Sen. Max-"Obamacare-"is a train wreck"Baucus retiring.. 21 seats up for GOP!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
known as the major force behind Obamacare Baucus' retirement makes it very likely the GOP will pick up the Montana Senate seat.
In November, Montana voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot initiative, with almost 70% of the vote, to prohibit the state from enforcing a federal mandate to purchase health insurance. While federal law trumps the ballot initiative, the vote is a good sign of how unpopular ObamaCare is with Montana voters. That voted likely triggered Baucus' thoughts of retirement.

There are 21 US Senate seats up for re-election in 2014 that are currently held by Democrats, with more than half of those being vulnerable

Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) said Wednesday he fears a "train wreck" as the Obama administration implements its signature healthcare law.
He pressed Sebelius to explain how her department will overcome entrenched misunderstandings about what the healthcare law does.
"Small businesses have no idea what to do, what to expect," Baucus said.
Citing anecdotal evidence from small businesses in his home state, Baucus asked Sebelius for specifics about how it is measuring public understanding of the law.
She said the Health and Human Services Department has a "campaign and a plan to lead up to open enrollment."

"What is it? The campaign and the plan?" Baucus interrupted.

"Well, Mr. Chairman, as we have discussed, there will be people on the ground, starting this summer."

"How many?" Baucus asked.

"Um, I can't tell you at this point."

"At what point in the summer?"


"Geographically, what states? This is the kind of information I'm asking for," Baucus said. "You're only going to be able to do a decent job if you know the answer to these questions."

A few minutes earlier, Baucus told Sebelius that small business owners have no idea what to expect from Obamacare.

"You need data. Do you have any data? You've never given me data. You only give me concepts, frankly," he said.
Sebelius said in response that the administration is not independently monitoring public awareness of specific provisions but will be embarking on an education campaign beginning this summer.

Baucus warns of 'huge train wreck' enacting ObamaCare provisions - The Hill's Healthwatch

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