Scott Walker Won't Be Getting My Vote

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.
OK, enjoy your vote for Hillary.

Narco-Libertarians are bigger threats to this country than al Qaeda.
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.
OK, enjoy your vote for Hillary.

Narco-Libertarians are bigger threats to this country than al Qaeda.

So you're saying Scott Walker is the best your party can do?
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.
OK, enjoy your vote for Hillary.

Narco-Libertarians are bigger threats to this country than al Qaeda.

So you're saying Scott Walker is the best your party can do?
Scott Walker is pretty darn good. Let's check him against the best the Democrats can do:
Took bribe money from foreign governemnts? Nope.
Lied about being under sniper fire? Nope.
Executive experience? Yup
Got Americans killed in Benghazi? Nope.
Asked what difference American deaths made? Nope.
Yeah, I'd say Walker is way out ahead of the Dems.
I'll vote for Walker over bush , Then again , I'll vote Hilary over bush !! I see myself as libertarian but also as a big conservative . Last thing I'll worry about is marijuana or gay marriage . Smoke dope if you want to , no ones going to go to jail anymore I don't think but I don't know all the laws . Gay marriage , smoke some of that too if you like , generally no one objects or goes to jail for that . Gay marriage will eventually be considered normal by most people I suppose and it'll be normal nationwide no matter what I or Walker think about it .
I'll vote for Walker over bush , Then again , I'll vote Hilary over bush !! I see myself as libertarian but also as a big conservative . Last thing I'll worry about is marijuana or gay marriage . Smoke dope if you want to , no ones going to go to jail anymore I don't think but I don't know all the laws . Gay marriage , smoke some of that too if you like , generally no one objects or goes to jail for that . Gay marriage will eventually be considered normal by most people I suppose and it'll be normal nationwide no matter what I or Walker think about it .

Did you just say no one is going to jail over smoking dope? You might want to rethink that.
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.
Those are your top concerns for president this go around? Of all the shit this asshole has done over the last six years this is your focus.
I don't think they do , not lately anyway Carla . I also said that I don't know all the laws but I hear that cops give tickets in some areas but no arrest . I don't see marijuana as something to base my vote on .
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.
those are good points, however you need to consider what fiscal leaps he's made in an extremely hostile atmosphere.

The birthplace of the least American ideals is WI, and he's been able to improve that place economically.
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.

Oh no! So...ummm...this could have a huge effect on the midterms. Wait a minute. We already had the midterms. You were crushed worse than at any time in the past 100 years. And you think you have a snowball's chance in hell of keeping the White House in 2016? They're support groups for dementia you know.
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I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.

Oh no! So...ummm...this could have a huge effect on the midterms. Wait a minute. We already had the midterms. You were crushed worse than at any time in the past 100 years. And you think you have a snowball's chance in hell of keeping the White House in 2016? They're support groups for dementia you know.

I wasn't crushed. I voted for more Republicans in this last mid term than Democrats and a lot of third party candidates as well. Why do you assume because someone criticizes one of the major two parties they must be a member of the other? Not all of us are hyper partisans like yourself. Some of us actually think.
As for continuing foreign policy, what do you think Obama's been doing the last 6 years and what Hillary will likely do if she manages to sneak into the White House?
first time I ran into Libertarians was at a 'get to know Libertarians ' mixer back in the late 80s . It was at a Dennys , coffee was served and the first and last thing on the agenda was marijuana legislation . It was funny but I do have some serious Libertarian leaning on some issues . I think that I can be called a 'small L' Libertarian .
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As for continuing foreign policy, what do you think Obama's been doing the last 6 years and what Hillary will likely do if she manages to sneak into the White House?

Who said I was voting for Hillary? I don't know how any sane person could cast a vote for her.
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.
OK, enjoy your vote for Hillary.

Narco-Libertarians are bigger threats to this country than al Qaeda.

So you're saying Scott Walker is the best your party can do?
Scott Walker is pretty darn good. Let's check him against the best the Democrats can do:
Took bribe money from foreign governemnts? Nope.
Lied about being under sniper fire? Nope.
Executive experience? Yup
Got Americans killed in Benghazi? Nope.
Asked what difference American deaths made? Nope.
Yeah, I'd say Walker is way out ahead of the Dems.

He can't even balance a state budget. But I guess spending is what repubs do now.
As for continuing foreign policy, what do you think Obama's been doing the last 6 years and what Hillary will likely do if she manages to sneak into the White House?

Who said I was voting for Hillary? I don't know how any sane person could cast a vote for her.

Then who among the likely candidates is going to have a significantly different foreign policy? If Walker's likely stance costs him your vote, who can you vote for?
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As for continuing foreign policy, what do you think Obama's been doing the last 6 years and what Hillary will likely do if she manages to sneak into the White House?

Who said I was voting for Hillary? I don't know how any sane person could cast a vote for her.

Then who among the likely candidates is going to have a significantly different foreign policy? If Walker's likely stance costs him your vote, who can you vote for?

I would vote for Rand Paul if he becomes the Republican nominee. Right now he's about the only one. Otherwise, I'll be voting Libertarian like I have done the last two elections.
Warning, singular issue politics will inevitably result in a very costly mistake. Rhino's and Democrats feed off narrow minded individuals to keep their crony lobbyists and base happy. One would think after the past 6 years this lesson would not be repeated.
I was channel surfing last night and came across Scott Walker getting interviewed by Sean Hannity at CPAC. I watched it and learned the following about Governor Walker. He will continue the failed interventionist Bush foreign policy. He opposes legalizing gay marriage and he opposes legalizing marijuana. Therefore, Scott Walker will not be getting my vote in 2016 if he is the Republican nominee.

If the GOP wants to be a competitive party in the presidential election they need to advance into the 21st century.

The ancient Romans had gay marriage, so bringing that perversion of marriage to America is hardly advancing "into the 21st century."

As far as legalizing marijuana, does America really need another legal drug?

And I seriously doubt that Walker would be a Bush clone on foreign policy.

So based on those issues you would reject a man who has done a great job fixing his state's budget and encouraging economic growth in his state. Sad.

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