Undocumented Reg. User let's see. I'm far too lazy to go back and check but I'm pretty sure (if wrong, my apologies) it was esteemed poster Pogo who several months back avowed that Rush's show was doing so poorly that he'd be toast once his current contract ran out at the end of 2016.
If it wasn't you, Pogo, it was one of your cohorts who rallied around JoeyB Dolezal's complete madeup bullshit that Rush's show aired san's commercials post Flake flap because all sponsors cancelled, leaving the Big 89 WLS in Chicago to sub self-promos and PSA in all the vacated ad slots.
Well, iHeartMedia announced today they've re-signed El Rushbo - just beginning his 29th radio year this week - to a new four-year contract. Wow! To borrow some words from AlGore, that's some Inconvenient Truth, ain't it?
Mike Harrison, publisher of Talkers magazine had this to say, "They had an opportunity here to get rid of him!" If he is such a liability, the way his enemies paint him out to be, why didn't iHeartMedia take this opportunity to dump him?"
Well, enemies Pogo, JoeyB Dolezal, et al...why didn't they?
If it wasn't you, Pogo, it was one of your cohorts who rallied around JoeyB Dolezal's complete madeup bullshit that Rush's show aired san's commercials post Flake flap because all sponsors cancelled, leaving the Big 89 WLS in Chicago to sub self-promos and PSA in all the vacated ad slots.
Well, iHeartMedia announced today they've re-signed El Rushbo - just beginning his 29th radio year this week - to a new four-year contract. Wow! To borrow some words from AlGore, that's some Inconvenient Truth, ain't it?
Mike Harrison, publisher of Talkers magazine had this to say, "They had an opportunity here to get rid of him!" If he is such a liability, the way his enemies paint him out to be, why didn't iHeartMedia take this opportunity to dump him?"
Well, enemies Pogo, JoeyB Dolezal, et al...why didn't they?