regardless, it isn't credible News. It's just 24/7 Democrat opinion propaganda.

I follow the evidence. For example, NBC reported that Don Jr. had emails about his conversations setting up a meeting at Trump tower from 'high level sources' in the Russian government as part of Russia's efforts to help the Trump campaign.

Do you insist this was fake news?

NBC reported that Trump admitted that the purpose of the meeting was the get information on his political opponent. This after Trump insisted that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss adoption.

Which always sounded why in the hell would his campaign chair attend an *adoption* meeting.

Do you insist this was fake news? Lets compare NBC with what you've been told to believe by Trump.
Perfect example of why the US Congress should only be in session a few short weeks a year. It's completely useless. The less it does, the better off the country is.
Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
You could say the same of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?
Well... couple things here, first of all, I've NEVER, used, Jones as a source for ANYTHING, so, like the democrat propaganda wing you're so tuned into, you LIE like a RUG.

Second, Jones has been more right than he's been wrong, and I don't see you using any example that he lies, probably because you couldn't find one.

Now you've just been caught lying and babbling up horse shit... wanna continue?
Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
You could say the same of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?

Making up stories? Uh huh, Democrat Fake News would never do that. No way. :rofl: favorite was Jones insisting that there was going to be a false flag attack before the midterms to change their outcome.

And when nothing happened, he insisted his claims about the false flag had actually *prevented* it.

Laughing....and this is your primary source of information? Seriously? There's a reason why 90% of Infowars viewers are Trump Supporters: the gullibility.
Pompous asshole Swamp Creatures passing more ridiculous useless legislation. Shame on em. Nuff said.

So now the entire Senate, republican and democrat alike, are 'swamp creatures'.....because they rebuked Trump on some of our most basic liberties?


Yes, pompous useless Swamp Creature assholes. More meaningless legislation. They should be ashamed of themselves, be we know they aren't.

So you pretty much define your perception of the world by ignoring anyone - republican or democrat - who says anything contrary to what Trump tells you do believe.


The reality is, you like Democrat Fake News lies, because it's lies you've been indoctrinated to accept. In other words, you like the lies because it's lies you wanna hear. But regardless, it isn't credible News. It's just 24/7 Democrat opinion propaganda.

I follow the evidence. For example, NBC reported that Don Jr. had emails about his conversations setting up a meeting at Trump tower from 'high level sources' in the Russian government as part of Russia's efforts to help the Trump campaign.

Do you insist this was fake news?

NBC reported that Trump admitted that the purpose of the meeting was the get information on his political opponent. This after Trump insisted that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss adoption.

Which always sounded why in the hell would his campaign chair attend an *adoption* meeting.

Do you insist this was fake news? Lets compare NBC with what you've been told to believe by Trump.

It told you what you wanted to hear. That isn't credible News. That's opinion propaganda.
Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
You could say the same of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?
Well... couple things here, first of all, I've NEVER, used, Jones as a source for ANYTHING, so, like the democrat propaganda wing you're so tuned into, you LIE like a RUG.

So you're defending Jones.....why exactly? He's an admitted entertainer. He's selling stories, powders, goos and potions to rubes. And yet you rave about his truthfulness and accuracy.

Um, why? What's his evidence of it? Shall we discuss his vile claims that Sandy Hook parents who lost children are 'crisis actors'? That their dead kids never actually existed? Or Jones inane blather about Pizza Gate and the Birther conspiracy?

If you'd like to discuss Jones' truthfulness and accuracy, I'm so willing.
You could say the same of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?
Well... couple things here, first of all, I've NEVER, used, Jones as a source for ANYTHING, so, like the democrat propaganda wing you're so tuned into, you LIE like a RUG.

So you're defending Jones.....why exactly? He's an admitted entertainer. He's selling stories, powders, goos and potions to rubes. And yet you rave about his truthfulness and accuracy.

Um, why? What's his evidence of it? Shall we discuss his vile claims that Sandy Hook parents who lost children are 'crisis actors'? That their dead kids never actually existed? Or Jones inane blather about Pizza Gate and the Birther conspiracy?

If you'd like to discuss Jones' truthfulness and accuracy, I'm so willing.
You lied about me, you can't refute that, fine, we can move forward with your silent admission of being a liar.

Second, instead of you spewing your inane gas about what he does, find a solid example you think is a lie and PROVE he's a liar... m'kay?
You could say the same of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?

Making up stories? Uh huh, Democrat Fake News would never do that. No way. :rofl: favorite was Jones insisting that there was going to be a false flag attack before the midterms to change their outcome.

