Same Song --- Different Stage

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
[ I wrote this piece on 9/13/2005. Since today marks the 50th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" that took place in Selma, Alabama, I thought that I would share the following: ]


How many times over the past 45 years have we heard African-Americans using the color of their skin as a crutch? For the past two weeks, African-Americans have criticized rescue efforts along the gulf coast, claiming discrimination. I heard an interesting conversation on television last night concerning the voter identification cards that will be used in the state of Georgia. Once again, African-Americans are screaming discrimination, claiming the cards are intended to keep them away from the polls on election day.

For many years now, African-Americans have been given a leg-up in education, the job market, small business loans, housing, and many other areas too numerous to mention. I don’t know of any other peoples in the history of mankind that have been catered to as they have been.

What happened to African-Americans up until the mid 60’s was wrong, very wrong. The same can be said of the Jews during World War II and the American Indians when the “White Man” came and pushed them onto reservations, where they remain today. And let’s not forget what we did to the people of Japanese descent that were living in this country during World War II.

When will African-Americans stop using the color of their skin as a crutch? I personally don’t believe they’ll ever be satisfied. All Americans are discriminated against in one way or another. All of us can scream “foul” on many issues we face in today’s world of favoritism, extreme bias, and privileges afforded to those that “have”, but not afforded to the “have-nots”.

I, for one, am NOT prejudice. I hold NO hatred for any race, religion, nationality, or other characteristics that might be different from mine. But, I have a problem with African-Americans crying “foul” at every opportunity. What happened during hurricane Katrina were circumstances of a terrible tragedy, nothing more, and certainly not discrimination. No race was singled out, no one was pushed aside, no one was left behind, and no one is being forgotten now that assistance is being handed out. African-Americans are singing the same ol’ song, Katrina is just a different stage for their performance.

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