Secret Service Exposes Part of Dems Character Assassination of Rear Admiral Jackson

That's the 'great' thing about Congress - they are above the law, and they don't have to adhere to that ridiculous 'Innocent until PROVEN guilty' 'nonsense'....not when they have 'political bias' / rabid partisan hatred and are 100% committed to Obstruction, like Schumer declared the Democrats to be...
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson
Libs... it's what they do. All they understand is how to lie and spend other people's money.
That's the 'great' thing about Congress - they are above the law, and they don't have to adhere to that ridiculous 'Innocent until PROVEN guilty' 'nonsense'....not when they have 'political bias' / rabid partisan hatred and are 100% committed to Obstruction, like Schumer declared the Democrats to be...
Wow...sounds just like what the Republicans said when Obama was reelected.

Could this be...politics as usual??
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson
Libs... it's what they do. All they understand is how to lie and spend other people's money.
Given this last budget passed by the's all about Pot meet Kettle, is it not?

The Fiscal Conservative is a dying breed. A lot of folks on the Right still give lip service..but it's clear the fight is all about what to spend money on..not whether we should spend at all.
That's the 'great' thing about Congress - they are above the law, and they don't have to adhere to that ridiculous 'Innocent until PROVEN guilty' 'nonsense'....not when they have 'political bias' / rabid partisan hatred and are 100% committed to Obstruction, like Schumer declared the Democrats to be...
Wow...sounds just like what the Republicans said when Obama was reelected.

Could this be...politics as usual??
Hardly. Republicans accepted the outcome of the election, whereas snowflakes have not. Have you so soon forgotten yelling and screaming at the GOP to accept Obama as the President, which they did? Yet now you act like 2yos frozen in time, constantly throwing a tantrum.
The Fiscal Conservative is a dying breed.
The Fiscal Conservative POLITICIAN' is a dying breed. Finding a politician who goes to Washington and remains the man seen, embraced, and voted into office back at home is d@mn-near impossible. It's like new politicians are drugged, kidnapped, and taken to a secret under-ground bunker within the 1st week of getting there where they have their minds wiped and re-programmed to be corrupt, lying, self-serving, criminal liberals / Washington Establishment GOP.
That's the 'great' thing about Congress - they are above the law, and they don't have to adhere to that ridiculous 'Innocent until PROVEN guilty' 'nonsense'....not when they have 'political bias' / rabid partisan hatred and are 100% committed to Obstruction, like Schumer declared the Democrats to be...
Wow...sounds just like what the Republicans said when Obama was reelected.

Could this be...politics as usual??
Hardly. Republicans accepted the outcome of the election, whereas snowflakes have not. Have you so soon forgotten yelling and screaming at the GOP to accept Obama as the President, which they did? Yet now you act like 2yos frozen in time, constantly throwing a tantrum. seem unable to see me as other that a lib...wonder why that is? Just because I hate Trump..does not make me a Democrat--just as the fact that I refute your obviously slanted posts does not mean I buy into leftist propaganda either. I not only accepted Trump's election..but I caught a lot of flack posting that we should give him a chance...that he was our President now..and deserved at least that much. I don't think the Russians changed our election..and I don't think Trump colluded with anyone...directly.

You seem to ignore the fact that the Right did, in fact, obstruct Obama at every opportunity. Many on the far right never accepted Obama's election. They constantly threw out Birther arguments to undermine the legitimacy of the Obama Presidency.
You know all this, you probably were one of those who made those very arguments.

One more time..I'm actually to the right of most of the electorate--just on 2nd amendment and immigration..if nothing else.

That I'm to the left of most of the screaming loons that post more about them..than it is about me.
It amazes me how gullible Trump supporters are...

...says one of the guys who bought hook, line, and sinker the lie that there was any illegal Trump-Russia collusion to interfere in the 2016 election, a narrative started by the Democrats...who interfered in the 2016 election by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the primaries, screwed Bernie and his supporters out of the DNC nomination he would have won, paid $12 million to foreign spies working with Russians to obtain a propaganda-filled debunked report illegally used by Hillary in a US election and illegally used by the FBI to obtain warrants to spy on the GOP nominee during an election (making Watergate look like a joke), and protecting a felon from indictment so she could be on the ballot because 'it was her turn'....

Mwuhahahaha.... :p```
hacked by Russians. He even knew that

Laugh like the idiot you are.

In at least one instance the Trump campaign did collude with a Russian national. They thought they were getting dirt on Clinton. Roger Stone claimed to have contacts with WikiLeaks in which they were releasing e-mails of John Podesta that were hacked by Russians BEFORE they were placed on WikiLeaks.

Hillary Clinton got more votes than Sanders in the primaries. Why should she not get the nomination. Tell me how 53% of the primary vote does not beat 42%. She did not pay $12 million to foreign spies. The report has not been debunked. Yeah they got a warrant 1 month after Page left the Trump campaign. You are the joke.

