Secretary of State Tillerson Believes A Dialogue With Pyongyang Is Needed


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
U.S. war profiteers have long known, when the our government feeds military personnel into a meat-grinder, money pours out. And since October, 2001, The U.S. military has been fighting active wars in the Middle East, and the profits have been great.

So profitable are these wars, the government is reluctant to end them. Afghanistan is a cash cow, and, though the Iraq war officially ended several years ago, U.S. troops remain there.

The American public hears little about the ongoing fighting, so the wars are only rough on the families of military personnel who are killed, wounded, maimed, or disfigured.

But, the war Big Orange and the conservatives want with North Korea will not be so easy to keep out of the public eye. So, why not try a different approach with the nut that runs North Korea? It’s worth thinking about, but what method will work? Decades of threats and sanctions have only made the situation worse. It seems best to appeal to Kim Jong-un’s greed, and, guarantee his lust for power will be satisfied as well.

In some respects Kim is very much like the Big Orange Idiot, Trump. Both men are very childish individuals. So, rather than treat Kim like a childish despot, Kim should be approached as one would a childish businessman, like Trump.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday that the U.S. wants a dialogue with North Korea at some point. And, since North Korea sits on an estimated 200 different mineral deposits, worth between six and and ten trillion dollars, an offer to help Kim reap the profits from those resources might be a good way to open that dialogue. U.N. sanctions have done little to discourage Kim’s nuclear program, and neither have threats from the U.S.

In addition to sanctions, a lack of money prevents the N. Korean government’s exploitation of these rich reserves. So, rather than attempt to force an end Kim Jong-un’s fascination with nukes, offering him motivation to change his focus to something less dangerous to everyone could be successful.

U.S. representatives should explain to Kim that he has an opportunity to become the richest man in the world. By opening his country to U.S. corporations, like China did years ago, Kim could own a personal fortune that dwarfs those of Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, the Koch Brothers, Cuban, and Branson ...combined.

With trillions-of-dollars in minerals and the cheap North Korean labor force to dig them out, Kim need only open his country to U.S. investment to build the infrastructure needed. As the richest man in the world, Kim could have absolutely anything he wants. Simply show him he no longer needs to imprison himself in a tiny nation surrounded by a starving population, and watch him party.

Sure, as a tyrant, he can kill anyone he wants, any time he wants. But doesn’t that get boring after a while?
As the richest man in the world, he could hobnob with Middle Eastern Oil Sheiks, European royalty, Hollywood celebrities, etc. With his fortune he could make every billionaire on the planet feel like a pauper. Kim could be the world’s first trillion-aire.

No human could turn down such an opportunity. Kim certainly wouldn’t, and he would immediately lose all interest in ICBMs, nuclear warheads, and war. All of these would be counter productive to his new trillion-aire status.

So, let’s try something different to deal with North Korea. If we do, maybe our grandchildren’s only worry will be the seriously polluted world we leave to them. Not a seriously polluted world, that is also dangerously radioactive.

And just so the war profiteers don’t feel cheated, the U.S. wars in the Middle East will continue, uninterrupted.

Tillerson appears to soften tone regarding North Korea



Says it all.

While it's good to see that Tillerson wants a dialogue, it's also disappointing, because I've been assuming/hoping that there has already been at least SOMETHING.
Does Dennis Rodman count as something?
I am very disappointed in the Administrations pivot here.

Just months ago Tillerson said

"North Korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment."

And then yesterday, he comes out kissing their ass. Even offers sit down talks

I do not support that

U.S. war profiteers have long known, when the our government feeds military personnel into a meat-grinder, money pours out. And since October, 2001, The U.S. military has been fighting active wars in the Middle East, and the profits have been great.

So profitable are these wars, the government is reluctant to end them. Afghanistan is a cash cow, and, though the Iraq war officially ended several years ago, U.S. troops remain there.

The American public hears little about the ongoing fighting, so the wars are only rough on the families of military personnel who are killed, wounded, maimed, or disfigured.

But, the war Big Orange and the conservatives want with North Korea will not be so easy to keep out of the public eye. So, why not try a different approach with the nut that runs North Korea? It’s worth thinking about, but what method will work? Decades of threats and sanctions have only made the situation worse. It seems best to appeal to Kim Jong-un’s greed, and, guarantee his lust for power will be satisfied as well.

In some respects Kim is very much like the Big Orange Idiot, Trump. Both men are very childish individuals. So, rather than treat Kim like a childish despot, Kim should be approached as one would a childish businessman, like Trump.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday that the U.S. wants a dialogue with North Korea at some point. And, since North Korea sits on an estimated 200 different mineral deposits, worth between six and and ten trillion dollars, an offer to help Kim reap the profits from those resources might be a good way to open that dialogue. U.N. sanctions have done little to discourage Kim’s nuclear program, and neither have threats from the U.S.

In addition to sanctions, a lack of money prevents the N. Korean government’s exploitation of these rich reserves. So, rather than attempt to force an end Kim Jong-un’s fascination with nukes, offering him motivation to change his focus to something less dangerous to everyone could be successful.

U.S. representatives should explain to Kim that he has an opportunity to become the richest man in the world. By opening his country to U.S. corporations, like China did years ago, Kim could own a personal fortune that dwarfs those of Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, the Koch Brothers, Cuban, and Branson ...combined.

With trillions-of-dollars in minerals and the cheap North Korean labor force to dig them out, Kim need only open his country to U.S. investment to build the infrastructure needed. As the richest man in the world, Kim could have absolutely anything he wants. Simply show him he no longer needs to imprison himself in a tiny nation surrounded by a starving population, and watch him party.

Sure, as a tyrant, he can kill anyone he wants, any time he wants. But doesn’t that get boring after a while?
As the richest man in the world, he could hobnob with Middle Eastern Oil Sheiks, European royalty, Hollywood celebrities, etc. With his fortune he could make every billionaire on the planet feel like a pauper. Kim could be the world’s first trillion-aire.

No human could turn down such an opportunity. Kim certainly wouldn’t, and he would immediately lose all interest in ICBMs, nuclear warheads, and war. All of these would be counter productive to his new trillion-aire status.

So, let’s try something different to deal with North Korea. If we do, maybe our grandchildren’s only worry will be the seriously polluted world we leave to them. Not a seriously polluted world, that is also dangerously radioactive.

And just so the war profiteers don’t feel cheated, the U.S. wars in the Middle East will continue, uninterrupted.

Tillerson appears to soften tone regarding North Korea


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Says it all.

if we attack at night when the lights are shut off.
is there anyone that thinks korea or iran can use a nuclear weapon without ceasing to exist ?
No likely outcome of a war in Korea would be positive.

If we show force and are willing to cross the DMZ, China will act and take out the fat little bastard. Just like how Russia turned around their ships when we blockaded Cuba

Dialogue, indeed:

Fat-Boy: "Good morning, Mister Secretary, how can I help you?"

Tillerson: "Get this, muthaphukker: if you launch on us or our allies, we're gonna cook you and yours down to a hot pool of bubbling trans-fats, okay?"
Remember that those who are totally dedicated to their concepts of reality do not care what happens to others if those concepts are threatened (Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.).

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