Scott Walker Got Punked at a Pizza Shop

These kids really pulled a great trick on Walker. They got him to pose with them and a huge check from the Koch Bothers.

Scott Walker just got punked at a New Hampshire pizza shop - The Washington Post

As Scott Walker smiled and put his arms around Tyler McFarland, 23, and Giselle Hart, 20, the sign flipped. Suddenly Walker was posing with a fake, game-show-style check made out to him from the billionaire Koch brothers, Charles Koch and David Koch, who plan to spend $889 million on the upcoming election.
Actually, Walker could gain popularity by giving credit to the fuckheads for the prank and laugh with them. After all, we all supposed to have a humorous side and he needs to show it.
These kids really pulled a great trick on Walker. They got him to pose with them and a huge check from the Koch Bothers.

Scott Walker just got punked at a New Hampshire pizza shop - The Washington Post

As Scott Walker smiled and put his arms around Tyler McFarland, 23, and Giselle Hart, 20, the sign flipped. Suddenly Walker was posing with a fake, game-show-style check made out to him from the billionaire Koch brothers, Charles Koch and David Koch, who plan to spend $889 million on the upcoming election.
Actually, Walker could gain popularity by giving credit to the fuckheads for the prank and laugh with them. After all, we all supposed to have a humorous side and he needs to show it.
They exposed his prostitution to the Koch brothers...he is a whooore
These kids really pulled a great trick on Walker. They got him to pose with them and a huge check from the Koch Bothers.

Scott Walker just got punked at a New Hampshire pizza shop - The Washington Post

As Scott Walker smiled and put his arms around Tyler McFarland, 23, and Giselle Hart, 20, the sign flipped. Suddenly Walker was posing with a fake, game-show-style check made out to him from the billionaire Koch brothers, Charles Koch and David Koch, who plan to spend $889 million on the upcoming election.

In other news, BK didn't do it my way.

Well, his career is over.

He was in a pizza shop and was recognized...

Hillary went into a fast food place, and no one knew she was there...

Yup, Walker is done.

Just ask a parrot.
Those two look like a couple of liberal morons....notice the girl's "DUH" look.

And those morons fooled Scott Walker. That says it all doesnt it?
When your picture is taken in good faith and somebody makes rabbit ear for you, are you automatically an imbecile? Just asking...
The problem is that the Fake check reflects the Real Scott Walker ...a fully owned Tool of the Koch brothers...he is owned lock stock and bald spot./
Rather cheap looking 'check', how long do you figure it took those nimrods to make it?

5 minutes?


How long before they knew Hillary was in the fast food place?

2 days?

Oddly, I'd never heard pf the Koch brothers until the liberals started soiling themselves over them. And we all know the liberals never take money from rich people.... anyhoo... who cares if private citizens donate money? I thought that's what you fucking liberals whined about with Citizens United.. now real people donate money and you're whining Geeze, you fuckers are nuts, completely nuts.
Those two look like a couple of liberal morons....notice the girl's "DUH" look.

And those morons fooled Scott Walker. That says it all doesnt it?
When your picture is taken in good faith and somebody makes rabbit ear for you, are you automatically an imbecile? Just asking...

Behind you or in front of you?
Fuck!!! You are right!!! The big sign was transparent and he did not read it from the back…

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