Republican voters were disenfranchised not Democrats. In SC for example, Sanders got 25% of the vote and 25% of the delegates. Trump got 32% of the vote and 100% of the delegates. 68% of Republicans were disenfranchised. Name one instance of rigged primaries or election fraud.

Take your shit and shove it up your ass.:290968001256257790-final:
The Fiscal Conservative is a dying breed.
The Fiscal Conservative POLITICIAN' is a dying breed. Finding a politician who goes to Washington and remains the man seen, embraced, and voted into office back at home is d@mn-near impossible. It's like new politicians are drugged, kidnapped, and taken to a secret under-ground bunker within the 1st week of getting there where they have their minds wiped and re-programmed to be corrupt, lying, self-serving, criminal liberals / Washington Establishment GOP.
Same as it ever was, I think. Most politicians will say anything..and act any way, that enhances their chances of being elected/reelected. Once in DC..they soon find..that they must go along to get along---or find themselves unemployed.
As you see....
It's what I gave you. I answered your ask. feel that Fight Club was a leftist movie? That preschoolers using the term to demonstrate their uniqueness is left wing?

Your post was intellectually dishonest...if you don't see that..or are unwilling to admit not my problem.
as easy said getting back to the topic of the thread....."The Secret Service just came out and said Democrats lied and falsely accused Jackson. No one was / is shocked. End of story. Thank you for coming. Have a nice day."

They did not. The story is that they could neither confirm nor deny the story. The accusations were made by individuals within Jackson's medical unit not Democrats. The topic is a lie.
the story is that there is no evidence.

The story is that there is evidence as people within the medical unit made the claim. Just because the Secret Service did not find anything does not make it untrue. Sad you want to attack our military just to save Trump.
It's what I gave you. I answered your ask. feel that Fight Club was a leftist movie? That preschoolers using the term to demonstrate their uniqueness is left wing?

Your post was intellectually dishonest...if you don't see that..or are unwilling to admit not my problem.
as easy said getting back to the topic of the thread....."The Secret Service just came out and said Democrats lied and falsely accused Jackson. No one was / is shocked. End of story. Thank you for coming. Have a nice day."

They did not. The story is that they could neither confirm nor deny the story. The accusations were made by individuals within Jackson's medical unit not Democrats. The topic is a lie.
the story is that there is no evidence.

The story is that there is evidence as people within the medical unit made the claim. Just because the Secret Service did not find anything does not make it untrue. Sad you want to attack our military just to save Trump.
what evidence? fk, you know, you asshats on the left think someone saying something is evidence. well dick tracy, it ain't. so post some evidence if you wish to condemn the man. feel that Fight Club was a leftist movie? That preschoolers using the term to demonstrate their uniqueness is left wing?

Your post was intellectually dishonest...if you don't see that..or are unwilling to admit not my problem.
as easy said getting back to the topic of the thread....."The Secret Service just came out and said Democrats lied and falsely accused Jackson. No one was / is shocked. End of story. Thank you for coming. Have a nice day."

They did not. The story is that they could neither confirm nor deny the story. The accusations were made by individuals within Jackson's medical unit not Democrats. The topic is a lie.
the story is that there is no evidence.

The story is that there is evidence as people within the medical unit made the claim. Just because the Secret Service did not find anything does not make it untrue. Sad you want to attack our military just to save Trump.
what evidence? fk, you know, you asshats on the left think someone saying something is evidence. well dick tracy, it ain't. so post some evidence if you wish to condemn the man.

Eyewitness accounts are evidence and they should be taken seriously since they are being made by people within the unit itself. They should not be swept under the rug like you want to. Why do you attack our military? You are the leftist.
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson

Boo hoo. They learned it from watching the GOP. You did the same to Hillary .

Oh, I didn’t see the gop members in the committee save his ass . seem unable to see me as other that a lib...wonder why that is? Just because I hate Trump..

That's probably the biggest difference between you and I and the biggest reason you prove you are a Liberal.

Liberals are creatures of EXTREME EMOTION. They are driven by it, feed off of it, make decisions based on it...rather than, more often than not, facts, figures, reality. They use it to manipulate others.

I don't hate President Trump.

At the same time I don't hate former President Obama. I don't hate Hillary. I don't hate Comey. I don't 'HATE' ANYONE! I do not like many, many, many things they have done, but I do not hate THEM.

'EMOTION' leads to skewed judgment, a lack of clarity, and poor decision-making.

For example, the FACT that Hillary Clinton broke NUMEROUS laws in regards to her personal server scandal is FACTUALLY UNDENIABLE. The evidence is there - all of it.

I do not have a passion or a hatred for Hillary Clinton; therefore, I am able to examine the facts and make a clinical decision based on the facts.

