Sen. Bob Menendez and wife indicted on bribery charges, Justice Department says

You don't believe in the 'presumption of innocence' that has been America's staple and core value for much longer than even the Constitution.

So much moral authority is given up by the left.

And before you try to deflect, yes, Menendez is a Democrat and a leftist. He is still deserving of the presumption of innocence as an American is entitled.,
When corruption is out in the open, it's a done deal.
This is twice.
He will have his day in court.
Until then, he should resign.

Sen. Bob Menendez and his wife are indicted on bribery​

AP News › article › senator-menendez-indict...

16 hours ago — Menendez alleges vast corruption. U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey and his wife were indicted Friday on charges that they took bribes for ...
They've had the goods on him for years....Why are they doing this now?

You really are even dumber than you present yourself, Wanker.

The Democrat establishment has been after him since he wouldn't toe the party line back during the Obama residency.
When the hell are the Democrats going to hold Potatohead accountable for stealing an election, the massive inflation, millions of Illegals flooding in, the debacle in Afghanistan, high cost of energy, turning this country into a Banana Republic and getting rich selling out his country to foreign interests?

You've just listed the Democrat party planks.
Thanks for posting Paxton

He is another corrupt criminal republican that broke numerous laws and got off because the corrupt swamp republicans let him off.

Republicans are the party of extreme corruption.

Scream "drain the swamp", then break any law you want.

You are such a pitiful dumbass.
The accusers themselves literally stated on the record that they had no actual evidence.
Numerous Democrats have stepped up and called for Menendez to resign, do to the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

A very very stark difference to the GOP response to all of Trump's serious crimes with the same overwhelming evidence of guilt.

This is just another example of how the democrats have substantially more character, honor, and integrity than the republicans.

The evidence against Trump and Menendez is overwhelming as both are caught red handed, dead to rights commiting serious crimes.

The response by the 2 parties is completely different. Republicans have decided to lie and live in fantasy, claiming somehow the charges against Trump are are a fraud?? Democrats would never do anything like that and have rightfully condemned their own, calling for Menendez to resign.
Let's not forget Trump pardoned countless other GOP criminals so lawlessness is common in the GOP.
Lets also not forget the fiasco down in Texas where the GOP are protecting a known corrupt criminal AG, another example of the extreme GOP lawlessness.

Two words, Russian collusion. Your party is worst than dog crap.
seeing how there is no evidence against them for any wrongdoing why would they resign??

There are countless corrupt republicans with overwhelming evidence of guilt who are not being held accountable and think they can break any law they want and lie their way out of accountability.
The fbi and doj hid Hunter's laptop from the public and you loons lied and said it was Russian disinformation.
That BJ was at the root of why he was impeached. Lying about it to the FBI...are you fucking serious?? :auiqs.jpg:
But sure, that's the same as fomenting insurrection. Totally. :)
Lying about it to the FBI...are you fucking serious??

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