Secession must be OK, when liberals want to do it

red states rule

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May 30, 2006
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How many times have you seen Civil War rants about the "backward" nature of the South or Southerners – all linked to the failed attempt at secession? But now secession has to be looked at in a credible way, thanks to The Washington Post, because liberals want to do it.

In an appropriately April Fools Day Outlook column called “The Once and Future Republic of Vermont,” the authors complained about the American “empire” and said “Some of us therefore seek permission to leave.”

Ian Baldwin, publisher of Vermont Commons, and Frank Bryan, a political science professor at the University of Vermont, remind readers that “Vermont was once an independent republic, and it can be one again.” They are unhappy, as are many lefties, because the nation isn’t as left-wing as they want it to be.

The Post is clearly unhappy as well. It gave them front-page space on one of the most popular commentary sections in the nation for 1,200 words on secession. Those words are full of the standard liberal doctrine – anti-military, anti-U.S., anti-Ronald Reagan. The whole thing is so “anti” that it can leave you crying “uncle.”

Buried in the midst of this massive rationalization about quitting the United States was a reminder of one of the prominent libs involved in these discussions – none other than Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. Here’s a quote:

“The present movement for secession has been gathering steam for a decade and a half. In preparation for Vermont's bicentennial in 1991, public debates – moderated by then-Lt. Gov. Howard Dean – were held in seven towns before crowds that averaged 230 citizens. At the end of each, Dean asked all those in favor of Vermont's seceding from the Union to stand and be counted. In town after town, solid majorities stood. The final count: 999 (62 percent) for secession and 608 opposed.”

Come to think of it, if we could get rid of Dean, it almost might be worth it.
I have always thought that the north made a big mistake in not just letting the south go. Good riddance, I say.
I have always thought that the north made a big mistake in not just letting the south go. Good riddance, I say.

Except of course when it is election time - then libs love to tell the South how much they love and respect them
Except of course when it is election time - then libs love to tell the South how much they love and respect them

not me.... I fucking hate the south....I think they are mostly redneck racist assholes who eat way too much fried food! :rofl:

America would be so much better off today if we had not bothered to fight the civil war to keep the south. We should have let them go.
not me.... I fucking hate the south....I think they are mostly redneck racist assholes who eat way too much fried food! :rofl:

America would be so much better off today if we had not bothered to fight the civil war to keep the south. We should have let them go.

Nothing like liberal love and tolerance on display
not me.... I fucking hate the south....I think they are mostly redneck racist assholes who eat way too much fried food! :rofl:

America would be so much better off today if we had not bothered to fight the civil war to keep the south. We should have let them go.

Is this the REAL reson you hate the South?


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ah, here is another reason you hate the South................ I is because of morons like you.

I do not hate the south for the way they vote....I expect it, given the fact that morons like you live there! :razz: I is because of morons like you.

I do not hate the south for the way they vote....I expect it, given the fact that morons like you live there! :razz:

I can't wait to hear you rant and rave as the South votes against your gal Hillary or your guy Obama

Then you can bellow about the racist South as the liberal media does
I can't wait to hear you rant and rave as the South votes against your gal Hillary or your guy Obama

Then you can bellow about the racist South as the liberal media does

unfortunately, you'll have to wait. Please just do so and we'll talk about it then.
unfortunately, you'll have to wait. Please just do so and we'll talk about it then.