And when nothing happened, he insisted his claims about the false flag had actually *prevented* it.

Laughing....and this is your primary source of information? Seriously? There's a reason why 90% of Infowars viewers are Trump Supporters: the gullibility.

He's only one source of information. Nothing wrong with that. You don't wanna access that information, don't. It shouldn't be censored and banned. Shame on y'all for what you did to the man. Y'all got a lot of nerve pretending to care about the Constitution. Hopefully most Americans know you're full of shit.
So now the entire Senate, republican and democrat alike, are 'swamp creatures'.....because they rebuked Trump on some of our most basic liberties?


Yes, pompous useless Swamp Creature assholes. More meaningless legislation. They should be ashamed of themselves, be we know they aren't.

So you pretty much define your perception of the world by ignoring anyone - republican or democrat - who says anything contrary to what Trump tells you do believe.


The reality is, you like Democrat Fake News lies, because it's lies you've been indoctrinated to accept. In other words, you like the lies because it's lies you wanna hear. But regardless, it isn't credible News. It's just 24/7 Democrat opinion propaganda.

I follow the evidence. For example, NBC reported that Don Jr. had emails about his conversations setting up a meeting at Trump tower from 'high level sources' in the Russian government as part of Russia's efforts to help the Trump campaign.

Do you insist this was fake news?

NBC reported that Trump admitted that the purpose of the meeting was the get information on his political opponent. This after Trump insisted that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss adoption.

Which always sounded why in the hell would his campaign chair attend an *adoption* meeting.

Do you insist this was fake news? Lets compare NBC with what you've been told to believe by Trump.

It told you what you wanted to hear. That isn't credible News. That's opinion propaganda.

Nope. All that actually happened. With Don Jr. actually *releasing* the very emails in question saying *exactly* what NBC reported.

Rob Goldstone: "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump..."

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

Don Jr. knew going into that meeting that this was from high level sources as part of Russian government to support Trump.

Yet you still insist this is all 'opinion propoganda' despite Don Jr. releasing the emails himself. You deny because you've been trained to deny. You ignore because you've been trained to ignore. You're desperately, willfully blind.

But just because you close your eyes doesn't mean the evidence disappears.
Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?

Making up stories? Uh huh, Democrat Fake News would never do that. No way. :rofl: favorite was Jones insisting that there was going to be a false flag attack before the midterms to change their outcome.

And when nothing happened, he insisted his claims about the false flag had actually *prevented* it.

Laughing....and this is your primary source of information? Seriously? There's a reason why 90% of Infowars viewers are Trump Supporters: the gullibility.

He's only one source of information. Nothing wrong with that. You don't wanna access that information, don't. It shouldn't be censored and banned. Shame on y'all for what you did to the man. Y'all got a lot of nerve pretending to care about the Constitution. Hopefully most Americans know you're full of shit.

The 'false flag' claims wasn't 'information'. It was fantasy. Jones made it up. Then he insisted that he 'prevented' his own fantasy from every coming true by making it up.

Its the circular reasoning of the hopelessly delusional. Or.....a con man selling dreams to hapless rubes. And Jones has already told us only playing a character for the purposes of entertainment. Narrowing those options considerably
Actually, Jones has said that about himself. Insisting he's an entertainer playing a *character*.

Relying on an entertainer like Jones for expert opinion and news reporting is like replying on Doogie Howser for a cancer diagnosis.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?
Well... couple things here, first of all, I've NEVER, used, Jones as a source for ANYTHING, so, like the democrat propaganda wing you're so tuned into, you LIE like a RUG.

So you're defending Jones.....why exactly? He's an admitted entertainer. He's selling stories, powders, goos and potions to rubes. And yet you rave about his truthfulness and accuracy.

Um, why? What's his evidence of it? Shall we discuss his vile claims that Sandy Hook parents who lost children are 'crisis actors'? That their dead kids never actually existed? Or Jones inane blather about Pizza Gate and the Birther conspiracy?

If you'd like to discuss Jones' truthfulness and accuracy, I'm so willing.
You lied about me, you can't refute that, fine, we can move forward with your silent admission of being a liar.

Second, instead of you spewing your inane gas about what he does, find a solid example you think is a lie and PROVE he's a liar... m'kay?

And when presented with a chance to test Jones truthfullness, accuracy and honesty against the actual flee. That was easy.

When you muster up the courage to put your claims about Jones' honesty to the test, I'll be waiting for you.
Yes, pompous useless Swamp Creature assholes. More meaningless legislation. They should be ashamed of themselves, be we know they aren't.

