Scorchio !!!

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Reaction score
Y Cae Ras
Record temps in the UK today as 41 is recorded in some places.I know my American friends will chuckle but we arent used to this sort of thing.

Schools are closing and trains arent running. The country has come to a standstill.
Now we are out of the EU we can use our British grit and channel our Dunkirk spirit.

We can come through this. Stronger and more tanned.

Pray for us.
Ours is heading this way in the coming week(s). Nineties then upward and no rain in the forecast for awhile so the garden may suffer if water tables lower too much by next month.
Record temps in the UK today as 41 is recorded in some places.I know my American friends will chuckle but we arent used to this sort of thing.

Schools are closing and trains arent running. The country has come to a standstill.
Now we are out of the EU we can use our British grit and channel our Dunkirk spirit.

We can come through this. Stronger and more tanned.

Pray for us.
I want you to remember this when the deny the increased heat from climate change.
Ours is heading this way in the coming week(s). Nineties then upward and no rain in the forecast for awhile so the garden may suffer if water tables lower too much by next month.
We have not had rain since first week of June and had one hundred degree weather since June.
We have not had rain since first week of June and had one hundred degree weather since June.
92 day before yesterday and just enough rain to make it stifling because of the humidity.
Record temps in the UK today as 41 is recorded in some places.I know my American friends will chuckle but we arent used to this sort of thing.

Schools are closing and trains arent running. The country has come to a standstill.
Now we are out of the EU we can use our British grit and channel our Dunkirk spirit.

We can come through this. Stronger and more tanned.

Pray for us.

Relax, Tommy. Just turn up the A/C and relax sipping on a nice Tom Collins made with London Tower gin, the finest made.

In a few months, I predict we will have global cooling, and you can pitch a bitch about something else.
Normal temps here.
What kind of backward ass country doesnt have AC?
You all have air con though. Nowhere in the UK has functioning air con.
We do not have any air conditioning. Just fans. Air cost too much to run for a lot of us on limited incomes. Heck, just paying the electric bill for a fridge and lights is a task most months here.

We do have shade trees and a cold bath of water if needed.
Relax, Tommy. Just turn up the A/C and relax sipping on a nice Tom Collins made with London Tower gin, the finest made.

In a few months, I predict we will have global cooling, and you can pitch a bitch about something else.
As a climate sceptic I have always felt that the warming thing was a conspiracy to kill the oil industry.
But I cannot dismiss the evidence of my own eyes.It is so hot I may remove my famous sweater in order to cool down.
Record temps in the UK today as 41 is recorded in some places.I know my American friends will chuckle but we arent used to this sort of thing.

Schools are closing and trains arent running. The country has come to a standstill.
Now we are out of the EU we can use our British grit and channel our Dunkirk spirit.

We can come through this. Stronger and more tanned.

Pray for us.
Keep Calm and Carry On.
We do not have any air conditioning. Just fans. Air cost too much to run for a lot of us on limited incomes. Heck, just paying the electric bill for a fridge and lights is a task most months here.

We do have shade trees and a cold bath of water if needed.
Its not something that we have really needed over here. I have worked in places that had a form of A?C but they were pretty crap compared to what you have in the US.
Pubic buildings, hospitals,schools and so on tend to have none. TBH even if they had it they wouldnt be able to afford it. Such is the state of the energy market.
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