Sabotage of M.V. Saoirse in Turkey 'an act of international terrorism'

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
The propeller shaft had been weakened by saboteurs who cut, gouged or filed a piece off the shaft. This had weakened the integrity of the shaft, causing it to bend badly when put in use. The damage was very similar to that caused to the Juliano, another flotilla ship, in Greece. The consequent damage would have happened gradually as the ship was sailing and would have culminated in a breach of the hull.

The Irish Ship to Gaza campaign believes that Israel has questions to answer and must be viewed as the chief suspect in this professional and very calculating act of sabotage.

Freegaza - News section

[ame=]YouTube - ‪SUNP0037‬‏[/ame]
Or it could be crappy unmaintained piece of shit ships are being used for the "flotilla", but blaming JOOOOOOOOOSSSS! for it fits your agenda much, much better.
Two ships sabotaged.

Both "flotilla."

Same MO.

There aren't many dots to connect.
Couldn't be the terrorists drumming up supposed outrage? Get back to me when you have a shred of evidence. Last I checked just saying someone did it with absolutely no evidence doesn't count for much among sane people.
Two ships sabotaged.

Both "flotilla."

Same MO.

There aren't many dots to connect.

Just the dots in your excuse for a mind, PF.

Leasing crappy ships comes with consequences. I also love how the video did not once zoom in on the damage, and the shaft bend looks gradual, almost like it was from constant wear. a gouge in a shaft wouldnt cause bending, it would cause breaking.

I also would love to know the qualifications of the irish gentlmen in the video.
Well, three ships having the exact same problems is kind of suspicious.

I wouldn't call it terrorism. No one got hurt.

I am sure somewhere in Israel there are soldiers or sailors who have an extra commendation in their jacket. In addition, no weapons moved to Gaza. No one is hurt. Best possible win win win for civilization.

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