Russia's Top Negotiator Comments on Peace Talks

Donald H

Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2020

Containing some details on the prospects for eventually reaching an agreeable peace settlement for both sides. Particularly of note:
Vladimir Medinsky described the talks in Turkey as “constructive” and said his delegation had received a clearly outlined position on what Kiev sought to achieve. The written proposal, which includes Ukraine's pledge to remain a neutral nation and that it will not try to obtain any weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, will be relayed to Putin, he said.

Containing some details on the prospects for eventually reaching an agreeable peace settlement for both sides. Particularly of note:
Well at least they are not at loggerheads on the size of the table or the seating arrangements.

LOL.....The Ukrainians have been told not to eat/drink anything offered to them.....Brown-bagging it I guess.....They might have a falling out if someone decides to microwave a fish. ;)
Well at least they are not at loggerheads on the size of the table or the seating arrangements.


Some details of peace talks demands by the Ukraine.

Crimea, Donbass unresolved
According to Medinsky, Kiev offered a 15-year moratorium on the status of Crimea, during which its fate would be negotiated and both sides would pledge not to use military force to resolve it. This is not compatible with Russia’s position that Crimea is part of its territory and Kiev needs to recognize it as such.
Ukraine also sought to include “parts” of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions into the definition of its territory for the purpose of security guarantees, the Russian envoy said. Moscow officially recognized the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as sovereign states – in their full regional boundaries – just days before sending troops into Ukraine last month.

Unresolved but close to being resolved!

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