Sanders Supporter Encounters with Trump Supporters Reduces Her to Tears

That was frigging hilarious. She's going to be famous. What a warrior for Bernie's army.

Pajama Boy has met his match.

Poor girl couldnt find her safe zone, I guess.

So hypocritical. First she is making cold calls to people. Have any of you ever made cold calls. It when I worked in sales. The vast majority of people are rude. Could you imagine if you got a call supporting a candidate you don't like? Many people would chew the caller out. Right or left most people hate telemarketing calls.

Second, leftist are the most intolerant of other people's beliefs. If you disagree then you are (1) stupid, (2) racist, (3) uncaring, (4) evil or (5) all of the above.
Poor girl couldnt find her safe zone, I guess.

So hypocritical. First she is making cold calls to people. Have any of you ever made cold calls. It when I worked in sales. The vast majority of people are rude. Could you imagine if you got a call supporting a candidate you don't like? Many people would chew the caller out. Right or left most people hate telemarketing calls.

Second, leftist are the most intolerant of other people's beliefs. If you disagree then you are (1) stupid, (2) racist, (3) uncaring, (4) evil or (5) all of the above.

Oh, I love cold calls from opponents of my candidate. Often times I have them on my side and them saying they are doing it for the money, which is a lie, most dont get paid much if anything.

But then again, I like inviting in Mormon elders and Jehovahs Witnesses and arguing with them too, so, I guess its a personality flaw of some kind on my part, lol, but still fun.

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