Screwy Louie Gohmert shows his christian family val-ues


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Did you expect any different from the whiny hill billy hick with the cletus accent christer roach

On Friday morning, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) stood before the Values Voters Summit and made fun of people with disabilities.

After a joke about people running for office being "no-brainers," he got mock-serious. "And I do want to warn,"he said, "Since most people here are Christians ... A true believer does what Jesus did ... you don't make fun of people who are impaired, have special needs. And whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired."
The crowd then displayed their values, laughing and clapping loudly.

No, Louie Gohmert, disability not a joke -'s amazing how clueless people can be. Not only Gohmert for saying that Jesus said not to make fun of people who are impaired, then making a joke about it, and then a whole bunch of people who heard his words, decided instead to follow his actions.

But....................unfortunately....................things like this really don't surprise me much anymore, as it seems to be a common thing nowadays.
The freaking Country is falling apart under a doddering old fool and lefties worry about Louie Gohmert? What would CNN do without Media Matters to spin everything republicans say?
Did you expect any different from the whiny hill billy hick with the cletus accent christer roach

On Friday morning, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) stood before the Values Voters Summit and made fun of people with disabilities.

After a joke about people running for office being "no-brainers," he got mock-serious. "And I do want to warn,"he said, "Since most people here are Christians ... A true believer does what Jesus did ... you don't make fun of people who are impaired, have special needs. And whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired."
The crowd then displayed their values, laughing and clapping loudly.

No, Louie Gohmert, disability not a joke -

Mental disability is not a joke. Falsely accusing Hillary of them, is.


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