For example, the FBI held a press conference, and in that press conference they declared they had found approximately 15,000 OFFICIAL documents pertaining to the State Department, documents that were REQUIRED BY LAWS (FOIA and Federal Records Act) to be turned in .... but that Hillary had never done so .The FBI had just pointed out that Hillary Clinton had committed approx. 15,000 criminal counts in violation of the FOIA and approx. 15,000 criminal counts of violations against the Federal Records Act, for approximately 30,000 criminal counts just in that minute specific 'slice' of the investigation. This is undeniable evidence that Hillary Clinton broke laws and deserved to be indicted.
-- EMOTION then kicks in for many, such as in the confusing to attempt to deny she did anything illegal. Call it 'bias', call it 'partisanship', call it whatever you want, it denies reality, irrationally attempting to overturn factual evidence.

I am the same way about Obama. Barak Obama told the American people his health care plan would NOT COST A DIME, WOULD PAY FOR ITSELF and IF PEOPLE LIKE THEIR PLAN THEY COULD ALL KEEP IT.
- The FACT is the man deliberately lied to the American people.
- EMOTION has caused people to irrationally contend that he did not. Nice sentiment but devoid of FACT.

I am the same way about Trump. I have repeatedly stated that the 2 candidates the American people ended up with were horrific, no where near the best and brightest this country has to offer...but the least criminal, least corrupt, 'best' of the worst was elected President...again based on FACT.
- Case in point, Hillary Clinton was under multiple criminal investigations for crimes that included 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence', Illegal possession / handling / storage / destruction of Classified, etc... Many of those charges were proven to be TRUE.

A great many details / evidence has com out proving Hillary was protected from Indictment so she could go on to win the Presidency....which she failed to do. THE FACT IS SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN OUT OF THE RACE, IN JAIL, ON ELECTION DAY, NOT ON THE BALLOT. The FACT is, also, that if any Republican candidate had been in her same exact situation instead of her the Democrats, Liberals, and Liberal media would have FORCED THEM OUT OF THE RACE, not allowed them to continue. All of this is based on FACT...and if snowflakes would put aside their EMOTION (and partisanship) they would admit that is true...even if only to themselves.

Trump is not a smooth, polished politician, is crude at times, says some really offensive things at times. As an international businessman, I would bet dollars to doughnuts he has had to engage in criminal activity, such as bribery. 'Greasing palms' is EXPECTED / a NATURAL part of doing business in some other countries. He's no 'angel', either.

As far as the 'Witch Hunt' - using that term is not an 'EMOTIONAL' thing. It is now based on complete, undeniable FACT:
- Going on 2 years, no evidence against Trump, not even any evidence of any crime committed warranting an investigation into Trump for 'Russian Interference Collusion'. Mueller has already declared he is ready to work on his 'REPORT'. The Democrats just filed a report in which they ran as far away from the 'Dossier' as possible.

- On the other side, there is evidence of illegal coordination / collaboration between the DOJ and FBI, between Hillary and foreign spies working with Russians, between the Hillary Campaign and the FBI, between Bill and lynch, Comey threw McCabe under the table by accusing him of illegal leaking classified and declared Lynch had obstructed Justice by 'DIRECTING' him to treat the investigation like a 'matter', not an investigation. 'Secret Societies' plotting, 'Insurance policies' for in case Trump did win, evidence of illegally obtaining warrants, evidence of protecting Liberals from the same criminal charges filed against Trump associates, etc...

I am not saying Trump is the best President we could have - he is the best we have. And defending him in this 'witch hunt' is based on the fact that it has been proven to be one. I have no problem criticizing him for things he does wrong.

You HATE TRUMP, though. As mentioned in the 1st line of this, that is the difference between you and I. You are driven by EMOTION, to the point where you look at those you do support with Rose-Colored Glasses. I don't hate PEOPLE - I dislike what they do or don't do.
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson

Boo hoo. They learned it from watching the GOP. You did the same to Hillary .

Oh, I didn’t see the gop members in the committee save his ass .
Bwuhahaha, dude they wrote the book on it. They have perfected it over years of dedication to it.
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson
Libs... it's what they do. All they understand is how to lie and spend other people's money.
Given this last budget passed by the's all about Pot meet Kettle, is it not?

The Fiscal Conservative is a dying breed. A lot of folks on the Right still give lip service..but it's clear the fight is all about what to spend money on..not whether we should spend at all.
I have and will continue to be a fiscal conservative. You would not like my solutions to the budget issues. seem unable to see me as other that a lib...wonder why that is? Just because I hate Trump..

That's probably the biggest difference between you and I and the biggest reason you prove you are a Liberal.

Liberals are creatures of EXTREME EMOTION. They are driven by it, feed off of it, make decisions based on it...rather than, more often than not, facts, figures, reality. They use it to manipulate others.

