Ruh Roh....Obama Knew In 2014 Of Russian ATTEMPTS To Disrupt Elections


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...and SAID and DID absolutely NOTHING!

Obama Knew In 2014 Of Russian Attempts To Disrupt Elections

"The Obama administration was warned of Russian preparations to disrupt western elections as early as 2014, Politico reports.

The initial 2014 report
presented to the administration described a disruption apparatus spanning the U.S. and Europe, although it did not specifically mention a Kremlin threat to the U.S. 2016 election. Throughout the 2014-2016 period intelligence officials reportedly brought several options to counter Russian cyber-espionage efforts world-wide, but were brushed off by the Obama White House.

The truth is, nobody (Barry) wanted to piss off the Russians,” a former intelligence official told Politico. The Obama administration similarly did not entertain the longstanding request of the U.S. intelligence community to shutter two Russian spy compounds in the U.S. prior to the election. “Secretary Kerry refused to consider it,” an official said."

So what took Barry so long?

Was Barry just GUTLESS, or was this the 'flexibility' he told Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he was capable of after his re-election?

Why would Barry want to keep Russian spy compounds open and running when he knew Vlad was TRYING to influence the election?

Why would Barry do Vlad a favor by by-passing his own Department of Immigration who refused to allow Vlad's top lawyer enter the US by giving her a 'special' entry visa?
TO THIS DAY you deny Russians hacked the DNC.
TO THIS DAY you support Trump, who is also a denier and a notorious Putin's ass kisser.

Please STFU about someone else under-reacting to Russian hacking - you are totally legless on this one.
TO THIS DAY you deny Russians hacked the DNC. Please STFU about someone else under-reacting to Russian hacking.
Antontoo, you mentally deranged, triggered snowflake who just proved he has ZERO reading comprehension abilities, if you read the title you - and have someone explain it to you - you will see where it reads 'ATTEMPTS to DISRUPT US elections.

It says nothing about SUCCESSFUL attempts.
It says nothing about HACKS.

You became so triggered and so defensive at the news that BARRY KNEW ABOUT RUSSIAN ATTEMPTS BACK IN 2014 AND DID NOTHING that you started ranting and raving in his defense.

Obama himself even declared that foreign nations attempt to interfere in US elections / governance all the time...sort of like how he did / tried to do in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Israel...and the US.

But the seditious b@st@rd knew since 2014 and did nothing. not only did he do NOTHING, he allowed known Russian Spy stations to remain open.

So you, my triggered emotional snowflake friend, can STFU!
TO THIS DAY you deny Russians hacked the DNC. Please STFU about someone else under-reacting to Russian hacking.
Antontoo, you mentally deranged, triggered snowflake who just proved he has ZERO reading comprehension abilities, if you read the title you - and have someone explain it to you - you will see where it reads 'ATTEMPTS to DISRUPT US elections.

It says nothing about SUCCESSFUL attempts.
It says nothing about HACKS.

You became so triggered and so defensive at the news that BARRY KNEW ABOUT RUSSIAN ATTEMPTS BACK IN 2014 AND DID NOTHING that you started ranting and raving in his defense.

Obama himself even declared that foreign nations attempt to interfere in US elections / governance all the time...sort of like how he did / tried to do in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Israel...and the US.

But the seditious b@st@rd knew since 2014 and did nothing. not only did he do NOTHING, he allowed known Russian Spy stations to remain open.

So you, my triggered emotional snowflake friend, can STFU!

Idiot, you are actually arguing that Obama didn't do enough to prevent hacking YOU DENY EVEN HAPPENED.
Idiot, you are actually arguing that Obama didn't do enough to prevent hacking YOU DENY EVEN HAPPENED.
Again you continue to inject 'Hacking' when we're talking about 'Interference' of any kind....and the article makes clear Obama knew about Russian ATTEMPTS yet did LESS than nothing. He allowed Russian spy stations remain open.

Keep humiliating yourself, though, snowflake.,
Idiot, you are actually arguing that Obama didn't do enough to prevent hacking YOU DENY EVEN HAPPENED.
Again you continue to inject 'Hacking' when we're talking about 'Interference' of any kind....and the article makes clear Obama knew about Russian ATTEMPTS yet did LESS than nothing. He allowed Russian spy stations remain open.

Keep humiliating yourself, though, snowflake.,

Well according to you his response to keep it hush-hush on the front end was exactly correct - since no hacking happened :rolleyes:

You can't have that cake and eat it too, if you had a few brain cells still firing you'd realize that
TO THIS DAY you deny Russians hacked the DNC.
TO THIS DAY you support Trump, who is also a denier and a notorious Putin's ass kisser.

Please STFU about someone else under-reacting to Russian hacking - you are totally legless on this one.

I so love irony:

You do? How do 2014 Obama admin led sanctions that put Russian economy into recession figure into it?

Amazing how little you rightwingers understand.
...and SAID and DID absolutely NOTHING!

Obama Knew In 2014 Of Russian Attempts To Disrupt Elections

"The Obama administration was warned of Russian preparations to disrupt western elections as early as 2014, Politico reports.

The initial 2014 report
presented to the administration described a disruption apparatus spanning the U.S. and Europe, although it did not specifically mention a Kremlin threat to the U.S. 2016 election. Throughout the 2014-2016 period intelligence officials reportedly brought several options to counter Russian cyber-espionage efforts world-wide, but were brushed off by the Obama White House.

