Sanders: We Must End Over-Policing in African-American Neighborhoods

They've already locked horns about who's less establishment, who's more progressive and who shines Obama's knob better, now they're going to squabble over who's blacker.

Hillary has been giving Obama virtual head for weeks now....
This leads me to think...

She's desperately sucking up and off Obama because she wants his intervention in the email mess.
She's thanking him and putting forth the plan that she will continue Obama's legacy as payback for his squashing any charges for her criminal acts.

I'm still investigating this.

I'm still investigating this.

Oh, "investigating," are you? Talking to your high-level inside sources in DC? Running down leads out in the streets? You are a hero.

Save your energy, Woodward. Everyone knows she's guilty as hell.

I'm still investigating this.

Oh, "investigating," are you? Talking to your high-level inside sources in DC? Running down leads out in the streets? You are a hero.

Save your energy, Woodward. Everyone knows she's guilty as hell.

Oh yes she's guilty...
I'm looking into the reason she's kissing Obama's ass so much...
Is it because the fix is already in? Or
She's sucking up because it's not a done deal yet!

I think she already knows she's safe....
I wonder how the good folks living there like hearing their party saying they should just live with the gangs investing and roving their neighborhoods?

Wait a second, did you just say that black people are all a bunch of gang-bangers?
"Two themes dominate American politics today: at the forefront is declining economic opportunity; coursing underneath is race. This book connects the two. It explains popular enthusiasm for policies injuring the middle class in terms of "dog whistle politics": coded racial appeals that carefully manipulate hostility toward nonwhites. Examples of dog whistling include repeated blasts about criminals and welfare cheats, illegal aliens, and sharia law in the heartland. Superficially, these provocations have nothing to do with race, yet they nevertheless powerfully communicate messages about threatening nonwhites. In the last so years, dog whistle politics has driven broad swaths of white voters to adopt a self-defeating hostility toward government, and in the process has remade the very nature of race and racism. American politics today-and the crisis of the middle class-simply cannot be understood without recognizing racism's evolution and the power of pernicious demagoguery.

See, this is the problem with you race baiting liberals. You're obsessed with bullshit notions of invisible racism. Secret resevoirs of hidden evil that are always present, it's nobody knows about them. Except you, of course. You alone have the secret knowledge necessary to defeat Lord Zed and his diabolical minions.
Sanders Translated: We must abandon black neighborhoods to gang bangers and drug lords in order to keep uppity blacks trapped in urban plantation Apartheid Zones.
Sanders Translated: We must abandon black neighborhoods to gang bangers and drug lords in order to keep uppity blacks trapped in urban plantation Apartheid Zones.

Thats essentially what he's saying. Just thumbing his nose at blacks while offering up more freebies to place them further into bondage. Its despicable and appalling. Socialists will never begin to grasp this.

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