I don't hate President Trump.

At the same time I don't hate former President Obama. I don't hate Hillary. I don't hate Comey. I don't 'HATE' ANYONE! I do not like many, many, many things they have done, but I do not hate THEM.

'EMOTION' leads to skewed judgment, a lack of clarity, and poor decision-making.

For example, the FACT that Hillary Clinton broke NUMEROUS laws in regards to her personal server scandal is FACTUALLY UNDENIABLE. The evidence is there - all of it.

I do not have a passion or a hatred for Hillary Clinton; therefore, I am able to examine the facts and make a clinical decision based on the facts.

For example, the FBI held a press conference, and in that press conference they declared they had found approximately 15,000 OFFICIAL documents pertaining to the State Department, documents that were REQUIRED BY LAWS (FOIA and Federal Records Act) to be turned in .... but that Hillary had never done so .The FBI had just pointed out that Hillary Clinton had committed approx. 15,000 criminal counts in violation of the FOIA and approx. 15,000 criminal counts of violations against the Federal Records Act, for approximately 30,000 criminal counts just in that minute specific 'slice' of the investigation. This is undeniable evidence that Hillary Clinton broke laws and deserved to be indicted.
-- EMOTION then kicks in for many, such as in the confusing to attempt to deny she did anything illegal. Call it 'bias', call it 'partisanship', call it whatever you want, it denies reality, irrationally attempting to overturn factual evidence.

I am the same way about Obama. Barak Obama told the American people his health care plan would NOT COST A DIME, WOULD PAY FOR ITSELF and IF PEOPLE LIKE THEIR PLAN THEY COULD ALL KEEP IT.
- The FACT is the man deliberately lied to the American people.
- EMOTION has caused people to irrationally contend that he did not. Nice sentiment but devoid of FACT.

I am the same way about Trump. I have repeatedly stated that the 2 candidates the American people ended up with were horrific, no where near the best and brightest this country has to offer...but the least criminal, least corrupt, 'best' of the worst was elected President...again based on FACT.
- Case in point, Hillary Clinton was under multiple criminal investigations for crimes that included 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence', Illegal possession / handling / storage / destruction of Classified, etc... Many of those charges were proven to be TRUE.

A great many details / evidence has com out proving Hillary was protected from Indictment so she could go on to win the Presidency....which she failed to do. THE FACT IS SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN OUT OF THE RACE, IN JAIL, ON ELECTION DAY, NOT ON THE BALLOT. The FACT is, also, that if any Republican candidate had been in her same exact situation instead of her the Democrats, Liberals, and Liberal media would have FORCED THEM OUT OF THE RACE, not allowed them to continue. All of this is based on FACT...and if snowflakes would put aside their EMOTION (and partisanship) they would admit that is true...even if only to themselves.

Trump is not a smooth, polished politician, is crude at times, says some really offensive things at times. As an international businessman, I would bet dollars to doughnuts he has had to engage in criminal activity, such as bribery. 'Greasing palms' is EXPECTED / a NATURAL part of doing business in some other countries. He's no 'angel', either.

As far as the 'Witch Hunt' - using that term is not an 'EMOTIONAL' thing. It is now based on complete, undeniable FACT:
- Going on 2 years, no evidence against Trump, not even any evidence of any crime committed warranting an investigation into Trump for 'Russian Interference Collusion'. Mueller has already declared he is ready to work on his 'REPORT'. The Democrats just filed a report in which they ran as far away from the 'Dossier' as possible.

- On the other side, there is evidence of illegal coordination / collaboration between the DOJ and FBI, between Hillary and foreign spies working with Russians, between the Hillary Campaign and the FBI, between Bill and lynch, Comey threw McCabe under the table by accusing him of illegal leaking classified and declared Lynch had obstructed Justice by 'DIRECTING' him to treat the investigation like a 'matter', not an investigation. 'Secret Societies' plotting, 'Insurance policies' for in case Trump did win, evidence of illegally obtaining warrants, evidence of protecting Liberals from the same criminal charges filed against Trump associates, etc...

I am not saying Trump is the best President we could have - he is the best we have. And defending him in this 'witch hunt' is based on the fact that it has been proven to be one. I have no problem criticizing him for things he does wrong.

You HATE TRUMP, though. As mentioned in the 1st line of this, that is the difference between you and I. You are driven by EMOTION, to the point where you look at those you do support with Rose-Colored Glasses. I don't hate PEOPLE - I dislike what they do or don't do.
In short..I don't believe you. Your arguments are invariably slanted..which shows the level of emotional investment is high.

Too bad you couldn't get past the 1st sentence of my previous post...and made your response predictably ad hominem.

BTW..being emotional invested in something is not the same thing as being, 'driven by emotion.'

All things in context.

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