Rubio Calls Biden President-Elect


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Marco Rubio joined some other republicans in calling Biden the President-Elect according to NPR:

From the site:


Rubio joins a club of only four other Republican senators who have acknowledged Biden's win. They are Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine and Ben Sasse of Nebraska, who have all also congratulated Biden for clinching the White House.

Rubio made the reference when he was asked by Capitol Hill pool reporters what he made of reports that his colleague, Independent Maine Sen. Angus King, could be considered as a candidate to be the next Director of National Intelligence under a Biden presidency.

"Well, that'll be the President-elect's decision obviously," Rubio told reporters Monday, adding that he's worked well with King in the past.

Most Republican senators have prefaced any references to Biden as the next president as pending the outcome to President Trump's legal challenges to the election. The Trump campaign filed lawsuits in several states, baselessly alleging widespread voter fraud. Most of them have failed.

Texas Sen. John Cornyn has said Biden will likely prevail in those court cases, but stopped short from calling him "president-elect."

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