So you pretty much define your perception of the world by ignoring anyone - republican or democrat - who says anything contrary to what Trump tells you do believe.


The reality is, you like Democrat Fake News lies, because it's lies you've been indoctrinated to accept. In other words, you like the lies because it's lies you wanna hear. But regardless, it isn't credible News. It's just 24/7 Democrat opinion propaganda.

I follow the evidence. For example, NBC reported that Don Jr. had emails about his conversations setting up a meeting at Trump tower from 'high level sources' in the Russian government as part of Russia's efforts to help the Trump campaign.

Do you insist this was fake news?

NBC reported that Trump admitted that the purpose of the meeting was the get information on his political opponent. This after Trump insisted that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss adoption.

Which always sounded why in the hell would his campaign chair attend an *adoption* meeting.

Do you insist this was fake news? Lets compare NBC with what you've been told to believe by Trump.

It told you what you wanted to hear. That isn't credible News. That's opinion propaganda.

Nope. All that actually happened. With Don Jr. actually *releasing* the very emails in question saying *exactly* what NBC reported.

Rob Goldstone: "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump..."

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

Don Jr. knew going into that meeting that this was from high level sources as part of Russian government to support Trump.

Yet you still insist this is all 'opinion propoganda' despite Don Jr. releasing the emails himself. You deny because you've been trained to deny. You ignore because you've been trained to ignore. You're desperately, willfully blind.

But just because you close your eyes doesn't mean the evidence disappears.

You still don't get it. CNN and NBC merely told you what you wanted to hear. That's what Democrat Fake News is all about. It isn't real News.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?

Making up stories? Uh huh, Democrat Fake News would never do that. No way. :rofl: favorite was Jones insisting that there was going to be a false flag attack before the midterms to change their outcome.

And when nothing happened, he insisted his claims about the false flag had actually *prevented* it.

Laughing....and this is your primary source of information? Seriously? There's a reason why 90% of Infowars viewers are Trump Supporters: the gullibility.

He's only one source of information. Nothing wrong with that. You don't wanna access that information, don't. It shouldn't be censored and banned. Shame on y'all for what you did to the man. Y'all got a lot of nerve pretending to care about the Constitution. Hopefully most Americans know you're full of shit.

The 'false flag' claims wasn't 'information'. It was fantasy. Jones made it up. Then he insisted that he 'prevented' his own fantasy from every coming true by making it up.

Its the circular reasoning of the hopelessly delusional. Or.....a con man selling dreams to hapless rubes. And Jones has already told us only playing a character for the purposes of entertainment. Narrowing those options considerably

Don't wanna access that information, don't. If you were serious about defending the Constitution, you would be outraged at your Party pushing for him to be censored and banned.
Actually the point it moot, when what is relevant is do they relay the truth or not. The democrat propaganda wing is constantly lying. They lie for effect and know they're doing it. They do it intentionally and then pretend it was nothing. They just want people to see it and repeat it, because if you repeat a lie enough, people start to believe it. Jones never lied intentionally. His reputation for telling the truth is actually far and above that of the democrat propaganda wing.

Jones just makes up stories. He's a story teller. He imagines shit and uses it to drive advertising revenue and sell poor, hapless souls energy drinks, elixirs and powders. Its reality fan-fiction produced by an entertainer playing a character.

And you're using it as a primary source of information. What's next....getting legal advice from Perry Mason? Fashion tips from Wonderwoman? Relationship advice from Barney the Purple Dinosaur?
Well... couple things here, first of all, I've NEVER, used, Jones as a source for ANYTHING, so, like the democrat propaganda wing you're so tuned into, you LIE like a RUG.

So you're defending Jones.....why exactly? He's an admitted entertainer. He's selling stories, powders, goos and potions to rubes. And yet you rave about his truthfulness and accuracy.

Um, why? What's his evidence of it? Shall we discuss his vile claims that Sandy Hook parents who lost children are 'crisis actors'? That their dead kids never actually existed? Or Jones inane blather about Pizza Gate and the Birther conspiracy?

If you'd like to discuss Jones' truthfulness and accuracy, I'm so willing.
You lied about me, you can't refute that, fine, we can move forward with your silent admission of being a liar.

Second, instead of you spewing your inane gas about what he does, find a solid example you think is a lie and PROVE he's a liar... m'kay?

And when presented with a chance to test Jones truthfullness, accuracy and honesty against the actual flee. That was easy.

When you muster up the courage to put your claims about Jones' honesty to the test, I'll be waiting for you.

