Zone1 Russian EMP capabilities......why aren't we taking this seriously?

You've got it! Have a look at this fellow:
[ https: // ].

China looks set to become the major world power, whatever we do. This doesn't necessarily mean it will all be terrible. If we're Number Two, that can be okay... the Russians were Number Two to us for fifty years, and no one pushed them around.

As for Chinese racism -- they're not racist towards Blacks or Europeans ... are you racist towards your dog?

Much different dynamic......the U.S. is not Russia or being number 2 to us had very little downside......China is not going to be a benevolent power.....they are ruthless and evil......they don't have to be, but that is what they are. They want submission to them....not just consumers........
You've got it! Have a look at this fellow:
[ https: // ].

China looks set to become the major world power, whatever we do. This doesn't necessarily mean it will all be terrible. If we're Number Two, that can be okay... the Russians were Number Two to us for fifty years, and no one pushed them around.

As for Chinese racism -- they're not racist towards Blacks or Europeans ... are you racist towards your dog?
I have never figured out why someone would want to rule the world. You would have to be mentally off a notch or two.

There is racism in China. Not so much against whites as blacks.

I have never figured out why someone would want to rule the world. You would have to be mentally off a notch or two.

There is racism in China. Not so much against whites as blacks.

The Chinese haven't learned how to pretend to believe things that they don't really believe. And I agree about the insanity of trying to rule the world ... most countries have trouble ruling themselves, much less other countries.
The Chinese haven't learned how to pretend to believe things that they don't really believe. And I agree about the insanity of trying to rule the world ... most countries have trouble ruling themselves, much less other countries.
I once played a computer game where you were Napoleon Bonaparte and your mission was to take over Europe. You started off as an artillery officer and moved up. I did eventually win the game but what a pain.
I have taken it seriously for some time.
The possibility of EMPs is the main reason I have what food storage I have.
As well as large water filtration etc.
No electricity even for as little as 2 weeks over a widespread area would result in extreme casualties, and life for the people in that area would be absolute hell on earth.
And the threat of them is the KEY reason that the U.S. military be overwhelmingly strong.
The fear of retribution is the single only reason they wouldn't do it.
I once played a computer game where you were Napoleon Bonaparte and your mission was to take over Europe. You started off as an artillery officer and moved up. I did eventually win the game but what a pain.
And after conquering almost all of Europe ... he managed to unite several big and medium powers against France, and ended up with the Russians camping in the Champs-Élysées and himself in exile, with the Bourbons restored to the throne.
I have taken it seriously for some time.
The possibility of EMPs is the main reason I have what food storage I have.
As well as large water filtration etc.
No electricity even for as little as 2 weeks over a widespread area would result in extreme casualties, and life for the people in that area would be absolute hell on earth.
What I find slightly surprising is this: it takes relatively very little money (if you're an adult and employed), and not all that much time, to do some minimal preparation: food and water for you and your family for a month or two, means of keeping warm, a few of the things that can be done without, but which make life a lot more comfortable, like toilet paper, maybe a couple of jerry cans of gasoline .... and if something does go wrong -- and there are a dozen ways short of all-out nuclear war that our complex society could have utilities and/or supply chains seriously disrupted -- you're in an infinitely better position than you would be if you had not prepared.

In a SHTF situation, something is infinitely better than nothing.

You can take a step or two further and get some heavy plastic sheeting, and roofing tacks, and cut out the shapes necessary to cover your windows. Again, a few dollars and a couple of hours time.

For less than fifty dollars you can buy a couple of BaoFeng walkie-talkies which gives you the ability to communicate over a couple of miles if the phone system is down.

Some of the things you can do are completely free: plan with every family member what you will do if something happens and one or more of you are not at home -- at work or at school -- and you're unable to communicate.

If there are some likeminded people in your area, you can have an informal social gathering and discuss how you can help each other in an emergency situation. The people of the Yavapai Community Defense Team have worked a lot of this out in detail .
[ YCPT ].

But 'normalcy bias' is very powerful.
I have never figured out why someone would want to rule the world. You would have to be mentally off a notch or two.

There is racism in China. Not so much against whites as blacks.

Chinese and Japanese people are some of the most racist, xenophobic people on the planet......
Much different dynamic......the U.S. is not Russia or being number 2 to us had very little downside......China is not going to be a benevolent power.....they are ruthless and evil......they don't have to be, but that is what they are. They want submission to them....not just consumers........
Correct. Their parades display this character in which they want to project, and then their actions in the world speaks loudly of their goals.

Our major problem is that we followed the evil Democrat's that were led by the Clinton's at the time, straight into the pit of NAFTA hell. Just as democrat's do, they made us dependent just like they've done to every voter that was duped by their evilness.

