RWs Hero Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Perhaps Trump can interview him for a Cabinet post?
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Perhaps Trump can interview for a Cabinet post?

Would fit right in...
The only reason you ever heard about little travon is because the media thought Zimmerman was white, had he a Hispanic name you'd have never heard of him.

True but Al Sharpton who got the whole media thing going with his contacts actually thought Zimmerman was Jewish...and he being the old Jew Hater that he is was extremely riled to think that a Jew killed one of his 'homeboys' thus from the gitgo the media made the case a racial incident when in reality it was just a simple case of self-defense.....though it is possible that what set Trayvon off was George's racial makeup.
The history of Trayvon's thuggish behavior was not allowed to be presented in the courtroom because he was still technically a juvenile....though just a few days short of being a legal adult...still yet most of the pictures presented to the public was one taken when he was like l2 yrs old...fraudulent reporting that deceived many and many are still deceived by that old photo of trayvon.

10 photos that show the way trayvon really looked......10 Photos That Show The REAL Trayvon Martin

. We need more people like George Zimmerman who will look after our neighborhoods and not shy away from confronting strangers lurking in our front yard, just because they're black and we might get labeled "racist" for asking a black person what he's doing hiding in the bushes in our front yard.


So zimmerman is your hero after all...

Your right winger buddies can shut the fuck up now...

Zimmerman's heroic status comes mainly from his defeat of the prejudiced agenda of the Federal Government...who sought to make him into symbol of white racism and railroad him....not even knowing at first that George was part black and part the time they found out the ball was rolling and they could not stop it...thus their invention of a term never heard before....oh he was a 'white hispanic'.....thus the catastrophe for them was born...and they still do not get utter stupid and fallacious their libtarded narrative is...but keep it going boys...this is fun. hehheh

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

Nonsense..........George was forced to take down trayvonista in order to save his own life. Case Closed.
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.

You know what makes you a loser...

By losing against a kid half your age and half your strength and shoot and murder him in a fist fight.

Cowardice in epic levels...
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.

You know what makes you a loser...

By losing against a kid half your age and half your strength and shoot and murder him in a fist fight.

Cowardice in epic levels...
I posted a picture of "the kid" you disingenuous liar. I'll bet that "kid" could have whipped your snowflake ass with one had tied behind his back.
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.

You know what makes you a loser...

By losing against a kid half your age and half your strength and shoot and murder him in a fist fight.

Cowardice in epic levels...
I posted a picture of "the kid" you disingenuous liar. I'll bet that "kid" could have whipped your snowflake ass with one had tied behind his back.

You people are bunch of little scared souls, completely disconnected from the planet you are living on, addicted to your comfortable safe bubbles.

One step out, and you are scared shitless...
just like your hero zimmerman the coward...
The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.

You know what makes you a loser...

By losing against a kid half your age and half your strength and shoot and murder him in a fist fight.

Cowardice in epic levels...
I posted a picture of "the kid" you disingenuous liar. I'll bet that "kid" could have whipped your snowflake ass with one had tied behind his back.

You people are bunch of little scared souls, completely disconnected from the planet you are living on, addicted to your comfortable safe bubbles.

One step out, and you are scared shitless...
just like your hero zimmerman the coward...

Since you are so brave there-- hiding behind your computer...why not post your address so anyone that would like to talk to you man to man could do so. hehheh
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...

Only a jigga could be so stupid...why didn't you watch the trial?
Lets take a look at the right winger aproach to this topic on this thread with some examples... shall we...

One right winger wished death for more of the black community.

Another right winger congragulated zimmerman and offered him free beers for murdering a black kid.

One another said she wanted to piss on the boys grave, after using multiple racial slurs used by the slave traders back in the days.

Another defended zimmerman for pages and even lied on behalf of him...


Although we dont have any evidence to prove these right wingers had racial motives, common sense makes us believe; these people are our standard right wing racists we see quite often in everyday life...

You say that like racism is a bad thing?
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...

stalking and harrassing you

Good old alpine, making up definitions again.
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.

You know what makes you a loser...

By losing against a kid half your age and half your strength and shoot and murder him in a fist fight.

Cowardice in epic levels...

shoot and murder him

Self defense isn't murder. Even if the dead thug is black.
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.

You know what makes you a loser...

By losing against a kid half your age and half your strength and shoot and murder him in a fist fight.

Cowardice in epic levels...

shoot and murder him

Self defense isn't murder. Even if the dead thug is black.

Exactly....yet the media has driven this idea to such an extent that it has resulted in the deaths of many whites by radicalized young black males incited by the media.

Anyhow ....looks like the libtards have taken their beating and tucked their tails and run. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they will wait awhile then you will see the same b.s. pop up they think if they persist with their lives that eventally some dupes might believe them. hehheh
View attachment 99249

Contrats Tray! You haven't been arrested in a while. I hear you and Mike Brown trade off on each other in hell.

The NO_LIMIT_NIGGA (Martin's twitter name) found out that there are limits. It's just sad that George Zimmerman had to kill him to teach him that lesson. I would have preferred to have Martin survive and sent to prison.

And the lesson is; if a racist pig like zimmerman is stalking and harrassing you, dont try defending yourself, because the coward is gonna shoot you when he lose the fight...
Oh come on loser! Zimmy only shot the flea infested thug because he refused to share his malt liquor and his speed balls with him.

You know what makes you a loser...

By losing against a kid half your age and half your strength and shoot and murder him in a fist fight.

Cowardice in epic levels...
Better to be a live loser than a dead winner.

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