Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

can you repeat "most people are OK with abusing prisoners" the families of people imprisoned for say possession of marijuana [700k a year in the US] can understand that you [by that I mean Republicans like you] believe its perfectly OK to boil your kin alive in prison

Guy, we have prisons because the people in them DESERVE TO BE THERE.
So you JoeB131[most folks feel its OK to boil the mentally ill alive if they are in prison] once in prison Big Government in your view is free to boil prisoners alive
JoeB131 you are trying to give Liberals a bad name by claiming you are are an unconditional Right wing Republican...who thinks of a Black human being who was boiled alive as "some stewbum getting a beatdown in prison"....

Autopsy said he died of a heart attack... but never mind little facts like that or that the guards involved were fired and some faced criminal charges.
and his skin being all over the cell as it sloughed off did him no harm eh Joeb131[boiling prisoners alive if they misbehave is reasonable]
The goal of right to work laws is to lower wages for workers...its the start of a conservative wave of workers receiving less. Following that will be the challenge to having to pay overtime(which is the sign of a very very bad company), followed by less insurance coverage, etc. Its coming down the pike and Mississippi is the model. Vote yourself right out of existence. And repeat that education isn't that important. You can make it without it if you are willing to work hard. Same oldUNTRUE rhetoric. But I gotta hand it to the conservatives, they have convinced average working people that workers are the problem.... while those at the top laugh all the way to the bank. American such thing.
Why is the middle class shrinking along with abrogated union contracts?
Its part of an over thirty year scheme to eliminate the public sector and replace it with private industry providers...they have taken money for the public services and turned them into private profits...
how does that better ensure a republican form of Government?
Its part of an over thirty year scheme to eliminate the public sector and replace it with private industry providers...they have taken money for the public services and turned them into private profits...

And in some cases, that's probably a good thing. Now, before you start whining about dead stew-bums again, I grew up in Chicago. And the thing was, I went to the Catholic School system. The Grammar School I went to had the children of the local congressman (whose son is the Congressman in the same district today.) I went to a High School that produced Four Mayors of Chicago. One of my classmates was the son of Mayor Bilandic's right hand man.

Now, here's the thing, as much as those liberal democratic politicians just loved them some Public Schools, they would never expose their own children to one.

Now, do I think vouchers are the answer? No. But I do find the above amusing. Public schools for thee but not for me.
So you JoeB131[most folks feel its OK to boil the mentally ill alive if they are in prison] once in prison Big Government in your view is free to boil prisoners alive

Hey, when you have a cage full of animals, you treat them like animals.

Why don't we lock you in a prison for a week, and see if your opinions change any? I promise, being boiled by the guards will be the least of your worries...

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday said his experience undermining labor unions in Wisconsin has prepared him to take on the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria.

Walker was referring to protesters who led an unsuccessful recall effort against him in 2012, after he proposed a budget that stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. The protests lasted for months and catapulted Walker onto the national political stage.

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions

I would love to see union-buster Walker taking on ISIS - but not as president.

It would be like scalping a few engines no?
So you JoeB131[most folks feel its OK to boil the mentally ill alive if they are in prison] once in prison Big Government in your view is free to boil prisoners alive

Hey, when you have a cage full of animals, you treat them like animals.

Why don't we lock you in a prison for a week, and see if your opinions change any? I promise, being boiled by the guards will be the least of your worries...
I have been in prison...Parish Prison Louisiana in 1971... I think of you as an animal a sick animal JoeB131[Most folks think prisoners in Jail are animals that should be abused and even boiled alive]
This is how I picture Joeb131 ..liberal too much

and his skin being all over the cell as it sloughed off did him no harm eh Joeb131[boiling prisoners alive if they misbehave is reasonable]

Yeah, well, again, maybe he shouldn't have been flinging his shit around the cell....
Maybe he should have been in a psychiatric cell but do go on Joebb131 who calls itself a liberal says if a mentally ill prisoner acts up the proper the rational and justified thing is to "boil the animal alive"
8 horrifying revelations in the Justice Department’s Ferguson report
Wednesday, Mar 4, 2015 03:42 PM CST

8 horrifying revelations in the Justice Department’s Ferguson report

From unconstitutional searches to racist emails, here are some of the most revolting findings
Luke Brinker

The Justice Department released its full report on the Ferguson Police Department on Wednesday, seven months after Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed African American teen Michael Brown — an event which galvanized demonstrators against racial bias in policing and triggered the Justice Department’s probe. Though a grand jury decided not to indict Wilson and the Justice Department opted not to bring federal civil rights charges in the case, the department’s report makes clear that Wilson was part of a local law enforcement system tainted by racial bias, abuses of citizens’ constitutional rights, excessive use of force, and an over-reliance on fines and fees to generate revenue. :dance::clap::dance:

Such systemic injustices poisoned police-community relations in Ferguson, where 67 percent of the population is African American but the police force is 94 percent white. The Justice report depicts a law enforcement system in deep need of a overhaul — and offers a horrific look at how white supremacy functions in 21st-century America.

Below, Salon looks at eight of the most revolting revelations in the report.

1. Over-reliance on fines and fees for revenue — and pressure to generate more

For years, Ferguson has relied heavily on law enforcement fines and fees to keep city operations running, with the percentage of city revenues generated by such fees gradually increasing over time. In 2011, fines and fees collected by the municipal court accounted for $1.38 million of the city’s $11.07 million in general fund revenue, rising to $2.46 million by 2013. Last year, the city budgeted for the court to collect $2.63 million in revenue.

After sales taxes, traffic fines constitute Ferguson’s second-largest source of revenue. City officials made no secret of their desire to generate more revenue from stops and other law enforcement-imposed penalties, increasing the budgeting for court-generated revenue and stepping up pressure to impose tough penalties. In April 2014, for instance, the finance director of Ferguson wrote city officials to recommend an “I-270 traffic enforcement initiative” in order to “fill the revenue pipeline.”

The fees can be financially punishing for the city’s many poor residents, many of whom can’t afford to pay the burdensome penalties assessed on them — including $302 for a manner of walking violation, $427 for disturbing the peace, and $777 for resisting arrest.

8 horrifying revelations in the Justice Department s Ferguson report -
I have been in prison...Parish Prison Louisiana in 1971...

That explains everything, really.

Hey, most of us HAVEN'T been to prison. We obey the law, we pay our taxes, we do our jobs. And we don't feel really bad when prisoners get punished for their bad behavior.

Now, I do think our prison system needs serious reform. We lock up too many people, for things they probably shouldn't be locked up for. But I'm not going to get all upset because some stewbum smeared himself with shit and some guards threw his ass in a hot shower.

But I'm sure Eric Holder will get right on Rainey's case for you... right after he's done with Wilson and Zimmerman.

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