Now we have on display in these hearings some of the sicko shite that most Americans have known all along, but we're selectively silenced by these soulless human beings that sit there denying everything that they've been busted on.

How stupid does Americans have to be in order to keep allowing or following these agenda's ???
Chinese and Japanese people are some of the most racist, xenophobic people on the planet......
I can believe it, because when you see news or anything out of these nation's I ask - How much diversity does anyone see ??? Maybe I'm naive, but I don't see these places as being diversified in culture's or color's.

Why not ?? the interview Pry states that putin has Generals who want him to use the EMP not only on Ukraine but against NATO doesn't immediately kill people, since it only destroys all electrical equipment.....hospitals and life support equipment were not pointed out in the interview, so they view this as a non-deadly attack which would not draw the same response as an actual nuclear missile hit....

And you would still need leaders with testicular fortitude to launch a counter strike against the Russian population......
We are not taking this seriously because our generals are more worried about how to act with their whiteness or telling China we wont attack them. These are not the generals you follow into battle. These are generals that only care about promotion and never make waves allowing Biden insane leadership to get them killed. The only officer I have seen stand by his men was striped of his post, then court-martialed. The most advanced, best trained, best armed military on Earth ran by a bunch of arm chair yahoos or the head of the Taliban Joe Hung Low, just a couple inches off the ground would do the trick. Thank God for the NCO's. Our troops are in every corner of the world to fight others wars, more than 50 times since WWII. Our fearful leader sets in China's back middle pocket doing what he is told, collecting millions
How did that go? We are the unwilling, lead by the unqualify, to do the unnecessary, for the ungrateful. We are done as a country. We have reached the end of out cycle. We have destroyed it one day at a time
What most of these gutless little boys need is a couple of nights crying while sucking the bottom of a muddy fox hole as bombs fall all around. When was the last time we had a vet in the white House who served with honor? What we have now is a criminal clown who stumbles around with a foot in his mouth with the world only showing him contempt. A vice who cackles like a hen finding a 12 inch rooster and a DoJ in all fairness needs jailed till they rot.

31 trillion in debt. Joe wants to tax billionaire. T

This tech was tested at Dugway Proving grounds in Utah. A small non-nuclear device was detonated 30 feet off the ground. It took out phone relay stations 250 miles away and took down the power for the area. This test happened in the early to mid 1970's

The new research facility has only been there since about 1992.

The original Test was an above ground nuke in 1962. It took out all kinds of equipment that they did not expect.

That didn't happen because that is simply impossible.
you do not understand. These were theoretical tests. WE have miniaturized these devices and they are 100 times more powerful. A balloon is a very real threat. You said these are not a threat, I just showed you they are a very real threat. It is obvious you do not understand how they work and why they make restoring power almost impossible for millions of people. They destroy the hardware. The transmission lines, transformers, switches, generating units, etc. Not to mention your cellphone repeater stations and other electronics in your cars and trucks.

Feel free to bury your head in the sand but when this happens, and it will happen, people will be tearing the nation apart looking for food and the tribalism will end in blood shed. Your true enemy won't even have to fire a shot when they walk in and take it over after a few weeks.
I suggest building yourself a shelter.
The EMP weapons they have are not nuclear.....they don't actually directly kill human beings, they just shut off the power.
Doesn't EMP have to be nuclear? -- nuclear pulses that are high altitude and destroy electronics, if they aren't in a Faraday cage.
Doesn't EMP have to be nuclear? -- nuclear pulses that are high altitude and destroy electronics, if they aren't in a Faraday cage.

It seems like the guy is saying they have EMP weapons that aren't nuclear in nature........that would be the problem...they don't kill people, just wipe out electrical grids....which, of course can also kill.....but without the deaths from a nuclear blast, it changes the equation for retaliation...
It seems like the guy is saying they have EMP weapons that aren't nuclear in nature........that would be the problem...they don't kill people, just wipe out electrical grids....which, of course can also kill.....but without the deaths from a nuclear blast, it changes the equation for retaliation...
I am pretty sure they have to be nukes (I'm a chronic reader of TEOTWAWKI novels), in theory. Just very high up so they don't kill people directly, just indirectly.

Very interesting point you made about this indirect attack changing the equation for retaliation. I suspect there are several ways that are not clear attacks like Germany goose-stepping over the border of Belgium in 1914, but that would still lead to the downfall of a country, the theoretical idea of EMPs being one (I don't think it's been tried out! Maybe it wouldn't work.), biowarfare from a serious epidemic is another, and cyberwarfare collapsing our whole financial system is another. It would be impossible to tell who had done the damage so who to retaliate against?

Whoever seems to the powers that be to be the country's biggest problem, I suppose is the conventional answer, never mind who actually did it.

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