Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2015
Looks like great news. Is the Islamic world waking up? Hell I sure hope so. Only they can stop this at the end of the day.

Saudi Arabia announces 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism

"Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, according to a joint statement published by the SPA state news agency, in a move welcomed by the United States.

The United States has been increasingly outspoken about its view that Gulf Arab states should do more to support the military campaign against the Islamic State militant group based in Iraq and Syria."
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?

Yeah, I do see the conflicts and have no more trust than you do in these people. As I indicated IF this is followed with concrete actions maybe this stone can be moved, if even a little.

I could speculate on why these governments might want to do something but that opens the door on more (completely valid) what if type things.

what if they decide to arm another band of nutters.
what if they go batshit and decide to wipe out the Kurds or some other group
what if they use this as a smokescreen to advance another ulterior agenda.

and so on.

Thing is, doing nothing, for me, isn't an answer either. These countries have to be involved in this. Western countries can't go in and impose their will without endless occupation, which doesn't really impact the problem either, so the solution has to come from within this community.

Could be a train crash, but it could also be the start of something better than what we're looking at, which seems to be an intractable 'new normal' where we're playing whack a mole with an increasingly dangerous group of lunatics; and just waiting for the other shoe to drop, be that be a chemical weapons attack on a city, a nuclear detonation someplace or whatever.

So, I guess I'm skeptical, but hopeful nonetheless. It's movement and that in itself is surprising to me.
I want to be happy about this but I cant when I looked at the list..
One terrorist cell isn't better than another..

I get that cynicism, as I have a bit of it also, but I have to think that it's a possible step in the right direction.

I don't see any way to tamp Islamic terrorism down without these countries stepping in and standing up.

Long way to go, for sure, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, so they say. I haven't seen a single step from these people to this point other than empty words.

If this is followed up with concrete actions, just maybe this blight can be reduced to a scattered group of nutters here and there with minimal impact.
Why would a bunch of people that have been financing IS want to end them? Whats the difference in them wanting to end IS but support other terrorist cells?

Yeah, I do see the conflicts and have no more trust than you do in these people. As I indicated IF this is followed with concrete actions maybe this stone can be moved, if even a little.

I could speculate on why these governments might want to do something but that opens the door on more (completely valid) what if type things.

what if they decide to arm another band of nutters.
what if they go batshit and decide to wipe out the Kurds or some other group
what if they use this as a smokescreen to advance another ulterior agenda.

and so on.

Thing is, doing nothing, for me, isn't an answer either. These countries have to be involved in this. Western countries can't go in and impose their will without endless occupation, which doesn't really impact the problem either, so the solution has to come from within this community.

Could be a train crash, but it could also be the start of something better than what we're looking at, which seems to be an intractable 'new normal' where we're playing whack a mole with an increasingly dangerous group of lunatics; and just waiting for the other shoe to drop, be that be a chemical weapons attack on a city, a nuclear detonation someplace or whatever.

So, I guess I'm skeptical, but hopeful nonetheless. It's movement and that in itself is surprising to me.
Good post :thup:
Saudi arabia being the ORGANIZER is nothing new------the problem is the Saudi
organizations BREAK DOWN------the arab league is a Saudi Organization
Saudi is the biggest supporter of Sunni terrorists of all. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

The only thing this truly shows is the failure of Obama to play a major role in the so-called War on Terror.
Saudi is the biggest supporter of Sunni terrorists of all. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

The only thing this truly shows is the failure of Obama to play a major role in the so-called War on Terror.

lets focus. Saudi arabia itself-------ie the KING----does not support terrorism-----Its
rich guys support terrorism-------lots of very wealthy oily people ------Osama was a wealthy Saudi (industry) It is not a matter of anything other than EMULATION
Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.
Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.

are the Bin Ladens influential in Saudi politics? you got a link? There is a royal family in Saudi arabia------like hundreds of people RELATED to the king------a big KINSHIP--------that's how that hell hole works
Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.

you think people who finance terrorism are REGISTERED AS SUCH?
Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.
Ted Cruz sponsored a bill that would strip citizenship from American citizens that joined IS and tried to return. It got voted down. The limp wrists would NEVER go for something like that.
Saudi is the biggest supporter of Sunni terrorists of all. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

The only thing this truly shows is the failure of Obama to play a major role in the so-called War on Terror.

WHY do you RWNJ traitors persist with this lie?

Almost 9000 strikes by the Obama-led, 65 country coalition. Of those, more than 6500 have been carried out by the US at Obama's orders.

5 million soldiers in the ME, Israel with all those nukes we bought for them - what are they doing?

UAE and Pooting FINALLY contributing. How long to do think it will take them to catch up to what Obama has done?

Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.

Bad enough that the Repubs are arming suspected and known terrorists in the US. They are also actively supporting the financing of ISIL.

Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.

you think people who finance terrorism are REGISTERED AS SUCH?

Do you think we don't know who they are?
Longknife, if the President discovered and wiped all the terrorists at once, you would find somethng about that to be unhappy about.

We should implement a policy where if you are financing ISIS or Al Queda, you go on a kill list. And make sure that list is implemented. This very well could be what the Saudi's are trying to prevent. After all, people like the Bin Laden's are very influential in their government.

Bad enough that the Repubs are arming suspected and known terrorists in the US. They are also actively supporting the financing of ISIL.

Turkey is your boys friends, dumbfuck.
Do you ever say anything that actually makes sense?
Try the phrase, "I am a dumbass" THAT would make sense.
Just trying to help, bro..

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