Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has breast cancer


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

Wish her well

Are you a chick? I can't tell by your jeans
“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

Every woman who got breast cancer for delayed screaning, should slap Dr Fauci across that weasel face

The damage he did to tits is unforgivable
“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

I'm so glad that it was caught at stage 1 before it could seriously harm her.

She's right early detection is the key to beating breast cancer.

I beat breast cancer. I've been cancer free for over 10 years. Unlike Amy my chances of it coming back to kill me is much higher than most people.

I'm cheering Amy on in her journey to beat this horrible disease.
I wish her well...stage 1A is very treatable and leads to few side affects from the treatment...rarely does stage 1A require radical surgery or heavy doses of radiation....good thing they caught it early....
Hope she recovers.

She was the best the DNC had last year running. It’s a shame she’s not radical enough for the party
That sucks, but having the best medical treatment money can buy at her disposal, she'll be just fine.
“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

She doesn't need a replacement.
“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

Well that's good to hear....that type of cancer usually moves pretty fast.....I wouldn't want her to linger on horribly...yeah...the faster the better.

“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

Michelle Bachmann is busy collecting major money from the Federal Corn Subsidy not to plant anything.
She is an evil ugly hate filled Libtard bitch and I hope she rots in Hell for helping the Democrats to destroy this country but I don't wish cancer on anybody.
Never forget how Leftists celebrated Rush Limbaugh's cancer.

Every hour on Social Media I see extreme hate coming from Leftists. Just a minute ago, a feminist Leftist is wishing death upon male infants:


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Over a decade ago I regularly went to strip bars -- I also appreciate them.

But never forget Leftists hate. How they celebrated Rush Limbaugh's misfortune.
“It’s easy to put off health screenings, just like I did. But I hope my experience is a reminder for everyone of the value of routine health checkups, exams, and follow-through,” she wrote on her blog

Michelle Bachmann is a worthy replacement!

I blame the Covid vaccine.

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