SALT - Deductions, the biggest scam against Fly-Over country

Paul Motter

Gold Member
Aug 29, 2018
I live in CA-49, which flipped to Democrat in 2018. My new congressman just tweeted to us Californians "Fighting hard to get SALT Deductions back on the IRS tax laws."

SALT is "State and Local Taxes" - taxes that were deductible from their IRS tax obligation before Trump.

So here is the rub: Californians used to write off an average property tax of $10,000/year. That meant fly-over states had to pay FAR MORE INCOME TAX to make up the difference. They have been subsidizing their California lifestyle by paying more in federal taxes for decades.

This is why the high-cost Blue States hate Trump so much. Greed. They say they care about us little people, but they don't. They care about themselves. They want to defund the police and take away our right to defend ourselves.

You housewives who want a "return to normalcy" - What you want is for COVID to go away, to get back to what we had a year ago, but you don't want the lying, greedy Democrats back in control. Don't believe the faux promises of free childcare, healthcare, tuition. Have they EVER produced those things? Did SleepyJoe and Obama do it when they had control?

Think about it.
Sucks to not be able to deduct those taxes, doesnt it?

I cant find any Fs to give for you blue staters. Why dont you like paying taxes?

The repeal of the Trump tax cuts that Biden talks about is 100% about loss of SALT deductions.
This is the stuff the media never talks about - that voters need to find out on their own. There are many reasons why California and New York also go Democrat, but mostly they are the states of pricey real estate and big business. Big business keeps them wealthy with their backroom deals, and then they buy big homes and vacation homes. The politicians then pass the loophole laws that make it so "the rich" do not have to pay anything - like the SALT deductions.

Who does Biden want to tax? He says the guy making more than $400k/year, but you can't get $4-trillion just from them. He is going after anyone who makes more than $40k.

Who is that guy? He owns a car lot or a plumbing business and employs 100 people in your neighborhood. He is a doctor who donates 20% of his time to helping poor cases with no insurance. Biden is not going after "the rich" - he is going after the middle-class; the people who really do spread the wealth. Biden doesn't care about the super-wealthy as they claim. When is the last time taxes went up for Warren Buffet or Tim Cooke?

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