Savages- Baltimore Man- 61, left with Horrific Injuries


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Now, if this poor man had been armed, things would have turned out differently


The Faces Of Baltimore You Won't See In The News

Richard Fletcher was beaten by a gang after asking two girls to stop fighting on his truck in Dundalk, Maryland.

Man, 61, left with horrific injuries and facing $400,000 medical bills after near fatal attack by pack of FIFTY teens, including girls, when he tried to break up a fight

A 17-year-old boy has been charged as an adult for his role in beating a 61-year-old alongside a group of approximately 50 other teens in Baltimore, Maryland, on April 22.

Richard Fletcher was brutally beaten by the teens after he went outside to ask two girls who were fighting on top of his truck to move along and continue their dispute elsewhere.

The mob of teens began to hit and kick Fletcher until he fell to the ground, but the attack didn't end.

After the beating last month, Fletcher was left with broken eye sockets, a broken nose, broken ribs and a brain bleed, according to CBS Baltimore.

He also needed a blood transfusion

The mugshots of the 5 arrest so far...

The Faces Of Baltimore You Won t See In The News Zero Hedge
My brother was beaten near dead after objecting to the fact that a group of African-American pedestrians had blocked his route on an open roadway. While in the ER, the X-ray tech (another African-American) defied the attending physician's orders for a single image of his head and proceeded to bombard him with no less than a half-dozen X-rays.

He later developed thyroid cancer and nearly (again) died.

The Negro Nation long ago declared war on the White race. And it is a battle that has been flamed by the Semi-Negro homosexual in the White House, and his hermaphrodite spouse.
Imagine had the colors been reversed in this story.

Lead story everywhere, national front page news for months, PC Police on a rampage, marches, etc., etc.

But no. These people are liars. They're not interested in healing.


Of course the root cause of my post is the complete disconnect between black on white crime and vice versa. It happens everyday and its just the price we have to pay for NOT being black

Sucks to be a white Christian in America

To bad Mr Goetz wasn't the one these thugs thought was a victim

There would have been a pile of black bodies

Imagine had the colors been reversed in this story.

Lead story everywhere, national front page news for months, PC Police on a rampage, marches, etc., etc.

But no. These people are liars. They're not interested in healing.

Obama would have ordered ALL white skinned people to be shot at sunrise.

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