Saudi Arabia: Panel of Scientists admits Women are Mammals, yet ‘Not Human’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And it's exactly how they treat them. Not only in Saudi Arabia but all over the entire Muslim world. Disgusting.

Read the story @ Saudi Arabia: Panel of Scientists admits Women are Mammals, yet 'Not Human'
Sobering. But remember, the first laws protecting women from domestic violence were animal cruelty laws. That was only a century ago.
From an atheist perspective women are just apes, and since apes may commit rape there's no logical reason an atheist should oppose the rape of women if it benefit's evolutionary survival.

One can't truly be an atheist and believe women have any more "rights" than those of animals or economic resources. "Women's rights" is a faith-based belief.
From an atheist perspective women are just apes, and since apes may commit rape there's no logical reason an atheist should oppose the rape of women if it benefit's evolutionary survival.

One can't truly be an atheist and believe women have any more "rights" than those of animals or economic resources. "Women's rights" is a faith-based belief.

Even apes have a social structure.
Gorilla females are not going to be silverbacks. Female apes, as far as I know, don't mate with every male or fight for who gets which ones for her harem.
Many things males and females might be equal in, but not everything. There is a matter of ability, generally speaking females tend to be on the lighter side in size and strength, so no they are not equal in every way, just many/most ways, and superior in some.

It is not about god but nature. From ants to bears, sex has its place in the natural order. In some cases males are just sperm donors and gone in a matter of minutes. In some cases the female actually eats or kills the male when she is done with him. Some give birth or lay eggs and lea the male to raise the kids. Some couples mate for life, others only pick a male for how good they look.

Nature is infinite in it's variety including homosexuality and sex between species
So where is god in all that? Each species has come up with it's own social order.
"How to Beat Your Wife" Aired on Saudi National Television (Video)
Saudi TV:
haled Al-Saqaby: Assalaam Alaykum. Allah’s blessing upon you. Welcome to our show, which will deal with wife beating. I am aware that this issue is a thorny one, which contains many hazards, but Allah willing, we will cross this bridge safely.


I believe that the problem arises when husbands do not understand how to deal with disobedience. Some women disobey their husbands and make mistakes with them, and their husbands think this is due to inadequate treatment [of disobedience]. Allah said: “As for those on whose part you fear disobedience – advise them.” This is the first step in disciplining one’s wife. First, remind her of your rights and of her duties, according to Allah.

How to beat your wife - YouTube
upload_2016-5-28_4-8-7.jpeg▶ 4:00

The Watchdog
The national television of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has aired a video, ... +flankspankrank if you want to
goats and camels are mammals but not human, so are donkeys, dogs and pigs

At least when they have a beauty contest for camels you can see their face, and the rest of them.

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