Not a valid justification for censoring and banning. Shame on you.
I disagree as long as it is narrowly constructed to certain parameters, i.e. social media sites that claim to be "open forums" and avoid liability for content via saying "it's not ours, it's theirs"

Of course..... we are so fucked.

I understand your position as an absolutist on this, however the problem is platforms like twitter and facebook are so ubiquitous in the digital age that allowing them to pick and choose what positions they will allow on their platform is basically allowing them to shape viewpoints on those positions.

Wonderful. This is the standard socialist line. Have you been in touch with Bernie?

Wow, that's a fucking retarded statement.

Absolutists are the most annoying type of people on either side of the aisle.

Both "sides of the aisle" agree. Strap in!
I disagree as long as it is narrowly constructed to certain parameters, i.e. social media sites that claim to be "open forums" and avoid liability for content via saying "it's not ours, it's theirs"

Of course..... we are so fucked.

I understand your position as an absolutist on this, however the problem is platforms like twitter and facebook are so ubiquitous in the digital age that allowing them to pick and choose what positions they will allow on their platform is basically allowing them to shape viewpoints on those positions.

Wonderful. This is the standard socialist line. Have you been in touch with Bernie?

Wow, that's a fucking retarded statement.

Absolutists are the most annoying type of people on either side of the aisle.

Both "sides of the aisle" agree. Strap in!

Another useless meaningless Swamp Creature farce.
Dems have been bitching about "doing something" about Fox News for a decade now with nothing actually happening, where was your angst about that?

But that's exactly why this issue raises concerns. Previously, Republicans have, however meekly, pushed back against the Democrats' desire to socialize anything and everything. But now they're singing the same tune. Short-sighted political ambitions have Republicans talking about "near monopolies" and claiming that Facebook should be treated as a public utility.

I've always said that I worry the most when Democrats and Republicans agree.

I am actually if not a fan, a interested party in the treatment of things like facebook and twitter as a new form of a digital commons.

Those platforms avoid liability for the posts they show by saying "it's not our content". Well if that's the case 1st amendment protections for them are moot.

They were moot to begin with the First Amendment limits government interference in speech. Not that of private companies or individuals.

And extending the 1st amendment to them via federal communications laws seems like not to big of a stretch to me.

It an enormous stretch. As it shifts the 'infringement' argument from the government, to all private citizens. Denying protestors the right to protest on private property would be a 'first amendment violation'.

If protesters wanted to hold a rally in say, your living denying them access would be a violation of their rights.

It takes a right....a freedom from government infringement, and turns it into a power to COMPEL people to host speech that they disagree with or don't want to host.

Its a terrible idea.

I have to say, it's nice to see you actually standing up for individual freedom. It'll be fun to quote these posts when you switch sides again.

I defend rights. I just don't subscribe to your anarcho-libertarian extremes. Its all a matter of degrees.

Nah. It's picking and choosing when you defend freedom. It's hypocrisy. But hey, the Republicans are no better. Lowest-common-denominator FTW.
But that's exactly why this issue raises concerns. Previously, Republicans have, however meekly, pushed back against the Democrats' desire to socialize anything and everything. But now they're singing the same tune. Short-sighted political ambitions have Republicans talking about "near monopolies" and claiming that Facebook should be treated as a public utility.

I've always said that I worry the most when Democrats and Republicans agree.

I am actually if not a fan, a interested party in the treatment of things like facebook and twitter as a new form of a digital commons.

Those platforms avoid liability for the posts they show by saying "it's not our content". Well if that's the case 1st amendment protections for them are moot.

They were moot to begin with the First Amendment limits government interference in speech. Not that of private companies or individuals.

And extending the 1st amendment to them via federal communications laws seems like not to big of a stretch to me.

It an enormous stretch. As it shifts the 'infringement' argument from the government, to all private citizens. Denying protestors the right to protest on private property would be a 'first amendment violation'.

If protesters wanted to hold a rally in say, your living denying them access would be a violation of their rights.

It takes a right....a freedom from government infringement, and turns it into a power to COMPEL people to host speech that they disagree with or don't want to host.

Its a terrible idea.

I have to say, it's nice to see you actually standing up for individual freedom. It'll be fun to quote these posts when you switch sides again.

I defend rights. I just don't subscribe to your anarcho-libertarian extremes. Its all a matter of degrees.

Nah. It's picking and choosing when you defend freedom. It's hypocrisy. But hey, the Republicans are no better. Lowest-common-denominator FTW.

Nah, hypocrisy is saying one thing and thinking something else. My thoughts and words are in strict alignment. I simply don't believe in your obsessive brand of anarcho-libertarianism.

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