Look at how the liberal media "reported" the loss of Harold Ford

Chris Matthews Blames Racist White Conservatives if Harold Ford Loses
Posted by Brad Wilmouth on November 5, 2006 - 21:31.
According to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, if Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford loses Tuesday, you can blame it on white conservatives. On Sunday morning, as he appeared in a segment hosted by Alex Witt, Matthews chided whites for an unwillingness to vote for black politicians, contending that "blacks vote for whites," but "whites don't vote for blacks." Matthews added that in states with large black populations, fear leads whites to become conservative Republicans. Matthews: "The larger the black population, where the whites are afraid historically, and in Deep South states, they tend to become very conservative Republican out of fear, whatever, of an overwhelming, or a large number of African-Americans because of the kind of culture." Ignored by Matthews was the willingness of white conservatives to support black statewide candidates like Maryland's Michael Steele, Ohio's Kenneth Blackwell, and Pennsylvania's Lynn Swann, in this year's elections, while white liberals will be supporting white Democratic candidates instead, demonstrating that party affiliation is the deciding factor in whether white conservatives vote for a black candidate. Notably, in Maryland's Senate primary, Democratic voters rejected black Democratic candidate Kweisi Mfume, a former Congressman, in favor of white candidate and Congressman Benjamin Cardin during their party's primary, while the Republican nominee, Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele, is black. (Transcript follows)

Below is a transcript of Matthews' comments, which aired on MSNBC about 9:16 a.m. on Sunday November 5:

Chris Matthews: "I think it's always been a Hail Mary pass, to use a football term, for Harold Ford Jr. I think it's just a tough one, and we all know the history of our country electing white people. Blacks vote for whites. Whites don't vote for blacks. It's just been a problem. It's just a horrible problem. I thought he was really courageous in making this run. I never thought it was really that winnable. He's from Memphis. He's had a history of family illegalities. Talk about the old man being involved in affecting your election. An uncle in trouble. I think he had to overcome an awful lot. But most importantly, he's an African-American guy running in the United States. That's just a challenge. I mean, Deval Patrick up in Massachusetts will be elected governor, but Massachusetts has an interesting, they don't have that large African-American population like you have in states like Tennessee. They don't therefore have those frictions. I mean, the larger the black population, where the whites are afraid historically, and in Deep South states, they tend to become very conservative Republican out of fear, whatever, of an overwhelming, or a large number of African-Americans because of the kind of culture. Only when we get to these situations where they think they can do it without fear, like Deval Patrick, do they operate this way. I say this as almost like a sermon, but white people aren't voting for black people in this country."

Alex Witt: "Do you think the white Playboy ad, for lack of a better characterization of that, do you think that hurt him?"

Matthews: "Well, that was a racist ad, and it ripped the scab off the old racial animosities in this country and fears. You see a very attractive -- sexy, if you will -- white woman, a blonde, a floozy, saying that you don't have to come for me, I'm coming for you. And after the commercial, she pops back in after the Republicans have said we agree with the content of this ad, she pops in around the corner and says, 'I'll call you later, Howard.' In other words, she's throwing herself at a black guy. You're talking about opening up all the old fears and angers, that was the most racist ad I think I've ever seen. And anybody that doesn't see it is either not born in America or refuses to accept the reality."
Matthews: Racist Voters Like Black Candidates 'Almost Castrated'
Posted by Rich Noyes on November 7, 2006 - 16:49.
As Chris Matthews sees it and decrees it, if voters in Maryland decide to go for Republican Michael Steele today it will be because they prefer African American candidates who are “unthreatening” or “almost...castrated,” and that the “funny” “lighthearted” Steele strikes voters as “a guy I would like to have living next door” — although he quickly added that “that may be pushing it in some cases.”

As Joe Scarborough, one of the rotating anchors of MSNBC’s continuing election coverage tried to interrupt, Matthews justified his comments by insisting that, “I have to tell you, we have an ethnic problem in this country. And it’s coming to the fore, this race problem we have.”

Of course, whether or not Steele wins, most of his votes will come from MarylandÂ’s more conservative voters. Does this mean that Matthews is blaming liberal Democratic voters for the supposed racist antagonism against Steele?