The truth is, nobody (Barry) wanted to piss off the Russians,” a former intelligence official told Politico. The Obama administration similarly did not entertain the longstanding request of the U.S. intelligence community to shutter two Russian spy compounds in the U.S. prior to the election. “Secretary Kerry refused to consider it,” an official said."

So what took Barry so long?

Was Barry just GUTLESS, or was this the 'flexibility' he told Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he was capable of after his re-election?

Why would Barry want to keep Russian spy compounds open and running when he knew Vlad was TRYING to influence the election?

Why would Barry do Vlad a favor by by-passing his own Department of Immigration who refused to allow Vlad's top lawyer enter the US by giving her a 'special' entry visa?

Trump: Obama 'did nothing' about Russia before election

Well according to you his response was exactly correct - since no hacking happened .


Doing NOTHING WHILE the attempts to hack is going on is NOT 'the correct response'. Allowing known spy sites continue to operate while the Russians are knowingly trying to hack is not the correct response.

Claiming AFTER finding out they were not successful that the right response was taken - 'Nothing' - BECAUSE they failed in their attempts is incorrect.

Keep humiliating yourself, snowflake.
...and SAID and DID absolutely NOTHING!

Obama Knew In 2014 Of Russian Attempts To Disrupt Elections

"The Obama administration was warned of Russian preparations to disrupt western elections as early as 2014, Politico reports.

The initial 2014 report
presented to the administration described a disruption apparatus spanning the U.S. and Europe, although it did not specifically mention a Kremlin threat to the U.S. 2016 election. Throughout the 2014-2016 period intelligence officials reportedly brought several options to counter Russian cyber-espionage efforts world-wide, but were brushed off by the Obama White House.

The truth is, nobody (Barry) wanted to piss off the Russians,” a former intelligence official told Politico. The Obama administration similarly did not entertain the longstanding request of the U.S. intelligence community to shutter two Russian spy compounds in the U.S. prior to the election. “Secretary Kerry refused to consider it,” an official said."

So what took Barry so long?

Was Barry just GUTLESS, or was this the 'flexibility' he told Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he was capable of after his re-election?

Why would Barry want to keep Russian spy compounds open and running when he knew Vlad was TRYING to influence the election?

Why would Barry do Vlad a favor by by-passing his own Department of Immigration who refused to allow Vlad's top lawyer enter the US by giving her a 'special' entry visa?

Trump: Obama 'did nothing' about Russia before election


Sorry, your source was long ago exposed as biased, having been busted submitting fake decisions. You might as well have cited a Neo-Nazi Web Site like NBC did in an attempt to attack Trump... lol
In the trial, will Trump argue that he never would have colluded with the Russians if Obama had told him he suspected he might try?
...and SAID and DID absolutely NOTHING!

Obama Knew In 2014 Of Russian Attempts To Disrupt Elections

"The Obama administration was warned of Russian preparations to disrupt western elections as early as 2014, Politico reports.

The initial 2014 report
presented to the administration described a disruption apparatus spanning the U.S. and Europe, although it did not specifically mention a Kremlin threat to the U.S. 2016 election. Throughout the 2014-2016 period intelligence officials reportedly brought several options to counter Russian cyber-espionage efforts world-wide, but were brushed off by the Obama White House.

The truth is, nobody (Barry) wanted to piss off the Russians,” a former intelligence official told Politico. The Obama administration similarly did not entertain the longstanding request of the U.S. intelligence community to shutter two Russian spy compounds in the U.S. prior to the election. “Secretary Kerry refused to consider it,” an official said."

So what took Barry so long?

Was Barry just GUTLESS, or was this the 'flexibility' he told Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he was capable of after his re-election?

Why would Barry want to keep Russian spy compounds open and running when he knew Vlad was TRYING to influence the election?

Why would Barry do Vlad a favor by by-passing his own Department of Immigration who refused to allow Vlad's top lawyer enter the US by giving her a 'special' entry visa?

He was not doing "nothing", he was gearing up to smear Trump.
Well according to you his response was exactly correct - since no hacking happened .



Bullshit, just because he didn't take it public and make a big stink about it doesn't mean he wasn't doing anything. His response would have been exactly correct if concerns about Russian hacking didn't bear out - BUT THEY DID, which you deny.
His response would have been exactly correct if concerns about Russian hacking didn't bear out - BUT THEY DID, which you deny.
It was not reported until just recently, based on an inspection JUST conducted, that there was no hacking, that the data was downloaded from inside using a USB...which means Obama had no clue (or did he) that the Russian 'Hack' story was FALSE. That means while he KNEW the Russians were TRYING to interfere he did nothing, including allow 2 known Russian spy stations to remain open, as the link I posted reported. It even stated then Secretary of State Kerry was adamant about NOT closing them.

Your argument has more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese.
His response would have been exactly correct if concerns about Russian hacking didn't bear out - BUT THEY DID, which you deny.
It was not reported until just recently, based on an inspection JUST conducted, that there was no hacking, that the data was downloaded from inside using a USB...which means Obama had no clue (or did he) that the Russian 'Hack' story was FALSE. That means while he KNEW the Russians were TRYING to interfere he did nothing, including allow 2 known Russian spy stations to remain open, as the link I posted reported. It even stated then Secretary of State Kerry was adamant about NOT closing them.

Your argument has more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese.

It's like talking to a fucking wall.

And no there was NO CHANGE in the position of American Intelligence community that Russians conducted the hack. No one gives a shit about some supposed "findings" of some internet bloggers.
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