Rueters predicts over 72% turnout in Iraqi elections


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
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Seattle, WA.
With some predictions estimating over 80% of registered voters turning out for the vote today, the media is already focusing on the lack of participation in insurgent infested areas such as Fallujah, and over the next week this will remain a media worthy event in creating disillusionment over the legitimacy of the Iraqi election.

But in comparison to historical U.S. voter turnout, 72% is an incomparible figure we as a nation never once achieved.


In Iraq, the risk of life and limb brought out the constituency to vote enmass on a level even Western Democracies rarely achieve. And damn the media if they fail to point this out.
:clap: This is such good news! Not just for Iraq, but for the region.
Comrade said:
With some predictions estimating over 80% of registered voters turning out for the vote today, the media is already focusing on the lack of participation in insurgent infested areas such as Fallujah, and over the next week this will remain a media worthy event in creating disillusionment over the legitimacy of the Iraqi election.

But in comparison to historical U.S. voter turnout, 72% is an incomparible figure we as a nation never once achieved.

In Iraq, the risk of life and limb brought out the constituency to vote enmass on a level even Western Democracies rarely achieve. And damn the media if they fail to point this out.

Yeah well do we want the people in terrorist infested areas like fallujah turning out? My guess is if they dont turn out there are less terrorists voting.

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