As NewsBuster Brad Wilmouth already documented, Matthews also blamed racism for the fact that Democrat Harold Ford appeared to be trailing in his race for a Tennessee Senate seat:

“We all know the history of our country electing white people. Blacks vote for whites. Whites don't vote for blacks. It’s just been a problem. It's just a horrible problem. I thought he was really courageous in making this run. I never thought it was really that winnable. He's from Memphis. He's had a history of family illegalities. Talk about the old man being involved in affecting your election. An uncle in trouble. I think he had to overcome an awful lot. But most importantly, he's an African-American guy running in the United States.”
Matthews made his comments about Steele around 2:25pm EST on Sunday, during live coverage shortly after President BushÂ’s delivered comments praising the death sentence verdict against Saddam Hussein. As he and Scarborough handicapped the various races, Matthews blurted out what he presented as praise of Michael Steele:

“Michael Steele has run a first-rate campaign. He’s a gentleman of the first order. You talk about meeting him — I’ve met him at so many football games and baseball games, and he’s always great to hang around with, but that’s all I really know about him.”

“But the commercials have been so positive. He’s so — I hate to say this, because this sounds so damned ethnic — unthreatening, which a lot of white voters like to see from an African-American, unthreatening. You almost have to be castrated to take the fear away from some people.” As Matthews said "unthreatening" and "castrated," he raised his voice to emphasize each word.

At this point, Scarborough tried to interrupt, but Matthews plowed forward: “And this guy comes on as a funny guy, a lighthearted, positive guy. And the people go ‘God, this guy is a guy I would like to have living next door’ — although that may be pushing it in some cases.”

After Scarborough tried again to interrupt, Matthews finished up: “ And so I have to tell you, we have an ethnic problem in this country. And it’s coming to the fore, this race problem we have.”

Of course, the fact is that in both Tennesse and Maryland voters are siding with the candidate who best represents their positions on the issues -- Republicans voting for the white Bob Corker and black Michael Steele, Democrats picking the white Ben Cardin and black Harold Ford. Matthews could be rejoicing over how color-blind the American political system is in the early 21st century, but instead he's impugning voters as too racist to vote fairly.
you just don't get it, do you?

your continued exclusive reliance on cutting and pasting other people's words and ideas is a JOKE. You are a JOKE.

You continue to show yourself absolutely incapable of putting words to your own thoughts and even incapable of answering basic questions with monosyllabic answers of your own creation.
you just don't get it, do you?

your continued exclusive reliance on cutting and pasting other people's words and ideas is a JOKE. You are a JOKE.

You continue to show yourself absolutely incapable of putting words to your own thoughts and even incapable of answering basic questions with monosyllabic answers of your own creation.

You are showing your liberal hate and racism very well
You are showing your liberal hate and racism very well

hatred? racism? please show where my comment exhibited either of those. I pointed out that you were a joke. I don't hate you and I don't think that 'fools' or 'morons' are distinct RACES.... do you?
not me.... I fucking hate the south....I think they are mostly redneck racist assholes who eat way too much fried food! :rofl:

America would be so much better off today if we had not bothered to fight the civil war to keep the south. We should have let them go.
While I am inclined to agree with your stereotype, I must say that it's not ALL of the South. Depends where you go. Jackson, MS is a bit more "liberal" (a joke to say, but it is true) when compared to Vicksburg, MS. Whitmire, SC is almost perfectly fit into the stereotype while Myrtle Beach, SC is definitely not.

And if we had just "let them go," black people would be oppressed to this very day.
hatred? racism? please show where my comment exhibited either of those. I pointed out that you were a joke. I don't hate you and I don't think that 'fools' or 'morons' are distinct RACES.... do you?

You have been insulting rednecks haven't you? That is a racial term you know.
While I am inclined to agree with your stereotype, I must say that it's not ALL of the South. Depends where you go. Jackson, MS is a bit more "liberal" (a joke to say, but it is true) when compared to Vicksburg, MS. Whitmire, SC is almost perfectly fit into the stereotype while Myrtle Beach, SC is definitely not.

And if we had just "let them go," black people would be oppressed to this very day.

Kagom, the dirty little secret is he doesn't give a damn about black people.

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